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[taler-www] branch master updated: update messages.po

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-www] branch master updated: update messages.po
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 13:04:35 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

grothoff pushed a commit to branch master
in repository www.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 5ebfc9f  update messages.po
5ebfc9f is described below

commit 5ebfc9f10eee306ecaa5707b25923b6806a765d5
Author: Christian Grothoff <>
AuthorDate: Wed Jun 17 13:04:32 2020 +0200

    update messages.po
 locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po | 471 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po | 181 +++++++++------
 locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po | 181 +++++++++------
 locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po | 379 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
 locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po | 181 +++++++++------
 locale/messages.pot               | 182 +++++++++------
 locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po | 181 +++++++++------
 locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po | 181 +++++++++------
 8 files changed, 1196 insertions(+), 741 deletions(-)

diff --git a/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po 
index 2c7daf4..e4ec3e9 100644
--- a/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
+++ b/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: German (Taler Website)\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-29 20:58+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-17 13:04+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: German <";
@@ -1818,7 +1818,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:31
-msgid "1. Free Software implementation"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "1. Free Software implementation"
+msgid "1. Free/Libre Software"
 msgstr "1. Freie Software bereitstellen"
 #: template/principles.html.j2:33
@@ -1828,29 +1830,29 @@ msgstr ""
 "... in the area of computing, freedom means not using proprietary software"
 #: template/principles.html.j2:36
+#, python-format
 msgid ""
 "GNU Taler must be <a href=\"";
-"\">Free Software</a>. For merchants, our Free Software reference "
-"implementation prevents vendor lock-in. As the software of the payment "
-"provider itself is free, countries can deploy the payment system without "
-"compromising sovereignty."
-msgstr ""
-"GNU Taler muss <a href=\"\";>freie "
-"Software</a> sein. Mit Taler werden Verkäufer und Händler unabhängig von "
-"technischen, finanzwirtschaftlichen und (patent-)rechtlichen Monopolen, denn "
-"unser Bezahlsystem basiert in seiner Referenzimplementierung auf freier "
-"Software und dementsprechenden Lizenzen. Auch für Staaten und ihre "
-"Regierungen erbringt Taler als elektronisches Pendant zu Bargeld einen "
-"Zugewinn an Stabilität und Krisensicherheit bei gleichzeitig voll "
-"durchsetzbarer Währungshoheit im Finanzwesen. Last but not least ist die "
-"Umsatztransparenz bei Verkäufern ein Garant für die Steuerfinanzierung "
-"unseres staatlichen Gemeinwesens."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:45
-msgid ""
-"Customers benefit from Free Software as the wallet software can be made to "
-"run on a variety of platforms, and the absence of user-hostile features such "
-"as tracking or telemetry can easily be assured."
+"\">Free/Libre Software</a>. For merchants, Free/Libre Software prevents "
+"vendor lock-in meaning merchants can easily choose another service provider "
+"to process their payments. For countries, Free/Libre software means GNU "
+"Taler can not compromise sovereignty by imposing restrictions or "
+"requirements. And for exchange operators, transparency is crucial to satisfy "
+"<a href=\"";
+"\">Kerckhoff's principle</a> and to establish public confidence."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:49
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Customers benefit from Free Software as the wallet software can be made "
+#| "to run on a variety of platforms, and the absence of user-hostile "
+#| "features such as tracking or telemetry can easily be assured."
+msgid ""
+"Customers benefit from Free/Libre Software because anyone is free to modify "
+"the wallet software support additional platforms. The source code must be "
+"available and make it easy to verify that user-hostile features such as "
+"tracking or telemetry are absent."
 msgstr ""
 "Die Nutzer des Bezahlsystems können ihre persönlichen Taler-Wallets auf "
 "einer Vielzahl von digitalen Endgeräten mit unterschiedlichen "
@@ -1859,74 +1861,59 @@ msgstr ""
 "Zahlungen systematisch unmöglich sind. Die offengelegte und daher leicht "
 "nachvollziehbare Codebasis von Taler gibt dafür die Garantie."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:56
+#: template/principles.html.j2:60
 msgid "2. Protect the privacy of buyers"
 msgstr "2. Schutz der Privatsphäre der Käufer sichern"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:58
+#: template/principles.html.j2:62
 msgid "You deserve some privacy"
 msgstr "Privatheit ist ein Grundrecht der Menschheit"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:60
+#: template/principles.html.j2:64
 msgid ""
-"Privacy should be guaranteed via technical measures, as opposed to mere "
-"policies. Especially with micropayments for online publications, a "
-"disproportionate amount of rather private data about buyers would be "
-"revealed, if the payment system does not have privacy protections."
