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[taler-wallet-core] 03/04: put platform-independent stuff in http-common

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-wallet-core] 03/04: put platform-independent stuff in http-common.ts
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2023 03:24:25 +0100

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dold pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wallet-core.

commit 08b120bc8d4a738b80c3e0d3f1703b1320f32080
Author: Florian Dold <>
AuthorDate: Thu Feb 16 01:12:02 2023 +0100

    put platform-independent stuff in http-common.ts
 packages/taler-util/src/http-common.ts | 327 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 packages/taler-util/src/http.ts        | 332 +--------------------------------
 2 files changed, 331 insertions(+), 328 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/taler-util/src/http-common.ts 
index eeb335ba7..54f26e615 100644
--- a/packages/taler-util/src/http-common.ts
+++ b/packages/taler-util/src/http-common.ts
@@ -16,8 +16,335 @@
  SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL3.0-or-later
+import { CancellationToken } from "./CancellationToken.js";
+import { Codec } from "./codec.js";
+import { j2s } from "./helpers.js";
+import { TalerError, makeErrorDetail } from "./index.js";
+import { Logger } from "./logging.js";
+import { TalerErrorCode } from "./taler-error-codes.js";
+import { Duration, AbsoluteTime } from "./time.js";
+import { TalerErrorDetail } from "./wallet-types.js";
 const textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
+const logger = new Logger("http.ts");
+ * An HTTP response that is returned by all request methods of this library.
+ */
+export interface HttpResponse {
+  requestUrl: string;
+  requestMethod: string;
+  status: number;
+  headers: Headers;
+  json(): Promise<any>;
+  text(): Promise<string>;
+  bytes(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
+export const DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 60000;
+export interface HttpRequestOptions {
+  method?: "POST" | "PUT" | "GET";
+  headers?: { [name: string]: string };
+  /**
+   * Timeout after which the request should be aborted.
+   */
+  timeout?: Duration;
+  /**
+   * Cancellation token that should abort the request when
+   * cancelled.
+   */
+  cancellationToken?: CancellationToken;
+  body?: string | ArrayBuffer | Record<string, unknown>;
+ * Headers, roughly modeled after the fetch API's headers object.
+ */
+export class Headers {
+  private headerMap = new Map<string, string>();
+  get(name: string): string | null {
+    const r = this.headerMap.get(name.toLowerCase());
+    if (r) {
+      return r;
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  set(name: string, value: string): void {
+    const normalizedName = name.toLowerCase();
+    const existing = this.headerMap.get(normalizedName);
+    if (existing !== undefined) {
+      this.headerMap.set(normalizedName, existing + "," + value);
+    } else {
+      this.headerMap.set(normalizedName, value);
+    }
+  }
+  toJSON(): any {
+    const m: Record<string, string> = {};
+    this.headerMap.forEach((v, k) => (m[k] = v));
+    return m;
+  }
+ * Interface for the HTTP request library used by the wallet.
+ *
+ * The request library is bundled into an interface to make mocking and
+ * request tunneling easy.
+ */
+export interface HttpRequestLibrary {
+  /**
+   * Make an HTTP GET request.
+   *
+   * FIXME: Get rid of this, we want the API surface to be minimal.
+   */
+  get(url: string, opt?: HttpRequestOptions): Promise<HttpResponse>;
+  /**
+   * Make an HTTP POST request with a JSON body.
+   *
+   * FIXME: Get rid of this, we want the API surface to be minimal.
+   */
+  postJson(
+    url: string,
+    body: any,
+    opt?: HttpRequestOptions,
+  ): Promise<HttpResponse>;
+  /**
+   * Make an HTTP POST request with a JSON body.
