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Re: [Groff] Re: groff: radical re-implementation

From: Tomohiro KUBOTA
Subject: Re: [Groff] Re: groff: radical re-implementation
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 14:06:18 +0900
User-agent: Wanderlust/1.1.1 (Purple Rain) EMY/1.13.8 (Tastes differ) FLIM/1.13.2 (Kasanui) APEL/10.2 Emacs/20.7 (i386-debian-linux-gnu) MULE/4.1 (AOI)


At Mon, 23 Oct 2000 09:42:18 +0200 (CEST),
Werner LEMBERG <address@hidden> wrote:

> >  - hard-coded converter from Latin1, EBCDIC, and UTF-8 to UTF-8
> >  - locale-sensible converter from any encodings supported by OS to UTF-8
> >    (note: UTF-8 has to be supported by iconv(3) )
> May I suggest that you temporarily implement a hack so that you can
> use it with the Japanese patch of groff?  I don't know how long it
> will take until the necessary changes for gtroff have been
> implemented.

What do you think about the merit of preprocessor with the current
Groff which doesn't recognize UTF-8 input?

I think the preprocessor can contribute Groff to be locale-sensible.
However, groff wrapper or troff will need some mechanism to receive
a report on locale from the preprocessor.

The algorithm will be: check locale and use
 - -Tlatin1 for Latin-1 languages
 - -Tnippon for Japanese
 - -Tascii8 for other languages
if groff wrapper is invoked with -Ttty.  (IMO, we should not override
user's specification of -Tlatin1, -Tascii, -Tnippon, and so on).

BTW, do you plan to release Groff with Japanese patch, with my
preprocessor, as a makeshift until Groff with UTF-8 input will be
available?  (I thought so since you seem to be interested in my
preprocessor working with Japanese-patched Groff. :-)

> > BTW, besides TTY output, HTML will need postprocess from glyph to 
> > character like 'grotty' in tty mode, since HTML is a text file.
> Yes and no.  HTML output also supports entities with the &...;
> directive.

Either (UTF-8 or &...;) will be OK.
Eigher have their own merits and demerits.
HTML output will be a ASCII text with &...; .  ASCII is the most
portable character set/encoding in the world.  However, reading
HTML source with &...; will be hard if the most part of the text
consists from non-ASCII characters, such as Japanese, Russian, 
and Greek.

Tomohiro KUBOTA <address@hidden>

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