-msgstr ""
-"Der Schutz privater Daten (wie z.B. Kaufhistorie, persönliche "
-"Bankverbindungen und die Zahlungen selbst) soll durch technische Maßnahmen "
-"garantiert sein, die man von der ersten bis zur letzten Codezeile auch "
-"jederzeit prüfen und beurteilen kann. Bloße Absichtserklärungen oder "
-"wohltönende Selbstverpflichtungen würden zu kurz greifen. Taler löst die "
-"gestellten Aufgaben durch sein durchdachtes Konzept und das Design seiner "
-"Systembestandteile. Die sich daraus ergebenden Möglichkeiten sollen "
-"schließlich den Menschen in der digitalen Gesellschaft zu neuen Freiheiten "
-"verhelfen. Micropayments mit Taler sorgen beispielsweise dafür, dass man "
-"unangemeldet und spurenlos Artikel in Onlinemedien lesen kann, den "
-"Redaktionen dank der gespendeten Micropayments die Bannerwerbung zur "
-"Einnahmenerzielung erspart und damit gleichzeitig Adblocker überflüssig "
-#: template/principles.html.j2:68
-msgid ""
-"In legislations with data protection regulations (such as the recently "
-"introduced GDPR in Europe), merchants benefit from this as well, as no data "
-"breach of customers can happen if this information is, by design, not "
-"collected in the first place. Obviously some private data, such as the "
-"shipping address for a physical delivery, must still be collected according "
-"to business needs."
-msgstr ""
-"Mit der seit 2018 rechtskräftigen Datenschutzgrundverordnung der EU dürfte "
-"es vor allem Händler und Verkäufer interessieren, dass ihre Datenbanken die "
-"privaten Kundendaten gar nicht erst sammeln. Taler ermöglicht es durch sein "
-"Design, auf die Namen der Käufer sowie auf ihre Bankverbindungen zu "
-"verzichten. Bei einem Einbruch in die Verkäufer-Datenbank gestohlene "
-"Informationen wären bei Taler-Coins als Zahlungsmitteln allerhöchstens die "
-"aggregierten Zahlungsbeträge, Lieferadressen und andere zur "
-"Auftragserfüllung notwendige unpersönliche Daten."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:81
-msgid ""
-"3. Enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal business "
-msgstr "3. Steuererhebung erleichtern und illegale Aktivitäten verhindern"
+"Privacy is most meaningful when it is guaranteed via technical measures, as "
+"opposed to mere policies. Without a technical layer providing privacy-by-"
+"default, financial transactions reveal unnecessary levels of personal or "
+"private data. This would be especially true when making micropayments for "
+"online publications. Thus, GNU Taler must protect the privacy of buyers to "
+"avoid facilitating totalitarian control over the population."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:72
+msgid ""
+"Limited private data, such as the shipping address for a physical delivery, "
+"may need to be collected according to business needs and protected according "
+"to local laws. In this case, GNU Taler must enable deletion of such data as "
+"soon as it is no longer required."
+msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:83
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "3. Enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal business "
+#| "activities"
+msgid ""
+"3. Auditability - enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal "
+"business activities"
+msgstr "3. Steuererhebung erleichtern und illegale Aktivitäten verhindern"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:85
 msgid "Money laundering"
 msgstr "Gesetzgebung gegen Geldwäsche"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:85
+#: template/principles.html.j2:87
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid ""
 #| "As a payment system must still be legal to operate and use, it must "
 #| "comply with these requirements. Furthermore, we consider levying of taxes "
 #| "as beneficial to society."
 msgid ""
-"As a payment system must be legal to operate and use, it must comply with "
-"regulatory requirements such as anti money laundering. Furthermore, we "
-"consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair taxation "
-"requires income transparency."
+"As a payment system must comply with local laws in order to operate legally, "
+"GNU Taler must be designed to comply with these requirements. GNU Taler must "
+"provide an audit trail for investigators operating under the law. "
+"Furthermore, we consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair "
+"taxation requires income transparency. Thus, GNU Taler must enable "
+"authorities to track income."
 msgstr ""
 "GNU Taler muss die gültigen Gesetze gegen Geldwäsche und "
 "Terrorismusfinanzierung einhalten. Taler macht es jedoch auch leichter, "
@@ -1947,143 +1934,113 @@ msgstr ""
 "Verfügungsgeschäfte nicht nur leicht aufgedeckt, sondern auch vor Gericht "
 "gegen sie verwendet werden können."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:96
+#: template/principles.html.j2:102
 msgid "4. Prevent payment fraud"
 msgstr "4. Zahlungsbetrug systematisch unterbinden"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:98
+#: template/principles.html.j2:104
 msgid "Phishing attack"
 msgstr "Phishing-Angriff"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:100
-msgid ""
-"This imposes requirements on the security of the system, as well as on the "
-"general design, as payment fraud can also happen through misleading user "
-"interface design or the lack of cryptographic evidence for certain processes."
