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Re: Antenna

From: Al Grant
Subject: Re: Antenna
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 07:24:14 +1300

Thanks David,

I have been talking to Gary. I dont really need anything particularly
accurate. A few meters would be fine, since the position of the Rpi
will be used in some RF direction finding from a drone which will be
very inaccurate anyway.

In other parts of the application I just want to get a position under
some lite tree cover, so a decent antenna is probably more relevant in
that regard.

Since it will be connected to a Rpi headless - it would be good to
have an external LED to indicate it has a fix. True 10Hz (not
interpolated) could be nice to have for the drone side of things.

As an aside I brought a CMP14 digital compass, testing that out too.



On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 12:58 AM David Taylor <> wrote:
> On 21/02/2024 22:26, Al Grant wrote:
> > Which GNSS receiver do you recommend for this application.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Al
> Al,
> I've used these suppliers:
> They offer RPi HAT add-ons which work very well and the ZED-F9P which Gary
> mentioned.
> If the drone is for use outdoors, there's likely less need for a very 
> expensive
> device as the signals will be of good strength, and you may not need 
> multi-band
> reception, saving money on both the RPi HAT and the antenna.
> What accuracy do you need?
> Cheers,
> David
> --
> SatSignal Software - Quality software for you
> Web:
> Email:
> Twitter: @gm8arv

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