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Changes to grep/manual/html_node/Copying.html,v
From: |
Jim Meyering |
Subject: |
Changes to grep/manual/html_node/Copying.html,v |
Date: |
Fri, 05 Feb 2016 00:45:00 +0000 |
CVSROOT: /webcvs/grep
Module name: grep
Changes by: Jim Meyering <meyering> 16/02/05 00:44:53
Index: html_node/Copying.html
RCS file: /webcvs/grep/grep/manual/html_node/Copying.html,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -b -r1.21 -r1.22
--- html_node/Copying.html 2 Nov 2015 02:54:32 -0000 1.21
+++ html_node/Copying.html 5 Feb 2016 00:44:51 -0000 1.22
@@ -1,77 +1,104 @@
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+<a name="Copying-1"></a>
<h2 class="chapter">6 Copying</h2>
+<a name="index-copying"></a>
-<p><a name="index-copying-261"></a>
-GNU <samp><span class="command">grep</span></samp> is licensed under the GNU
GPL, which makes it <dfn>free
- <p>The “free” in “free software” refers to liberty,
not price. As
+<p>GNU <code>grep</code> is licensed under the GNU GPL, which makes it <em>free
+<p>The “free” in “free software” refers to liberty,
not price. As
some GNU project advocates like to point out, think of “free
rather than “free beer”. In short, you have the right (freedom) to
-run and change <samp><span class="command">grep</span></samp> and distribute
it to other people, and—if you
+run and change <code>grep</code> and distribute it to other people,
and—if you
want—charge money for doing either. The important restriction is
that you have to grant your recipients the same rights and impose the
same restrictions.
- <p>This general method of licensing software is sometimes called
-<dfn>open source</dfn>. The GNU project prefers the term “free
+<p>This general method of licensing software is sometimes called
+<em>open source</em>. The GNU project prefers the term “free
for reasons outlined at
- <p>This manual is free documentation in the same sense. The
+<p>This manual is free documentation in the same sense. The
documentation license is included below. The license for the program
is available with the source code, or at
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- Changes to grep/manual/html_node/Copying.html,v,
Jim Meyering <=