-msgstr ""
-"Betrugsversuche sollen keine Chance haben. Dieses Erfordernis verlangt "
-"wohlüberlegte Sicherheitsvorkehrungen sowohl für das Gesamtsystem als auch "
-"für das allgemeine Design der Nutzerschnittstellen. Die Programmierung der "
-"UIs und APIs hat daher höchste Ansprüche zu erfüllen und für bestimmte "
-"Prozesse die passenden kryptografischen Sicherheitsmerkmale zu verwenden. "
-"Die Wahl der richtigen Lösungswege (zum Beispiel bei der Kommunikation "
-"zwischen Wallets und Taler-Exchange) kann nämlich einige Betrügereien im "
-"Internet obsolet machen wie z.B. das Phishing von Daten oder der Rückschluss "
-"auf die Kunden durch Fingerprinting. Auch dies haben die Entwickler von "
-"Taler immer im Blick."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:110
-msgid "5. Only disclose the minimal amount of information necessary"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:106
+msgid ""
+"GNU Taler must mitigate the most common sources of payment fraud. We must "
+"follow best practices in software design, 3rd party design guidelines that "
+"prevent confusion and misleading user interfaces, and must have others "
+"inspect our publicly available code. Furthermore, GNU Taler must provide "
+"extensive cryptographic evidence for all key processes to enable all parties "
+"to precisely attribute bad behavior."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:120
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "5. Only disclose the minimal amount of information necessary"
+msgid "5. Collect the minimum information necessary"
 msgstr "5. Nur das Minimum an notwendigen Daten erheben"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:111
+#: template/principles.html.j2:121
 msgid ""
 "Privacy by design, privacy by default, General Data Protection Regulation "
 "(GDPR) compliant"
 msgstr "Privacy by design, privacy by default - Taler erfüllt die DSGVO"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:113
-msgid ""
-"The reason behind this goal is similar to (2). The privacy of buyers is "
-"given priority, but other parties such as merchants still benefit from it, "
-"for example, by keeping details about the merchant’s financials hidden from "
-msgstr ""
-"Das Bezahlsystem darf nur das Mindeste an Daten zu seiner Nutzung erhalten. "
-"Der Grund für diese Designentscheidung hängt zusammen mit Punkt 2 dieser "
-"Liste (Datenschutz der Kunden), doch auch Händlern und Verkäufern sollte "
-"dies ein Anliegen sein: Wo ein Minimum an sensiblen Daten gesammelt wird, "
-"ist bei einem worst-case-Szenario (von der Art \"die gesamte Händler-"
-"Datenbank steht offen im Netz\") ebenso der Schaden auf das Minimum "
-"begrenzt. Weder Mitbewerber noch Wirtschaftskriminelle gelangen so an "
-"sensible Daten. Die mit Taler-Coins getätigten Umsätze lassen sich nur mit "
-"privaten Schlüsseln entziffern und die Überweisungen der Umsätze an den "
-"Verkäufer erfolgen direkt vom Treuhandkonto auf das Geschäftsbankenkonto des "
-"Verkäufers. Mehr Daten braucht das Bezahlsystem nicht."
 #: template/principles.html.j2:123
+msgid ""
+"The privacy of buyers is given particular priority as part of principle (2). "
+"However, other parties - such as merchants - also must have data protection. "
+"Generally, GNU Taler must collect the minimum information necessary: data "
+"that is not collected or is no longer stored can not be compromised."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:137
 msgid "6. Be usable"
 msgstr "6. Nutzen und Benutzerfreundlichkeit maximieren"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:124
-msgid "Buy with one click"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Buy with one click"
+msgid "Buy with one click. Easy for children."
 msgstr "Mit einem Klick bezahlen"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:126
+#: template/principles.html.j2:140
 msgid ""
-"Specifically it must be usable for non-expert customers. Usability also "
-"applies to the integration with merchants, and informs choices about the "
-"architecture, such as encapsulating procedures that require cryptographic "
-"operations into an isolated component with a simple API."
+"GNU Taler must be usable for non-expert customers including end-users of a "
+"GNU Taler wallet, merchants who wish to accept payments using GNU Taler, and "
+"3rd party application developers for e-commerce and other platforms. GNU "
+"Taler must follow best-practices usability guidelines and incorporate "
+"feedback from experts and users. Free/Libre software also requires Free/"
+"Libre documentation to allow for informed choices. GNU Taler must provide "
+"well-documented Advanced Programming Interfaces (APIs) to allow frictionless "
+"integrations between GNU Taler and other projects."
 msgstr ""
-"Das Bezahlsystem soll einfach nützlich sein und für unerfahrene Nutzer "
-"intuitiv bedienbar bleiben. Diese Nutzerfreundlichkeit wissen auch "
-"Systemintegratoren und Webshop-Betreiber zu schätzen, die bis ins Detail "
-"aufgeklärt werden über die Architektur und einzelne "
-"Programmierschnittstellen, welche besonders kritische "
-"Datenverarbeitungsprozesse einkapseln und in einer modularen, isolierten und "
-"überschaubaren API kryptografisch absichern."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:137
+#: template/principles.html.j2:157
 msgid "7. Be efficient"
 msgstr "7. Effizienz steigern und Kosten mindern"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+#: template/principles.html.j2:158
 msgid "Energy efficiency"
 msgstr "Energieeffizienz ist ein entscheidendes Argument"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:140
+#: template/principles.html.j2:160
 msgid ""
-"Approaches such as proof-of-work are ruled out by this requirement. "
-"Efficiency is necessary for GNU Taler to be used for micropayments."
