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Re: [Groff] Re: [Fwd: pdfmark troubles]

From: Zvezdan Petkovic
Subject: Re: [Groff] Re: [Fwd: pdfmark troubles]
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005 11:40:00 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.2i

On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 08:09:44AM -0800, Amber Hassaan wrote:
> Hi everyone, 
>              Please , tell me, how the pdfroff or
> groff works with LaTeX as mentioned below
> > > They work with -mm (because of gpresent files),
> > -ms, -me, and
> > > even (La)TeX.
> > >
> regards
> amber

Amber, please read it again.

> > Zvezdan Petkovic wrote:
> > > When I get some time, I'll take a careful look at pdfroff script
> > > and see how I can incorporate it in my set of Makefiles.
> > > They work with -mm (because of gpresent files), -ms, -me, and
> > > even (La)TeX.

The pronoun "They" refers to _Makefiles_ that I have for document
processing.  They are made in such a manner that I can process .mm, .ms,
.me, .mpr (for -mpresent) and .tex files with them.

I just type 'make' and the output in PostScript or PDF is produced.
If there are more than one kind of document in the directory they are
either all made, or I can limit it to one only by defining, for example,

in the file.
It works for me, and I bet every serious groffer has some set of
Makefiles like that for their personal use.

However, I never said that I use pdfroff on (La)TeX files.
In fact these are the lines in my Makefile you are interested in.

##### TeX #####
        ${DVIPS} ${DVIPSOPTS} -o $@ $<
        ${TEX} $<
        -${BIBTEX} $<
        for i in 1 2 3 ; do ${TEX:pdf%=%} $< ; done >${TEX:pdf%=%}.log
        for i in 1 2 3 ; do ${TEX} $< ; done >${TEX}.log

(for loop above is to resolve the references in (La)TeX with 3 passes)

where the variables are defined (among many others for groff) as

DVIPS           ?= dvips
BIBTEX          ?= bibtex
TEX             ?= pdflatex


DVIPSOPTS       ?= -Ppdf

As you can see it's pure TeX and it's totally off topic for this list.

Best regards,

        Zvezdan Petkovic

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