+   */
+  fetch(url: string, opt?: HttpRequestOptions): Promise<HttpResponse>;
+type TalerErrorResponse = {
+  code: number;
+} & unknown;
+type ResponseOrError<T> =
+  | { isError: false; response: T }
+  | { isError: true; talerErrorResponse: TalerErrorResponse };
+export async function readTalerErrorResponse(
+  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
+): Promise<TalerErrorDetail> {
+  const errJson = await httpResponse.json();
+  const talerErrorCode = errJson.code;
+  if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") {
+    logger.warn(
+      `malformed error response (status ${httpResponse.status}): ${j2s(
+        errJson,
+      )}`,
+    );
+    throw TalerError.fromDetail(
+      {
+        requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
+        requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
+        httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
+      },
+      "Error response did not contain error code",
+    );
+  }
+  return errJson;
+export async function readUnexpectedResponseDetails(
+  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
+): Promise<TalerErrorDetail> {
+  const errJson = await httpResponse.json();
+  const talerErrorCode = errJson.code;
+  if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") {
+    return makeErrorDetail(
+      {
+        requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
+        requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
+        httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
+      },
+      "Error response did not contain error code",
+    );
+  }
+  return makeErrorDetail(
+    {
+      requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
+      requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
+      httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
+      errorResponse: errJson,
+    },
+    `Unexpected HTTP status (${httpResponse.status}) in response`,
+  );
+export async function readSuccessResponseJsonOrErrorCode<T>(
+  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
+  codec: Codec<T>,
+): Promise<ResponseOrError<T>> {
+  if (!(httpResponse.status >= 200 && httpResponse.status < 300)) {
+    return {
+      isError: true,
+      talerErrorResponse: await readTalerErrorResponse(httpResponse),
+    };
+  }
+  const respJson = await httpResponse.json();
+  let parsedResponse: T;
+  try {
+    parsedResponse = codec.decode(respJson);
+  } catch (e: any) {
+    throw TalerError.fromDetail(
+      {
+        requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
+        requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
+        httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
+        validationError: e.toString(),
+      },
+      "Response invalid",
+    );
+  }
+  return {
+    isError: false,
+    response: parsedResponse,
+  };
+type HttpErrorDetails = {
+  requestUrl: string;
+  requestMethod: string;
+  httpStatusCode: number;
+export function getHttpResponseErrorDetails(
+  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
+): HttpErrorDetails {
+  return {
+    requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
+    requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
+    httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
+  };
+export function throwUnexpectedRequestError(
+  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
+  talerErrorResponse: TalerErrorResponse,
+): never {
+  throw TalerError.fromDetail(
+    {
+      requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
+      requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
+      httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
+      errorResponse: talerErrorResponse,
+    },
+    `Unexpected HTTP status ${httpResponse.status} in response`,
+  );
+export async function readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow<T>(
+  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
+  codec: Codec<T>,
+): Promise<T> {
+  const r = await readSuccessResponseJsonOrErrorCode(httpResponse, codec);
+  if (!r.isError) {
+    return r.response;
+  }
+  throwUnexpectedRequestError(httpResponse, r.talerErrorResponse);
+export async function readSuccessResponseTextOrErrorCode<T>(
+  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
+): Promise<ResponseOrError<string>> {
+  if (!(httpResponse.status >= 200 && httpResponse.status < 300)) {
+    const errJson = await httpResponse.json();
+    const talerErrorCode = errJson.code;
+    if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") {
+      throw TalerError.fromDetail(
+        {
+          httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
+          requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
+          requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
+        },
+        "Error response did not contain error code",
+      );
+    }
+    return {
+      isError: true,
+      talerErrorResponse: errJson,
+    };
+  }
+  const respJson = await httpResponse.text();
+  return {
+    isError: false,
+    response: respJson,
+  };
+export async function checkSuccessResponseOrThrow(
+  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
+): Promise<void> {
+  if (!(httpResponse.status >= 200 && httpResponse.status < 300)) {
+    const errJson = await httpResponse.json();
+    const talerErrorCode = errJson.code;
+    if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") {
+      throw TalerError.fromDetail(
+        {
+          httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
+          requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
+          requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
+        },
+        "Error response did not contain error code",
+      );
+    }
+    throwUnexpectedRequestError(httpResponse, errJson);
+  }
+export async function readSuccessResponseTextOrThrow<T>(
+  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
+): Promise<string> {
+  const r = await readSuccessResponseTextOrErrorCode(httpResponse);
+  if (!r.isError) {
+    return r.response;
+  }
+  throwUnexpectedRequestError(httpResponse, r.talerErrorResponse);
+ * Get the timestamp at which the response's content is considered expired.
