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[Groff] URW fonts

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: [Groff] URW fonts
Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2011 09:34:57 +0100 (CET)


while discussing integration of gropdf into groff with Deri, he told
me that gropdf essentially depends on downloadable PFA fonts to be
included in the created PDF files.  This boils down to a dependency on
the URW fonts of GhostScript.

>From time to time people have asked whether URW fonts get added to the
groff bundle, and I've always declined.  I still do so :-) However,
the current idea is that at configure time it is checked whether the
URW fonts are available, and only then gropdf is built, together with
proper troff metric files (by calling afmtodit).

The question is how to get decent font names for the URW clones of the
Adobe standard fonts which are backwards compatible at the same

What about adding a new request `.foundry' to troff so that the final
font name consists of

  foundry + family + fontseries

for example

  URW + Times Roman + Italic ->  U + T + I  -> UTI

gropdf would then have

  .foundry U

in its init file by default.

If URW fonts are available, afmtodit could be simply called for devps
also (at `make' time).  For -Tps, users could then say `.foundry U' to
easily switch from Adobe metrics to URW metrics.


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