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Changes to grep/devel.html,v
From: |
Paul Eggert |
Subject: |
Changes to grep/devel.html,v |
Date: |
Sat, 07 Mar 2015 00:30:39 +0000 |
CVSROOT: /web/grep
Module name: grep
Changes by: Paul Eggert <eggert> 15/03/07 00:30:38
Index: devel.html
RCS file: /web/grep/grep/devel.html,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -b -r1.8 -r1.9
--- devel.html 7 Mar 2010 08:39:14 -0000 1.8
+++ devel.html 7 Mar 2015 00:30:38 -0000 1.9
@@ -71,10 +71,8 @@
>Mailing lists</a
> | <a href="#savannah"
- > | <a href="#cvs"
- >CVS</a
- > | <a href="#roadmap"
- >Roadmap</a
+ > | <a href="#git"
+ >Git</a
> | <a href="#release"
>Release procedure</a
> | <a href="#to-do"
@@ -88,11 +86,11 @@
><h2 id="generic-gnu-info"
>1 Generic GNU information</h2
- >A good start is to read the “<a href="/prep/standards/"
+ >A good start is to read the <a href="/prep/standards/"
>GNU coding standards</a
- >” and the “<a href="/prep/maintain/"
+ > and the <a href="/prep/maintain/"
>Information for maintainers of GNU software</a
- >” documents.</p
+ >.</p
><h2 id="mailing-lists"
@@ -107,327 +105,79 @@
>To report bugs, suggest features, ask questions,
or help in the development of GNU grep,
- please consider joining the <tt>bug-grep</tt> mailing list.
- Bug fixes and patches are better posted using the <a href="#savannah"
- >Savannah tools</a
- > described below,
- rather than attaching them in email messages sent to this mailing list.
- To subscribe to this mailing list,
- send an email message to <a href="mailto:address@hidden"
- >address@hidden</a
- > with "<tt>subscribe</tt>" (without the quotation marks)
- in the subject header field (or in the body) of the email message,
- or visit <a href="http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-grep"
- >the web page of the mailing list</a
- >.
- Its <a href="http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-grep/"
- >archives</a
- > are also available.</p
- ><p
- >The list messages can be filtered
- by matching the following header field:</p
- ><pre
->X-BeenThere: address@hidden
- ><p
- >The list also automatically receives messages
- from the <a href="#savannah"
- >Savannah trackers</a
- > that can be filtered
- by matching the following additional header fields:</p
- ><pre
->X-Savane-Project: grep
-X-Savane-Tracker: bugs
- ><p
- >or:</p
- ><pre
->X-Savane-Project: grep
-X-Savane-Tracker: patch
+ please send email to
+ the <tt><a
+ mailing list.
+ You can attach bug fixes and patches to your email.
+ To save time, you may want to first look at GNU grep's
+ <a
report log</a>
+ to see whether the bug has already been reported. If you see,
+ for example, that <a href="http://bugs.gnu.org/16979">Bug#16979</a>
+ is similar to the symptoms you observe, you can follow up to that
+ bug report by sending email to
+ <samp><address@hidden></samp>.</p
- >or:</p
- ><pre
->X-Savane-Project: grep
-X-Savane-Tracker: support
+ >Before contributing significant changes to GNU grep,
+ the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
+ requires that you sign copyright assignment papers.
+ Therefore,
+ if you have not already done so and are not willing or able to,
+ it may be better then to just describe bugs or proposed features
+ rather than post actual code (or documentation),
+ as they would then have to be rewritten anyway.</p
>2.2 The <tt>grep-commit</tt> mailing list</h3
- >To follow development more closely,
- there is also the <tt>grep-commit</tt> mailing list.
- More details about what email messages are sent there
- can be found in the <a href="#cvs"
- >CVS repository</a
- > section below.
- This is a read-only mailing list;
- subscribers cannot post directly to it.
- To subscribe to this mailing list,
- send an email message to <a href="mailto:address@hidden"
- >address@hidden</a
- > with "<tt>subscribe</tt>" (without the quotation marks)
- in the subject header field (or in the body) of the email message,
- or visit <a href="http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/grep-commit"
- >the web page of the mailing list</a
- >.
- Its <a href="http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grep-commit/"
- >archives</a
- > are also available.</p
- ><p
- >The list messages can be filtered
- by matching the following header field:</p
- ><pre
->X-BeenThere: address@hidden
+ >The <tt><a
+ read-only mailing list tracks all changes made to GNU grep.</p
>2.3 Other deprecated mailing lists</h3
- >Older GNU grep releases directed users
- to the <tt>bug-gnu-utils</tt> mailing list.
