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[Guile-commits] GNU Guile branch, wip-cps-bis, updated. v2.1.0-210-ged1e

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] GNU Guile branch, wip-cps-bis, updated. v2.1.0-210-ged1e086
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 10:50:43 +0000

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "GNU Guile".

The branch, wip-cps-bis has been updated
       via  ed1e0863e37e799a7ff47642ab0a7b58ad3258d6 (commit)
      from  d31e3ea66e6ce5a072684eb527e3a91dca74cfbd (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit ed1e0863e37e799a7ff47642ab0a7b58ad3258d6
Author: Andy Wingo <address@hidden>
Date:   Sun Aug 18 12:50:28 2013 +0200

    contification of mutually recursive functions
    * module/language/cps/dfg.scm (visit-entry): Declare recursive
      continuations before visiting their bodies.
      (lift-definition!): New helper.  Perhaps misguided.
    * module/language/cps/contification.scm (contify): Enable contification
      of mutually recursive functions.
    * test-suite/tests/rtl-compilation.test ("contification"): Add some


Summary of changes:
 module/language/cps/contification.scm |  167 ++++++++++++++++++--------------
 module/language/cps/dfg.scm           |   52 ++++++++---
 test-suite/tests/rtl-compilation.test |   18 ++++
 3 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/language/cps/contification.scm 
index 61fc455..74e989e 100644
--- a/module/language/cps/contification.scm
+++ b/module/language/cps/contification.scm
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 (define-module (language cps contification)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
-  #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (partition))
+  #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (concatenate))
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
   #:use-module (language cps)
   #:use-module (language cps dfg)
@@ -75,14 +75,19 @@
            (_ #f)))
         (_ #f)))
-    (define (contify-fun sym self arities tails bodies)
+    (define (contify-fun term-k sym self arities tails bodies)
+      (contify-funs term-k
+                    (list sym) (list self) (list arities) (list tails)
+                    (list bodies)))
+    (define (contify-funs term-k syms selfs arities tails bodies)
       ;; Are the given args compatible with any of the arities?
-      (define (applicable? args)
+      (define (applicable? proc args)
         (or-map (match-lambda
                  (($ $arity req () #f () #f)
                   (= (length args) (length req)))
                  (_ #f))
-                arities))
+                (assq-ref (map cons syms arities) proc)))
       ;; If the use of PROC in continuation USE is a call to PROC that
       ;; is compatible with one of the procedure's arities, return the
@@ -90,33 +95,39 @@
       (define (call-target use proc)
         (match (find-call (lookup-cont use cont-table))
           (($ $continue k ($ $call proc* args))
-           (and (eq? proc proc*) (not (memq proc args)) (applicable? args)
+           (and (eq? proc proc*) (not (memq proc args)) (applicable? proc args)
           (_ #f)))
-       (null? (lookup-uses self dfg))
-       (match (lookup-uses sym dfg)
-         ((use . uses)
-          ;; Is the first use a contifiable call to SYM?
-          (cond
-           ((call-target use sym)
-            => (lambda (k)
-                 ;; Are all the other uses contifiable calls to SYM
-                 ;; with the same target continuation?
-                 (cond
-                  ((and-map (lambda (use)
-                              (eq? (call-target use sym) k))
-                            uses)
-                   ;; If so, contify: mark SYM for replacement in
-                   ;; calls, and mark the tail continuations for
-                   ;; replacement by K.
-                   (subst-call! sym arities bodies)
-                   (for-each (cut subst-return! <> k) tails)
-                   k)
-                  (else #f))))
-           (else #f)))
-         (_ #f))))
+       (and-map null? (map (cut lookup-uses <> dfg) selfs))
+       (and=> (let visit-syms ((syms syms) (k #f))
+                (match syms
+                  (() k)
+                  ((sym . syms)
+                   (let visit-uses ((uses (lookup-uses sym dfg)) (k k))
+                     (match uses
+                       (() (visit-syms syms k))
+                       ((use . uses)
+                        (and=> (call-target use sym)
+                               (lambda (k*)
+                                 (cond
+                                  ((or-map (cut memq k* <>) tails)
+                                   (visit-uses uses k))
+                                  ((not k) (visit-uses uses k*))
+                                  ((eq? k k*) (visit-uses uses k))
+                                  (else #f))))))))))
+              (lambda (k)
+                ;; We have a common continuation, so we contify: mark
+                ;; all SYMs for replacement in calls, and mark the tail
+                ;; continuations for replacement by K.
+                (for-each (lambda (sym arities tails bodies)
+                            (for-each (cut lift-definition! <> term-k dfg)
