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Re: [Gtick-devel] nice, but ;)

From: Roland Stigge
Subject: Re: [Gtick-devel] nice, but ;)
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 16:07:07 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

Hidden in the Options menus, you can set the maximum speed to a higher
value, e.g. 1000 BPM.

address@hidden schrieb:
Hi there!

First of all: thanks for the work you've put into gtick so far, I find it
very elegant, nice to use and decent-looking. Especially the knock, visual
tick and accent features are very very nice! :)

However, at its current state of development, it bears some limitations
the reason of whose I don't really understand. At the moment, I'm
practising some weird stuff that's based on 7/8 and 5/8 and 9/8 measures.
Now on gtick, I can chose 7 or any other odd measurement, which is nice,
but to get x/8 beats, I have to chose double speed. As gtick limits me not
only to x/4 measures, but also to 250 bpm maximum, it doesn't really do
the trick for me.

In other words: why can't I chose a 17/23 measure on 534bpm? :P

As far as I see, the only limitation to this is in the user interface.
Three simple text boxes would do the job. Any chances?

Again, thanks for the nice work!
Nice holidays and all to you,

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