+"GNU Taler must be designed to be efficient. Quite simply, efficiency means "
+"fewer things to break, and it means more transactions per second and lowers "
+"our environmental impact. Efficiency is also critical for GNU Taler to be "
+"used for micropayments. Therefore certain expensive primitives, such as "
+"proof-of-work, must not be used by GNU Taler."
 msgstr ""
-"GNU Taler muss energieeffizient arbeiten und seine Rechenoperationen "
-"möglichst kostengünstig laufen lassen. Dies ist eine klare Absage an alle "
-"Proof-of-work-Verfahren im Geldwesen. Stattdessen setzt Taler auf blinde "
-"Signaturen und schlanke Datenkommunikation zwischen Wallet und Taler-"
-"Exchange. Energieverbrauch und Kommunikationsbedarf im Gesamtsystem sind so "
-"gering, dass Micropayments überhaupt erst möglich werden. Diesen standen "
-"bisher ihre hohen Betriebskosten pro Zahlung entgegen."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:150
+#: template/principles.html.j2:173
 msgid "8. Fault-tolerant design"
 msgstr "8. Hohe Ausfallsicherheit und Fehlertoleranz gewährleisten"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:151
+#: template/principles.html.j2:174
 msgid "Life Safers"
 msgstr "Rettungsring für den Notfall"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:153
-msgid ""
-"Taler should tolerate failure of individual components and systems, "
-"including malicious operators compromising core secrets. This manifests in "
-"architectural choices such as the isolation of certain components, and "
-"auditing procedures."
-msgstr ""
-"GNU Taler soll systemtheoretisch so durchdacht sein, dass trotz eines "
-"eventuellen Ausfalls einzelner Systembestandteile die Funktion des "
-"Bezahlsystems weiterhin gewährleistet bleibt. Es muss daher nicht nur "
-"fehlertolerant sein hinsichtlich der angeschlossenen Partner wie z.B. Banken "
-"oder Webshops, sondern auch resistent gegen Angriffsversuche auf seine "
-"Kernelemente. Die Vorsorge geht dabei so weit, dass selbst Betreiber von "
-"Taler-Exchanges mit böswilliger Absicht dem Bezahlsystem oder seinen Nutzern "
-"keinen Schaden zufügen können. Dieses Erfordernis schlägt sich nieder in den "
-"Ansprüchen an die Architektur, in der Isolierung von bestimmten kritischen "
-"Prozessen sowie im Auditing des Systems, das unabhängigen Auditoren und "
-"legitimierten Sicherheitsexperten ermöglicht, Fehler und Ausfälle zeitnah zu "
-#: template/principles.html.j2:164
+#: template/principles.html.j2:176
+msgid ""
+"Malicious operators, fat fingers, computer glitches, gremlins. Things go "
+"wrong. GNU Taler must be designed to tolerate failure of individual "
+"components and systems. Where the system can continue running safely, it "
+"will continue running safely. Where it must halt an operation, other "
+"operations must not be needlessly pulled offline. Where systems fail, they "
+"must fail gracefully. GNU Taler must have a plan to recover from malicious "
+"operators compromising core secrets."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:194
 msgid "9. Foster competition"
 msgstr "9. Gesunden Wettbewerb antreiben"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:165
+#: template/principles.html.j2:195
 msgid "A competitive market"
 msgstr "Ein Markt ohne Monopolsituation und Kartellmacht"
 # I don't really understand the meaning of " to join the systems".
 # For now I've translated this sentence as if its meaning was "to connect to 
the existing payment systems"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:167
+#: template/principles.html.j2:197
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid ""
 #| "It must be relatively easy for competitors to join the systems. While the "
@@ -2094,11 +2051,48 @@ msgstr "Ein Markt ohne Monopolsituation und 
 #| "independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
 msgid ""
 "It must be relatively easy for competitors to deploy interoperable "
-"alternatives. While the barriers for this in traditional financial systems "
-"are rather high, the technical burden for new competitors to join must be "
-"minimized. A design choice that supports this is to split the whole system "
-"into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved upon "
-"independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
+"alternatives. The barriers for this in traditional financial systems are "
+"rather high and outside of our control. However, GNU Taler must minimize the "
+"technical burden for new competitors to enter the market."
+msgstr ""
+"Für unser Geldwesen ist es besonders wichtig, dass keine Monopole oder "
+"Kartelle über die Verfügbarkeit und Zugänglichkeit von Zahlungsdiensten "
+"bestimmen. Im traditionellen Finanzwesen haben es neue Anbieter "
+"begreiflicherweise schwer mit einem Markteintritt. Auch auf der Seite der "
+"Nutzer werden zudem nicht wenige Kunden schon durch zu hohe Gebühren von "
+"Zahlungsdiensten ausgeschlossen. Für eine finanzielle Selbstbestimmung muss "
+"der Markt hingegen so gestaltet sein, dass zahlreiche Anbieter und "
+"Zugangspunkte im Bezahlsystem auftreten und in einer unbeschränkten "
+"Angebotssituation für geringe bzw. stetig sinkende Kosten und Gebühren "
+"sorgen können. Um dies zu erreichen, ist es nötig, dass die technische "
+"Umsetzung und Bereitstellung für Zahlungsdienstleister, Händler und Banken "
+"möglichst leicht gelingt. Auch aus diesen Gründen ist Taler kein "
+"monolithisches Konstrukt, sondern ein modular aufgebautes System mit "
+"einzelnen Programmierschnittstellen in verschiedenen Sprachen und mit "
+"kleineren Komponenten, die unabhängig voneinander betrieben, ausgebaut und "
+"fortlaufend optimiert werden können."
+#: template/principles.html.j2:204
+msgid ""
+"GNU Taler must enable a diverse set of operators, breaking up the current "
+"system where only a few global companies dominate the market."
+msgstr ""
+# I don't really understand the meaning of " to join the systems".