+                                      bodies)
+                            (subst-call! sym arities bodies)
+                            (for-each (cut subst-return! <> k) tails))
+                          syms arities tails bodies)
+                k))))
     ;; This is a first cut at a contification algorithm.  It contifies
     ;; non-recursive functions that only have positional arguments.
@@ -127,76 +138,86 @@
     (define (visit-cont cont)
       (rewrite-cps-cont cont
         (($ $cont sym src ($ $kargs names syms body))
-         (sym src ($kargs names syms ,(visit-term body))))
+         (sym src ($kargs names syms ,(visit-term body sym))))
         (($ $cont sym src ($ $kentry arity tail body))
          (sym src ($kentry ,arity ,tail ,(visit-cont body))))
         (($ $cont)
-    (define (visit-term term)
+    (define (visit-term term term-k)
       (match term
         (($ $letk conts body)
          ;; Visit the body first, so we visit depth-first.
-         (let ((body (visit-term body)))
+         (let ((body (visit-term body term-k)))
              ($letk ,(map visit-cont conts) ,body))))
         (($ $letrec names syms funs body)
-         (let ((nsf (map list names syms funs)))
-           (define recursive?
-             (match-lambda
-              ((n s ($ $fun meta self free (($ $cont entry) ...)))
-               (and-map (lambda (k)
-                          (or-map (cut variable-used-in? <> k dfg) syms))
-                        entry))))
-           (call-with-values (lambda () (partition recursive? nsf))
-             (lambda (rec nonrec)
-               (let lp ((nonrec nonrec))
-                 (match nonrec
-                   (()
-                    (if (null? rec)
-                        (visit-term body)
-                        ;; FIXME: Here contify mutually recursive sets
-                        ;; of functions.
-                        (rewrite-cps-term rec
-                          (((name sym fun) ...)
-                           ($letrec name sym (map visit-fun fun)
-                                    ,(visit-term body))))))
-                   (((name sym fun) . nonrec)
-                    (match fun
-                      (($ $fun meta self free
-                          (($ $cont _ _ ($ $kentry arity
-                                           ($ $cont tail-k _ ($ $ktail))
-                                           (and body ($ $cont body-k))))
-                           ...))
-                       (if (contify-fun sym self arity tail-k body-k)
-                           (visit-term
-                            (build-cps-term
-                              ($letk ,body
-                                ,(lp nonrec))))
-                           (let-gensyms (k)
-                             (build-cps-term
-                               ($letk ((k #f ($kargs (name) (sym)
-                                               ,(lp nonrec))))
-                                 ($continue k ,(visit-fun fun)))))))))))))))
+         (define (split-components nsf)
+           ;; FIXME: Compute strongly-connected components.  Currently
+           ;; we just put non-recursive functions in their own
+           ;; components, and lump everything else in the remaining
+           ;; component.
+           (define (recursive? k)
+             (or-map (cut variable-used-in? <> k dfg) syms))
+           (let lp ((nsf nsf) (rec '()))
+             (match nsf
+               (()
+                (if (null? rec)
+                    '()
+                    (list rec)))
+               (((and elt (n s ($ $fun meta self free (($ $cont entry) ...))))
+                 . nsf)
+                (if (or-map recursive? entry)
+                    (lp nsf (cons elt rec))
+                    (cons (list elt) (lp nsf rec)))))))
+         (define (visit-components components)
+           (match components
+             (() (visit-term body term-k))
+             ((((name sym fun) ...) . components)
+              (match fun
+                ((($ $fun meta self free
+                     (($ $cont _ _ ($ $kentry arity
+                                      ($ $cont tail-k _ ($ $ktail))
+                                      (and body ($ $cont body-k))))
+                      ...)) ...)
+                 (if (contify-funs term-k sym self arity tail-k body-k)
+                     (let ((body* (visit-components components)))
+                       (build-cps-term
+                         ($letk ,(map visit-cont (concatenate body))
+                           ,body*)))
+                     (let-gensyms (k)
+                       (build-cps-term
+                         ($letrec names syms (map visit-fun fun)
+                                  ,(visit-components components))))))))))
+         (visit-components (split-components (map list names syms funs))))
         (($ $continue k exp)
-         (let ((k (lookup-return-cont k)))
+         (let ((k* (lookup-return-cont k)))
            (define (default)
              (rewrite-cps-term exp
-               (($ $fun) ($continue k ,(visit-fun exp)))
-               (_ ($continue k ,exp))))
+               (($ $fun) ($continue k* ,(visit-fun exp)))
+               (($ $primcall 'return (val))
+                ,(if (eq? k k*)
