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[Groff] addition for

From: Bernd Warken
Subject: [Groff] addition for
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 23:06:17 +0100

Stand-alone pic graphics are not trivial, Stevens wrote a paper on this
subject.  So I provide the following section intended for  It
would fit at the end of the DESCRIPTION section or after the USAGE
section.  Feel free to taylor it to your needs.

To obtain a stand-alone picture from a pic file enclose your pic code
with the
.BR .PS " and " .PE
requests; roff configuration commands may be added at the beginning of
the file, but no roff text.
It is necessary to feed this file into groff without adding any page
information, so you must check which .PS and .PE requests are actually
called.  For example, the mm macro package adds a page number, which is
very annoying.  At the moment, calling standard groff without any macro
package works.  Alternatively, you can define your own requests, eg. to
do nothing.
.ft B
.de PS
.de PE
.B groff
itself does not provide direct conversion into other graphics file
formats.  But there are lots of possibilities if you first transform
your picture into PostScript(R) format using the groff option
.B -T
.IR ps .
Since this
.IR ps -file
lacks BoundingBox information it is not very useful by itself, but it
may be fed into other conversion programs, usually named
.BI ps2 other
.BI psto other
or the like.  Moreover the ghostscript interpreter
.B gs
has built-in graphics conversion devices that are called with the option
.BI "gs -sDEVICE=" <devname>
.B gs --help
for a list of the available devices.
As the Encapsulated PostScript File Format EPS is getting more and more
important and the conversion wasn't regarded trivial in the past you
might be interested to know that there is a conversion tool named
.B ps2eps
which does the right job.  It is much better than the tool
.B ps2epsi
packaged with
.BR gs .


I propose to add the following entries to the SEE ALSO section

.BR gs (@MAN1EXT@),  ps2epsi (@MAN1EXT@),  pstogif (@MAN1EXT@),
.BR pstopnm (@MAN1EXT@), 
.B ps2eps
is available from CTAN mirrors, e.g.
W. Richard Stevens - Turning PIC Into HTML
W. Richard Stevens - Examples of picMacros

(BTW, should ".BR tex (1)" be ".BR tex (@MAN1EXT@)" and how about
preceding the Kernighan entry by a .LP?).


Moreover I propose to add the following entry to the BUGS section:

PostScript(R) is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporation.

Bernd Warken <address@hidden>

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