+ */
+export function getExpiry(
+  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
+  opt: { minDuration?: Duration },
+): AbsoluteTime {
+  const expiryDateMs = new Date(
+    httpResponse.headers.get("expiry") ?? "",
+  ).getTime();
+  let t: AbsoluteTime;
+  if (Number.isNaN(expiryDateMs)) {
+    t =;
+  } else {
+    t = {
+      t_ms: expiryDateMs,
+    };
+  }
+  if (opt.minDuration) {
+    const t2 = AbsoluteTime.addDuration(, opt.minDuration);
+    return AbsoluteTime.max(t, t2);
+  }
+  return t;
 export interface HttpLibArgs {
   enableThrottling?: boolean,
diff --git a/packages/taler-util/src/http.ts b/packages/taler-util/src/http.ts
index fd594b655..725117140 100644
--- a/packages/taler-util/src/http.ts
+++ b/packages/taler-util/src/http.ts
@@ -24,337 +24,13 @@
  * Imports
-import {
-  Logger,
-  Duration,
-  AbsoluteTime,
-  TalerErrorDetail,
-  Codec,
-  j2s,
-  CancellationToken,
-} from "@gnu-taler/taler-util";
-import { TalerErrorCode } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util";
-import { makeErrorDetail, TalerError } from "./errors.js";
-import * as impl from "#http-impl";
-import { HttpLibArgs } from "./http-common.js";
-const logger = new Logger("http.ts");
- * An HTTP response that is returned by all request methods of this library.
- */
-export interface HttpResponse {
-  requestUrl: string;
-  requestMethod: string;
-  status: number;
-  headers: Headers;
-  json(): Promise<any>;
-  text(): Promise<string>;
-  bytes(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
-export const DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 60000;
-export interface HttpRequestOptions {
-  method?: "POST" | "PUT" | "GET";
-  headers?: { [name: string]: string };
-  /**
-   * Timeout after which the request should be aborted.
-   */
-  timeout?: Duration;
-  /**
-   * Cancellation token that should abort the request when
-   * cancelled.
-   */
-  cancellationToken?: CancellationToken;
-  body?: string | ArrayBuffer | Record<string, unknown>;
- * Headers, roughly modeled after the fetch API's headers object.
- */
-export class Headers {
-  private headerMap = new Map<string, string>();
-  get(name: string): string | null {
-    const r = this.headerMap.get(name.toLowerCase());
-    if (r) {
-      return r;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  set(name: string, value: string): void {
-    const normalizedName = name.toLowerCase();
-    const existing = this.headerMap.get(normalizedName);
-    if (existing !== undefined) {
-      this.headerMap.set(normalizedName, existing + "," + value);
-    } else {
-      this.headerMap.set(normalizedName, value);
-    }
-  }
-  toJSON(): any {
-    const m: Record<string, string> = {};
-    this.headerMap.forEach((v, k) => (m[k] = v));
-    return m;
-  }
- * Interface for the HTTP request library used by the wallet.
- *
- * The request library is bundled into an interface to make mocking and
- * request tunneling easy.
- */
-export interface HttpRequestLibrary {
-  /**
-   * Make an HTTP GET request.
-   *
-   * FIXME: Get rid of this, we want the API surface to be minimal.
-   */
-  get(url: string, opt?: HttpRequestOptions): Promise<HttpResponse>;
-  /**
-   * Make an HTTP POST request with a JSON body.
-   *
-   * FIXME: Get rid of this, we want the API surface to be minimal.
-   */
-  postJson(
-    url: string,
-    body: any,
-    opt?: HttpRequestOptions,
-  ): Promise<HttpResponse>;
-  /**
-   * Make an HTTP POST request with a JSON body.