+# For now I've translated this sentence as if its meaning was "to connect to 
the existing payment systems"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:209
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "It must be relatively easy for competitors to join the systems. While the "
+#| "barriers for this in traditional financial systems are rather high, the "
+#| "technical burden for new competitors to join must be minimized. Another "
+#| "design choice that supports this is to split the whole system into "
+#| "smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved upon "
+#| "independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
+msgid ""
+"An example for a design choice that supports this is to split the whole "
+"system into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved "
+"upon independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
 msgstr ""
 "Für unser Geldwesen ist es besonders wichtig, dass keine Monopole oder "
 "Kartelle über die Verfügbarkeit und Zugänglichkeit von Zahlungsdiensten "
@@ -2204,3 +2198,140 @@ msgstr "Andere Browser"
 #: template/wallet.html.j2:263
 msgid "Wallets for other browsers will be provided in the near future."
 msgstr "Wallets für andere Browser werden zukünftig bereitgestellt."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GNU Taler must be <a href=\"";
+#~ "\">Free Software</a>. For merchants, our Free Software reference "
+#~ "implementation prevents vendor lock-in. As the software of the payment "
+#~ "provider itself is free, countries can deploy the payment system without "
+#~ "compromising sovereignty."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GNU Taler muss <a href=\"";
+#~ "\">freie Software</a> sein. Mit Taler werden Verkäufer und Händler "
+#~ "unabhängig von technischen, finanzwirtschaftlichen und "
+#~ "(patent-)rechtlichen Monopolen, denn unser Bezahlsystem basiert in seiner "
+#~ "Referenzimplementierung auf freier Software und dementsprechenden "
+#~ "Lizenzen. Auch für Staaten und ihre Regierungen erbringt Taler als "
+#~ "elektronisches Pendant zu Bargeld einen Zugewinn an Stabilität und "
+#~ "Krisensicherheit bei gleichzeitig voll durchsetzbarer Währungshoheit im "
+#~ "Finanzwesen. Last but not least ist die Umsatztransparenz bei Verkäufern "
+#~ "ein Garant für die Steuerfinanzierung unseres staatlichen Gemeinwesens."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Privacy should be guaranteed via technical measures, as opposed to mere "
+#~ "policies. Especially with micropayments for online publications, a "
+#~ "disproportionate amount of rather private data about buyers would be "
+#~ "revealed, if the payment system does not have privacy protections."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Der Schutz privater Daten (wie z.B. Kaufhistorie, persönliche "
+#~ "Bankverbindungen und die Zahlungen selbst) soll durch technische "
+#~ "Maßnahmen garantiert sein, die man von der ersten bis zur letzten "
+#~ "Codezeile auch jederzeit prüfen und beurteilen kann. Bloße "
+#~ "Absichtserklärungen oder wohltönende Selbstverpflichtungen würden zu kurz "
+#~ "greifen. Taler löst die gestellten Aufgaben durch sein durchdachtes "
+#~ "Konzept und das Design seiner Systembestandteile. Die sich daraus "
+#~ "ergebenden Möglichkeiten sollen schließlich den Menschen in der digitalen "
+#~ "Gesellschaft zu neuen Freiheiten verhelfen. Micropayments mit Taler "
+#~ "sorgen beispielsweise dafür, dass man unangemeldet und spurenlos Artikel "
+#~ "in Onlinemedien lesen kann, den Redaktionen dank der gespendeten "
+#~ "Micropayments die Bannerwerbung zur Einnahmenerzielung erspart und damit "
+#~ "gleichzeitig Adblocker überflüssig macht."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In legislations with data protection regulations (such as the recently "
+#~ "introduced GDPR in Europe), merchants benefit from this as well, as no "
+#~ "data breach of customers can happen if this information is, by design, "
+#~ "not collected in the first place. Obviously some private data, such as "
+#~ "the shipping address for a physical delivery, must still be collected "
+#~ "according to business needs."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mit der seit 2018 rechtskräftigen Datenschutzgrundverordnung der EU "
+#~ "dürfte es vor allem Händler und Verkäufer interessieren, dass ihre "
+#~ "Datenbanken die privaten Kundendaten gar nicht erst sammeln. Taler "
+#~ "ermöglicht es durch sein Design, auf die Namen der Käufer sowie auf ihre "
+#~ "Bankverbindungen zu verzichten. Bei einem Einbruch in die Verkäufer-"
+#~ "Datenbank gestohlene Informationen wären bei Taler-Coins als "
+#~ "Zahlungsmitteln allerhöchstens die aggregierten Zahlungsbeträge, "
+#~ "Lieferadressen und andere zur Auftragserfüllung notwendige unpersönliche "
+#~ "Daten."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This imposes requirements on the security of the system, as well as on "
+#~ "the general design, as payment fraud can also happen through misleading "
+#~ "user interface design or the lack of cryptographic evidence for certain "
+#~ "processes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Betrugsversuche sollen keine Chance haben. Dieses Erfordernis verlangt "
+#~ "wohlüberlegte Sicherheitsvorkehrungen sowohl für das Gesamtsystem als "
+#~ "auch für das allgemeine Design der Nutzerschnittstellen. Die "
+#~ "Programmierung der UIs und APIs hat daher höchste Ansprüche zu erfüllen "