+ >Older GNU grep releases directed users to the
+ <tt><a
+ mailing list.
As a consequence,
some still post their bug reports and questions there.
For this reason,
it is a good idea for GNU grep developers to monitor this mailing list
and follow up on related threads started there
by redirecting them to the <tt>bug-grep</tt> mailing list.
- New threads about GNU grep must not be intentionally started there.
- To subscribe to this mailing list,
- send an email message to <a href="mailto:address@hidden"
- >address@hidden</a
- > with "<tt>subscribe</tt>" (without the quotation marks)
- in the subject header field (or in the body) of the email message,
- or visit <a href="http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-gnu-utils"
- >the web page of the mailing list</a
- >.
- Its <a href="http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnu-utils/"
- >archives</a
- > are also available.</p
- ><p
- >The list messages can be filtered
- by matching the following header field:</p
- ><pre
->X-BeenThere: address@hidden
+ New threads about GNU grep should not be intentionally started there.</p
><h2 id="savannah"
>3 Project page on Savannah</h2
>The <a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/grep/"
>Savannah project page for GNU grep</a
- > features <a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=grep"
- >a bug report area</a
- >, <a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/patch/?group=grep"
- >a patch submission area</a
- >, and other development-related tools.</p
- ><p
- >If you wish to post bug reports or patches on Savannah,
- it is preferable that you create an account for yourself there
- and that you login before posting
- so that other developers can know who you are
- and follow up on your posting with that in mind.</p
- ><p
- >Before contributing significant changes to GNU grep,
- the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- requires that you sign copyright assignment papers.
- Therefore,
- if you have not already done so and are not willing or able to,
- it may be better then to just describe bugs or proposed features
- rather than post actual code (or documentation),
- as they would then have to be rewritten anyway.</p
- ><p
- >Please keep these areas clean by only posting there information
- that is directly related to the bug or patch at hand.
- Ask basic questions on the <tt>bug-grep</tt> mailing list.</p
+ > features development-related tools.</p
+ ><h2 id="git"
+ >4 Git repository</h2
- >The <a
- >identity of the current maintainers</a
- > is also available there.</p
- ><h2 id="cvs"
- >4 CVS repository</h2
- ><p
- >Generic instructions can be found
- on <a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/cvs/?group=grep"
- >GNU grep's Savannah web page about CVS</a
- >.</p
>4.1 Source code</h3
- >The contents of GNU grep's source code
- are stored in the following CVS repository:</p
- ><pre
->CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -z3 -d:ext:address@hidden:/cvsroot/grep co grep
- ><p
- >This repository is also available
- from <a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/grep/"
- >its web interface</a
+ >See the
+ <a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/git/?group=grep"
+ >Savannah web page about the Git repository for GNU grep's source
- ><p
- >Each time a commit is made to this tree,
- a message is sent to the <tt>grep-commit</tt> mailing list
- which can be filtered by matching the following header field:</p
- ><pre
->To: address@hidden
- ><p
- >Additionally, each time a file is modified in this tree,
- a message is sent to the <tt>grep-commit</tt> mailing list
- which can be filtered by matching the following header field:</p
- ><pre
->To: address@hidden
- ><p
- >Daily <a href="http://www.dal-acm.ca/~taa/grep/"
- >snapshots</a
- > of GNU grep's source code CVS repository
- are made available by Tony Abou-Assaleh.
- They have the advantage of containing files
- generated by the GNU <em>auto</em> tools
- (and which are not found in CVS),
- just like a regular release would.</p
>4.2 Web site</h3
- >The contents of GNU grep's web site at <a
- >http://www.gnu.org/software/grep/</a
- > are automatically extracted from the following CVS repository:</p
- ><pre
->CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -z3 -d:ext:address@hidden:/webcvs/grep co grep
- ><p
- >This repository is also available
- from <a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/grep/?cvsroot=Web"
- >its web interface</a
+ >See the
+ <a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/git/?group=grep"
+ >Savannah web page about the CVS repository for GNU grep's web pages</a
- ><p
- >Each time a commit is made to this tree,
- a message is sent to the <tt>grep-commit</tt> mailing list
- which can be filtered by matching the following header field:</p
- ><pre
->To: address@hidden
- ><p
- >Additionally, each time a file is modified in this tree,
- a message is sent to the <tt>grep-commit</tt> mailing list
- which can be filtered by matching the following header field:</p
- ><pre
->To: address@hidden
- ><p
- >(The <tt>grep-commit</tt> mailing list functionality for this tree
- should now work thanks to Savannah sr #103962.)<p
>4.3 Tools</h3
- >Information about CVS itself is available
- from <a href="http://www.cvshome.org/"
- >its web site</a
- >.