-   */
-  fetch(url: string, opt?: HttpRequestOptions): Promise<HttpResponse>;
-type TalerErrorResponse = {
-  code: number;
-} & unknown;
-type ResponseOrError<T> =
-  | { isError: false; response: T }
-  | { isError: true; talerErrorResponse: TalerErrorResponse };
-export async function readTalerErrorResponse(
-  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
-): Promise<TalerErrorDetail> {
-  const errJson = await httpResponse.json();
-  const talerErrorCode = errJson.code;
-  if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") {
-    logger.warn(
-      `malformed error response (status ${httpResponse.status}): ${j2s(
-        errJson,
-      )}`,
-    );
-    throw TalerError.fromDetail(
-      {
-        requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
-        requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
-        httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
-      },
-      "Error response did not contain error code",
-    );
-  }
-  return errJson;
-export async function readUnexpectedResponseDetails(
-  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
-): Promise<TalerErrorDetail> {
-  const errJson = await httpResponse.json();
-  const talerErrorCode = errJson.code;
-  if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") {
-    return makeErrorDetail(
-      {
-        requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
-        requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
-        httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
-      },
-      "Error response did not contain error code",
-    );
-  }
-  return makeErrorDetail(
-    {
-      requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
-      requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
-      httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
-      errorResponse: errJson,
-    },
-    `Unexpected HTTP status (${httpResponse.status}) in response`,
-  );
-export async function readSuccessResponseJsonOrErrorCode<T>(
-  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
-  codec: Codec<T>,
-): Promise<ResponseOrError<T>> {
-  if (!(httpResponse.status >= 200 && httpResponse.status < 300)) {
-    return {
-      isError: true,
-      talerErrorResponse: await readTalerErrorResponse(httpResponse),
-    };
-  }
-  const respJson = await httpResponse.json();
-  let parsedResponse: T;
-  try {
-    parsedResponse = codec.decode(respJson);
-  } catch (e: any) {
-    throw TalerError.fromDetail(
-      {
-        requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
-        requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
-        httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
-        validationError: e.toString(),
-      },
-      "Response invalid",
-    );
-  }
-  return {
-    isError: false,
-    response: parsedResponse,
-  };
-type HttpErrorDetails = {
-  requestUrl: string;
-  requestMethod: string;
-  httpStatusCode: number;
-export function getHttpResponseErrorDetails(
-  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
-): HttpErrorDetails {
-  return {
-    requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
-    requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
-    httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
-  };
-export function throwUnexpectedRequestError(
-  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
-  talerErrorResponse: TalerErrorResponse,
-): never {
-  throw TalerError.fromDetail(
-    {
-      requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
-      requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
-      httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
-      errorResponse: talerErrorResponse,
-    },
-    `Unexpected HTTP status ${httpResponse.status} in response`,
-  );
-export async function readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow<T>(
-  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
-  codec: Codec<T>,
-): Promise<T> {
-  const r = await readSuccessResponseJsonOrErrorCode(httpResponse, codec);
-  if (!r.isError) {
-    return r.response;
-  }
-  throwUnexpectedRequestError(httpResponse, r.talerErrorResponse);
-export async function readSuccessResponseTextOrErrorCode<T>(
-  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
-): Promise<ResponseOrError<string>> {
-  if (!(httpResponse.status >= 200 && httpResponse.status < 300)) {
-    const errJson = await httpResponse.json();
-    const talerErrorCode = errJson.code;
-    if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") {
-      throw TalerError.fromDetail(
-        {
-          httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
-          requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
-          requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
-        },
-        "Error response did not contain error code",
-      );
-    }
-    return {
-      isError: true,
-      talerErrorResponse: errJson,
-    };
-  }
-  const respJson = await httpResponse.text();
-  return {
-    isError: false,
-    response: respJson,
-  };
-export async function checkSuccessResponseOrThrow(
-  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
-): Promise<void> {
-  if (!(httpResponse.status >= 200 && httpResponse.status < 300)) {
-    const errJson = await httpResponse.json();
-    const talerErrorCode = errJson.code;
-    if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") {
-      throw TalerError.fromDetail(
-        {
-          httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
-          requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
-          requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
-        },
-        "Error response did not contain error code",
-      );
-    }
-    throwUnexpectedRequestError(httpResponse, errJson);
-  }
+import * as impl from "#http-impl";
+import * as common from "./http-common.js";
-export async function readSuccessResponseTextOrThrow<T>(
-  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
-): Promise<string> {
-  const r = await readSuccessResponseTextOrErrorCode(httpResponse);
-  if (!r.isError) {
-    return r.response;
-  }
-  throwUnexpectedRequestError(httpResponse, r.talerErrorResponse);
+export * from "./http-common.js";
- * Get the timestamp at which the response's content is considered expired.
- */
-export function getExpiry(
-  httpResponse: HttpResponse,
-  opt: { minDuration?: Duration },
-): AbsoluteTime {
-  const expiryDateMs = new Date(
-    httpResponse.headers.get("expiry") ?? "",
-  ).getTime();
-  let t: AbsoluteTime;
-  if (Number.isNaN(expiryDateMs)) {
-    t =;
-  } else {
-    t = {
-      t_ms: expiryDateMs,
-    };
-  }
-  if (opt.minDuration) {
-    const t2 = AbsoluteTime.addDuration(, opt.minDuration);
-    return AbsoluteTime.max(t, t2);
-  }
-  return t;
-export function createPlatformHttpLib(args?: HttpLibArgs): HttpRequestLibrary {
+export function createPlatformHttpLib(args?: common.HttpLibArgs): 
common.HttpRequestLibrary {
   return new impl.HttpLibImpl(args);

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