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"Jaguar" additions

From: Adam Atlas
Subject: "Jaguar" additions
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 15:50:41 -0400

With the release of Mac OS X 10.2 (commonly referred to by its code name "Jaguar") in less than 5 days, there will be many changes, updates, and new features in Apple's Cocoa. (And suddenly, you can't say that the GNUstep Foundation is 100% complete anymore.)

One of the most notable additions is NSNetService and NSNetServiceBrowser, two classes for Apple's new "Zeroconf" technology (referred to in Mac OS X 10.2 as "Rendezvous"), a system for devices, including printers, PDAs, and of course computers (and more), to discover each other with absolutely no configuration necessary. (Printers, for example, wouldn't need to locate PDAs, but computers can locate Zeroconf-capable network printers, and print with no configuration.) It is a major addition, but it's not another closed, proprietary Apple technology. It's a proposed industry standard, and information about implementing it can be found at

In fact, Apple also created classes (actually, I think they're technically C structs) called "CFNetService" and "CFNetServiceBrowser" as part of the CoreFoundation framework (Not related to Cocoa/OpenStep/GNUstep; just another framework inherited from NeXT) that are open source under the APSL (which RMS hates). Once Jaguar is released (On the 24th), source will be available from

Actually, there are much more additions, not just Zeroconf/Rendezvous. I have an Apple Developer Connection account, so I receive betas of upcoming Mac OS X releases, and I can post any major changes to this list so the other developers can also get a head start on adding the latest changes to GNUstep.

I can post new header files from Cocoa, API documentation, and/or release notes, but they will have to be in a private area that only GNUstep developers can access until Jaguar is released in 5 days.

-- Adam Atlas

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