+#~ "und für bestimmte Prozesse die passenden kryptografischen "
+#~ "Sicherheitsmerkmale zu verwenden. Die Wahl der richtigen Lösungswege (zum "
+#~ "Beispiel bei der Kommunikation zwischen Wallets und Taler-Exchange) kann "
+#~ "nämlich einige Betrügereien im Internet obsolet machen wie z.B. das "
+#~ "Phishing von Daten oder der Rückschluss auf die Kunden durch "
+#~ "Fingerprinting. Auch dies haben die Entwickler von Taler immer im Blick."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The reason behind this goal is similar to (2). The privacy of buyers is "
+#~ "given priority, but other parties such as merchants still benefit from "
+#~ "it, for example, by keeping details about the merchant’s financials "
+#~ "hidden from competitors."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Das Bezahlsystem darf nur das Mindeste an Daten zu seiner Nutzung "
+#~ "erhalten. Der Grund für diese Designentscheidung hängt zusammen mit Punkt "
+#~ "2 dieser Liste (Datenschutz der Kunden), doch auch Händlern und "
+#~ "Verkäufern sollte dies ein Anliegen sein: Wo ein Minimum an sensiblen "
+#~ "Daten gesammelt wird, ist bei einem worst-case-Szenario (von der Art "
+#~ "\"die gesamte Händler-Datenbank steht offen im Netz\") ebenso der Schaden "
+#~ "auf das Minimum begrenzt. Weder Mitbewerber noch Wirtschaftskriminelle "
+#~ "gelangen so an sensible Daten. Die mit Taler-Coins getätigten Umsätze "
+#~ "lassen sich nur mit privaten Schlüsseln entziffern und die Überweisungen "
+#~ "der Umsätze an den Verkäufer erfolgen direkt vom Treuhandkonto auf das "
+#~ "Geschäftsbankenkonto des Verkäufers. Mehr Daten braucht das Bezahlsystem "
+#~ "nicht."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Specifically it must be usable for non-expert customers. Usability also "
+#~ "applies to the integration with merchants, and informs choices about the "
+#~ "architecture, such as encapsulating procedures that require cryptographic "
+#~ "operations into an isolated component with a simple API."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Das Bezahlsystem soll einfach nützlich sein und für unerfahrene Nutzer "
+#~ "intuitiv bedienbar bleiben. Diese Nutzerfreundlichkeit wissen auch "
+#~ "Systemintegratoren und Webshop-Betreiber zu schätzen, die bis ins Detail "
+#~ "aufgeklärt werden über die Architektur und einzelne "
+#~ "Programmierschnittstellen, welche besonders kritische "
+#~ "Datenverarbeitungsprozesse einkapseln und in einer modularen, isolierten "
+#~ "und überschaubaren API kryptografisch absichern."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Approaches such as proof-of-work are ruled out by this requirement. "
+#~ "Efficiency is necessary for GNU Taler to be used for micropayments."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GNU Taler muss energieeffizient arbeiten und seine Rechenoperationen "
+#~ "möglichst kostengünstig laufen lassen. Dies ist eine klare Absage an alle "
+#~ "Proof-of-work-Verfahren im Geldwesen. Stattdessen setzt Taler auf blinde "
+#~ "Signaturen und schlanke Datenkommunikation zwischen Wallet und Taler-"
+#~ "Exchange. Energieverbrauch und Kommunikationsbedarf im Gesamtsystem sind "
+#~ "so gering, dass Micropayments überhaupt erst möglich werden. Diesen "
+#~ "standen bisher ihre hohen Betriebskosten pro Zahlung entgegen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Taler should tolerate failure of individual components and systems, "
+#~ "including malicious operators compromising core secrets. This manifests "
+#~ "in architectural choices such as the isolation of certain components, and "
+#~ "auditing procedures."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GNU Taler soll systemtheoretisch so durchdacht sein, dass trotz eines "
+#~ "eventuellen Ausfalls einzelner Systembestandteile die Funktion des "
+#~ "Bezahlsystems weiterhin gewährleistet bleibt. Es muss daher nicht nur "
+#~ "fehlertolerant sein hinsichtlich der angeschlossenen Partner wie z.B. "
+#~ "Banken oder Webshops, sondern auch resistent gegen Angriffsversuche auf "
+#~ "seine Kernelemente. Die Vorsorge geht dabei so weit, dass selbst "
+#~ "Betreiber von Taler-Exchanges mit böswilliger Absicht dem Bezahlsystem "
+#~ "oder seinen Nutzern keinen Schaden zufügen können. Dieses Erfordernis "
+#~ "schlägt sich nieder in den Ansprüchen an die Architektur, in der "
+#~ "Isolierung von bestimmten kritischen Prozessen sowie im Auditing des "
+#~ "Systems, das unabhängigen Auditoren und legitimierten Sicherheitsexperten "
+#~ "ermöglicht, Fehler und Ausfälle zeitnah zu erkennen."
diff --git a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po 
index 78b8e67..e884a4c 100644
--- a/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
+++ b/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-29 20:58+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-17 13:04+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: en <>\n"
@@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:31
-msgid "1. Free Software implementation"
+msgid "1. Free/Libre Software"
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:33
@@ -1410,160 +1410,191 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:36
+#, python-format
 msgid ""
 "GNU Taler must be <a href=\"";
-"\">Free Software</a>. For merchants, our Free Software reference "
-"implementation prevents vendor lock-in. As the software of the payment "
-"provider itself is free, countries can deploy the payment system without "
-"compromising sovereignty."