+                     (build-cps-term ($continue k* ,exp))
+                     (build-cps-term ($continue k* ($values (val))))))
+               (($ $primcall 'return-values vals)
+                ,(if (eq? k k*)
+                     (build-cps-term ($continue k* ,exp))
+                     (build-cps-term ($continue k* ($values vals)))))
+               (_ ($continue k* ,exp))))
            (match exp
              (($ $fun meta self free
                  (($ $cont _ _ ($ $kentry arity
                                   ($ $cont tail-k _ ($ $ktail))
                                   (and body ($ $cont body-k))))
-              (if (and=> (bound-symbol k)
+              (if (and=> (bound-symbol k*)
                          (lambda (sym)
-                           (contify-fun sym self arity tail-k body-k)))
+                           (contify-fun term-k sym self arity tail-k body-k)))
                   (visit-term (build-cps-term
                                 ($letk ,body
                                   ,(match (lookup-cont k cont-table)
                                      (($ $kargs (_) (_) body)
-                                      body)))))
+                                      body))))
+                              term-k)
              (($ $call proc args)
               (or (contify-call proc args)
diff --git a/module/language/cps/dfg.scm b/module/language/cps/dfg.scm
index 1a0a3ea..cb92a1b 100644
--- a/module/language/cps/dfg.scm
+++ b/module/language/cps/dfg.scm
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
+            lift-definition!
@@ -119,16 +120,16 @@
     (define (recur exp)
       (visit exp exp-k))
     (match exp
-      (($ $letk conts body)
-       (for-each recur conts)
+      (($ $letk (($ $cont k src cont) ...) body)
+       ;; Set up recursive environment before visiting cont bodies.
+       (for-each (lambda (cont k)
+                   (def! k)
+                   (hashq-set! conts k cont)
+                   (link-parent! k exp-k))
+                 cont k)
+       (for-each visit cont k)
        (recur body))
-      (($ $cont k src cont)
-       (def! k)
-       (hashq-set! conts k cont)
-       (link-parent! k exp-k)
-       (visit cont k))
       (($ $kargs names syms body)
        (for-each def! syms)
        (recur body))
@@ -140,9 +141,6 @@
       (($ $ktrunc arity k)
        (use! k))
-      (($ $ktail)
-       #f)
       (($ $fun meta self free entries)
        (unless global?
          (error "pass a $cont when building a local DFG"))
@@ -183,13 +181,22 @@
   (match entry
     ;; Treat the entry continuation as its own parent.
-    (($ $cont k src ($ $kentry arity tail body))
+    (($ $cont k src (and entry
+                         ($ $kentry arity
+                            ($ $cont ktail _ tail)
+                            ($ $cont kbody _ body))))
      (add-def! k k)
      ;; FIXME: Define self in one place, not in each entry
      (add-def! self k)
      (hashq-set! uplinks k (make-uplink #f 0))
-     (visit tail k)
-     (visit body k))))
+     (hashq-set! conts k entry)
+     (add-def! ktail k)
+     (hashq-set! conts ktail tail)
+     (link-parent! ktail k)
+     (add-def! kbody k)
+     (hashq-set! conts kbody body)
+     (link-parent! kbody k)
+     (visit body kbody))))
 (define* (compute-local-dfg self exp)
   (let* ((conts (make-hash-table))
@@ -309,6 +316,23 @@
               (and (< parent-level level)
                    (lp parent)))))))))
+(define (lift-definition! k parent-k dfg)
+  (match dfg
+    (($ $dfg conts use-maps uplinks)
+     (match (lookup-uplink parent-k uplinks)
+       (($ $uplink parent level)
+        (hashq-set! uplinks k
+                    (make-uplink parent-k (1+ level)))
+        ;; Lift definitions of all conts in K.
+        (let lp ((cont (lookup-cont k conts)))
+          (match cont
+            (($ $letk (($ $cont kid) ...) body)
+             (for-each (cut lift-definition! <> k dfg) kid)
+             (lp body))
+            (($ $letrec names syms funs body)
+             (lp body))
+            (_ #t))))))))
 (define (variable-used-in? var parent-k dfg)
   (match dfg
     (($ $dfg conts use-maps uplinks)
diff --git a/test-suite/tests/rtl-compilation.test 
index 634e0f9..b0cd58f 100644
--- a/test-suite/tests/rtl-compilation.test
+++ b/test-suite/tests/rtl-compilation.test
@@ -139,6 +139,24 @@
                          (cons q r))))))
           (rat 10 3)))))
+(with-test-prefix "contification"
+  (pass-if ((run-rtl '(lambda (x)
+                        (define (even? x)
+                          (if (null? x) #t (odd? (cdr x))))
+                        (define (odd? x)
+                          (if (null? x) #f (even? (cdr x))))
+                        (even? x)))
+            '(1 2 3 4)))
+  (pass-if (not ((run-rtl '(lambda (x)
+                             (define (even? x)
+                               (if (null? x) #t (odd? (cdr x))))
+                             (define (odd? x)
+                               (if (null? x) #f (even? (cdr x))))
+                             (even? x)))
+                 '(1 2 3)))))
 (with-test-prefix "mixed contexts"
   (pass-if-equal "sequences" '(3 4 5)
     (let* ((pair (cons 1 2))

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