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Re: Cross-compiling from Mac OS X

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: Cross-compiling from Mac OS X
Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 22:14:19 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060911)

Gregory John Casamento wrote:
> Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on how to approach this.
> Basically, I'd like to implement it so that the Cocotron guys have no
> advantage over GNUstep.
> Would anyone like to take this on?

I did not start to cross compile GNUstep, but started on something
similar, the compilation of GNUstep gui with XCode.

At AlpenStep Nikolaus Schaller helped me set up a project to compile
GNUstep with XCode. It was actually quite easy, but you had to get all
the variable settings right, so I just copied them from his myStep
project. The basic idea here is to get GNUstepgui and back working with
Apples Foundation. This will allow easier tests and performance checks.

There are still open problems. One of them is the way we defined the
MacOSX version numbers. We use 100400 where Apple uses 1040; this in
itself is no problem, but we use Apples numbers if these are predefined
and then they don't match the checks.

Another problem are the includes of base headers. We use "include" here,
but Apples headers are not protected against multiple inclusion. The
best solution here would be to replace our includes with "import".

I also need to figure out, how to include the configure step into the
XCode build process and in case I ever get that far, how to get the X
events from Apple. Nikolaus uses something like
fh=[[NSFileHandle alloc]

If I ever get this working, I come back with a suitable XCode project file.


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