+"\">Free/Libre Software</a>. For merchants, Free/Libre Software prevents "
+"vendor lock-in meaning merchants can easily choose another service provider "
+"to process their payments. For countries, Free/Libre software means GNU "
+"Taler can not compromise sovereignty by imposing restrictions or "
+"requirements. And for exchange operators, transparency is crucial to satisfy "
+"<a href=\"";
+"\">Kerckhoff's principle</a> and to establish public confidence."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:45
+#: template/principles.html.j2:49
 msgid ""
-"Customers benefit from Free Software as the wallet software can be made to "
-"run on a variety of platforms, and the absence of user-hostile features such "
-"as tracking or telemetry can easily be assured."
+"Customers benefit from Free/Libre Software because anyone is free to modify "
+"the wallet software support additional platforms. The source code must be "
+"available and make it easy to verify that user-hostile features such as "
+"tracking or telemetry are absent."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:56
+#: template/principles.html.j2:60
 msgid "2. Protect the privacy of buyers"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:58
+#: template/principles.html.j2:62
 msgid "You deserve some privacy"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:60
+#: template/principles.html.j2:64
 msgid ""
-"Privacy should be guaranteed via technical measures, as opposed to mere "
-"policies. Especially with micropayments for online publications, a "
-"disproportionate amount of rather private data about buyers would be "
-"revealed, if the payment system does not have privacy protections."
+"Privacy is most meaningful when it is guaranteed via technical measures, as "
+"opposed to mere policies. Without a technical layer providing privacy-by-"
+"default, financial transactions reveal unnecessary levels of personal or "
+"private data. This would be especially true when making micropayments for "
+"online publications. Thus, GNU Taler must protect the privacy of buyers to "
+"avoid facilitating totalitarian control over the population."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:68
+#: template/principles.html.j2:72
 msgid ""
-"In legislations with data protection regulations (such as the recently "
-"introduced GDPR in Europe), merchants benefit from this as well, as no data "
-"breach of customers can happen if this information is, by design, not "
-"collected in the first place. Obviously some private data, such as the "
-"shipping address for a physical delivery, must still be collected according "
-"to business needs."
+"Limited private data, such as the shipping address for a physical delivery, "
+"may need to be collected according to business needs and protected according "
+"to local laws. In this case, GNU Taler must enable deletion of such data as "
+"soon as it is no longer required."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:81
+#: template/principles.html.j2:83
 msgid ""
-"3. Enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal business "
+"3. Auditability - enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal "
+"business activities"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:83
+#: template/principles.html.j2:85
 msgid "Money laundering"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:85
+#: template/principles.html.j2:87
 msgid ""
-"As a payment system must be legal to operate and use, it must comply with "
-"regulatory requirements such as anti money laundering. Furthermore, we "
-"consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair taxation "
-"requires income transparency."
+"As a payment system must comply with local laws in order to operate legally, "
+"GNU Taler must be designed to comply with these requirements. GNU Taler must "
+"provide an audit trail for investigators operating under the law. "
+"Furthermore, we consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair "
+"taxation requires income transparency. Thus, GNU Taler must enable "
+"authorities to track income."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:96
+#: template/principles.html.j2:102
 msgid "4. Prevent payment fraud"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:98
+#: template/principles.html.j2:104
 msgid "Phishing attack"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:100
+#: template/principles.html.j2:106
 msgid ""
-"This imposes requirements on the security of the system, as well as on the "
-"general design, as payment fraud can also happen through misleading user "
-"interface design or the lack of cryptographic evidence for certain processes."
+"GNU Taler must mitigate the most common sources of payment fraud. We must "
+"follow best practices in software design, 3rd party design guidelines that "
+"prevent confusion and misleading user interfaces, and must have others "
+"inspect our publicly available code. Furthermore, GNU Taler must provide "
+"extensive cryptographic evidence for all key processes to enable all parties "
+"to precisely attribute bad behavior."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:110
-msgid "5. Only disclose the minimal amount of information necessary"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:120
+msgid "5. Collect the minimum information necessary"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:111
+#: template/principles.html.j2:121
 msgid ""
 "Privacy by design, privacy by default, General Data Protection Regulation "
 "(GDPR) compliant"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:113
+#: template/principles.html.j2:123
 msgid ""
-"The reason behind this goal is similar to (2). The privacy of buyers is "
-"given priority, but other parties such as merchants still benefit from it, "
-"for example, by keeping details about the merchant’s financials hidden from "
+"The privacy of buyers is given particular priority as part of principle (2). "
+"However, other parties - such as merchants - also must have data protection. "
+"Generally, GNU Taler must collect the minimum information necessary: data "
+"that is not collected or is no longer stored can not be compromised."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:123
+#: template/principles.html.j2:137
 msgid "6. Be usable"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:124
-msgid "Buy with one click"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+msgid "Buy with one click. Easy for children."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:126
+#: template/principles.html.j2:140
 msgid ""
-"Specifically it must be usable for non-expert customers. Usability also "
-"applies to the integration with merchants, and informs choices about the "
-"architecture, such as encapsulating procedures that require cryptographic "
-"operations into an isolated component with a simple API."