- Information about SSH is available from the <a
- >OpenSSH web site</a
- > or from the <a href="http://www.lysator.liu.se/~nisse/lsh/"
- >lsh web site</a
- >.</p
- ><p
- >Developers with write access to the CVS trees
+ >Developers with write access to the repositories
will need to create an account on Savannah
and upload their SSH public identity information there.</p
- ><p
- >People who can't access a CVS repository through its usual interface
- (because they sit behind a prohibitive firewall)
- can download individual files from a CVS repository's web interface,
- when one is available.
- This latter process can be automated by using a client program
- such as <a href="http://cvsgrab.sourceforge.net/"
- >CVSGrab</a
- >.</p
- ><h2 id="roadmap"
- >5 Roadmap</h2
- ><p
- >The latest stable release of GNU grep is
- "2.5.1a".</p
- ><p
- >The current roadmap for GNU grep has been laid out
- in a 2005-03-08 <a
- >post</a
- > by Stepan Kasal on the <tt>bug-grep</tt> mailing list
- entitled “Plan for grep”:</p
- ><pre
-Our main goal for grep 2.5.2 is to get sane performance with utf-8.
-That can be achieved by the patches written by Tim Waugh for Red Hat.
-Besides that, I can do some changes in the infrastructure, so that
-I can "breathe":
-1) rewrite the configure.in script, perhaps also Makefile.am
-2) set up for gnulib-tool --import
-3) improve the test ifrastructure
-I'm afraid I have to do 1) myself, and it is closely tied with 2),
-so they probably have to be done together.
-If someone likes awk and wanted to help with 3), it could help.
-In short, there should be only one awk script for .test-->.script
-rule. The header of each .test file should state some details,
-like which command to run, eg. "grep -E". We also heve to invent
-a way to collect the test cases for non-C locales; either by
-running the whole set twice, or by creating a separate .test files.
-The "make check" goal should run this, if the computer has a locale
-like en_US.utf8 installed.
-After completing these, we can:
-4) check in the patches for the sync of dfa.c with GNU awk
-5) other small patches which wait for a test case
-6) process the RedHat patches
-After 6), I should repeat Tim's measurments and see whether the utf8
-performance improved.
-Independently, I'd like to see
-7) some _minimal_ cleanup of the grep(), grepdir(), recursion
- (the "main loop") and fix --directories=read
-8) mark the -P option clearly as "experimental";
-Well, that'll be perhaps enough for a release.
-Fix the combinations:
- * -i -o
- * --colour -i
- * -o -b
- * -o and zero-width matches
-Go through the bug list im my mailbox and fix fixable.
-Fix bugs reported with 2.5.2.
-The following should go here:
- - upgrade to current regex.c from glibc,
- - new functionality,
- - fixes for -P,
- - heavy refactoring.
><h2 id="release"
>6 Release procedure</h2
>A number of tasks must be performed before every release.
- See <a href="http://git.sv.gnu.org/cgit/grep.git/plain/README-release">
- README-release<a></p
+ See <a
+ README-release<a>.</p
>6.1 Source code compatibility with GNU awk</h3
@@ -435,7 +185,8 @@
>Drop <tt>dfa.[ch]</tt> into a copy of gawk
and run “<tt>make check</tt>”.
This step will soon be obsolete: we're syncing the two dfa.c files.</p
+ ><h2 id="to-do"
+ >7 To do</h2
>7.1 Other implementations</h3
@@ -1540,16 +1291,16 @@
> for information on coordinating and submitting translations.</p
- >Copyright © 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ >Copyright © 2005, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA<br
>Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article
are permitted worldwide, without royalty, in any medium,
provided this notice and the copyright notice are preserved.</p
>Updated: <tt
- >$Date: 2010/03/07 08:39:14 $</tt
+ >$Date: 2015/03/07 00:30:38 $</tt
> (UTC) by <tt
- >$Author: meyering $</tt
+ >$Author: eggert $</tt
> (at <tt>savannah.gnu.org</tt>)</p
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- Changes to grep/devel.html,v,
Paul Eggert <=