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Re: [Groff] psfig With groff

From: Steffen Nurpmeso
Subject: Re: [Groff] psfig With groff
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2016 14:17:58 +0200
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Henry McGilton <address@hidden> wrote:
 |I’m trying to determine whether or not psfig can be used with groff.
 |Pretty much all of the back and forth about groff is a decade old, and
 |doesn’t really answer the simple question of whether groff supports
 |I see that James Clark mentions that psfig is not being supported
 |going forward, but does that apply to groff support of psfig, meaning,
 |have the various parts of the \X (in-line pass through) been modified
 |to support psfig?
 |For what it’s worth, I have a Mac version of psfig that compiles and
 |builds clean on Mac OS X.    I went through all the compiler warnings
 |and errors and fixed all of them.

So i still wonder what your message means.  Is the patch that is
in the groff sources still usable?  psfig.tmac doesn't seem to be
installed in a default groff, though in the tmac/ of the groff
sources it is contained.  I haven't used TeX for a very long time.


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