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Re: menu loop (patch)

From: Robert Millan
Subject: Re: menu loop (patch)
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 17:40:43 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 11:22:27PM +0200, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
> Hello,

Carles!  Que n'és de petit el món ;-)

> I'm a Grub user (thanks for your nice work!) and I always wanted to have
> a menu that "loops". Like, if you press down and you are in the last
> option it goes to the first one, and if you press up but you are int he
> first option goes to the last.
> Attached comes a patch against revision 1718.
> Of course, feel free to comment anything about it. I'm open to change,
> fix, etc.
> I also don't know if this functionality is not in Grub because you
> thought that was better to not have this functionality. 
> I've copied/change a few lines (after the patch, lines 425-428 are the
> same than lines 347-350). I don't think that it's needed to refactor but
> if you think so I can do it.

I'm not sure if this is intentional.  Size is not important in this part of
the code, but in other UI menus (e.g. Iceweasel or GNOME) I notice this is
not done.  It could also be a nuissance for users who want to go rapidly to
the top or bottom (sure, they can use PgUp/PgDn, but then aren't we making
the behaviour of those keys inconsistent with arrows?).

Also, if you (or anyone) can point to a "usability best practices" reference
saying this has been carefuly analized and one of the options was found to be
better, I think this would help us make a decision.

What does everyone else think?

Colin, does this affect your graphical menu work in some way?  I suppose the
same situation applies the same way to the upcoming new menu.  Or perhaps
this can be made more flexible and be toggled by some CSS magic?

Robert Millan

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