+"GNU Taler must be usable for non-expert customers including end-users of a "
+"GNU Taler wallet, merchants who wish to accept payments using GNU Taler, and "
+"3rd party application developers for e-commerce and other platforms. GNU "
+"Taler must follow best-practices usability guidelines and incorporate "
+"feedback from experts and users. Free/Libre software also requires Free/"
+"Libre documentation to allow for informed choices. GNU Taler must provide "
+"well-documented Advanced Programming Interfaces (APIs) to allow frictionless "
+"integrations between GNU Taler and other projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:137
+#: template/principles.html.j2:157
 msgid "7. Be efficient"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+#: template/principles.html.j2:158
 msgid "Energy efficiency"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:140
+#: template/principles.html.j2:160
 msgid ""
-"Approaches such as proof-of-work are ruled out by this requirement. "
-"Efficiency is necessary for GNU Taler to be used for micropayments."
+"GNU Taler must be designed to be efficient. Quite simply, efficiency means "
+"fewer things to break, and it means more transactions per second and lowers "
+"our environmental impact. Efficiency is also critical for GNU Taler to be "
+"used for micropayments. Therefore certain expensive primitives, such as "
+"proof-of-work, must not be used by GNU Taler."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:150
+#: template/principles.html.j2:173
 msgid "8. Fault-tolerant design"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:151
+#: template/principles.html.j2:174
 msgid "Life Safers"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:153
+#: template/principles.html.j2:176
 msgid ""
-"Taler should tolerate failure of individual components and systems, "
-"including malicious operators compromising core secrets. This manifests in "
-"architectural choices such as the isolation of certain components, and "
-"auditing procedures."
+"Malicious operators, fat fingers, computer glitches, gremlins. Things go "
+"wrong. GNU Taler must be designed to tolerate failure of individual "
+"components and systems. Where the system can continue running safely, it "
+"will continue running safely. Where it must halt an operation, other "
+"operations must not be needlessly pulled offline. Where systems fail, they "
+"must fail gracefully. GNU Taler must have a plan to recover from malicious "
+"operators compromising core secrets."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:164
+#: template/principles.html.j2:194
 msgid "9. Foster competition"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:165
+#: template/principles.html.j2:195
 msgid "A competitive market"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:167
+#: template/principles.html.j2:197
 msgid ""
 "It must be relatively easy for competitors to deploy interoperable "
-"alternatives. While the barriers for this in traditional financial systems "
-"are rather high, the technical burden for new competitors to join must be "
-"minimized. A design choice that supports this is to split the whole system "
-"into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved upon "
-"independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
+"alternatives. The barriers for this in traditional financial systems are "
+"rather high and outside of our control. However, GNU Taler must minimize the "
+"technical burden for new competitors to enter the market."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:204
+msgid ""
+"GNU Taler must enable a diverse set of operators, breaking up the current "
+"system where only a few global companies dominate the market."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:209
+msgid ""
+"An example for a design choice that supports this is to split the whole "
+"system into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved "
+"upon independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
 msgstr ""
 #: template/schemafuzz.html.j2:6
diff --git a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po 
index 14af83d..ca01a57 100644
--- a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
+++ b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-29 20:58+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-17 13:04+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-10 06:24+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: \n"
 "Language-Team: es <>\n"
@@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:31
-msgid "1. Free Software implementation"
+msgid "1. Free/Libre Software"
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:33
@@ -1411,160 +1411,191 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:36
+#, python-format
 msgid ""
 "GNU Taler must be <a href=\"";
-"\">Free Software</a>. For merchants, our Free Software reference "
-"implementation prevents vendor lock-in. As the software of the payment "
-"provider itself is free, countries can deploy the payment system without "
-"compromising sovereignty."
+"\">Free/Libre Software</a>. For merchants, Free/Libre Software prevents "
+"vendor lock-in meaning merchants can easily choose another service provider "
+"to process their payments. For countries, Free/Libre software means GNU "
+"Taler can not compromise sovereignty by imposing restrictions or "
+"requirements. And for exchange operators, transparency is crucial to satisfy "
+"<a href=\"";
+"\">Kerckhoff's principle</a> and to establish public confidence."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:45
+#: template/principles.html.j2:49
 msgid ""
-"Customers benefit from Free Software as the wallet software can be made to "
-"run on a variety of platforms, and the absence of user-hostile features such "
-"as tracking or telemetry can easily be assured."
+"Customers benefit from Free/Libre Software because anyone is free to modify "
+"the wallet software support additional platforms. The source code must be "
+"available and make it easy to verify that user-hostile features such as "
+"tracking or telemetry are absent."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:56
+#: template/principles.html.j2:60
 msgid "2. Protect the privacy of buyers"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:58
+#: template/principles.html.j2:62
 msgid "You deserve some privacy"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:60
+#: template/principles.html.j2:64
 msgid ""
-"Privacy should be guaranteed via technical measures, as opposed to mere "
-"policies. Especially with micropayments for online publications, a "
-"disproportionate amount of rather private data about buyers would be "
-"revealed, if the payment system does not have privacy protections."
+"Privacy is most meaningful when it is guaranteed via technical measures, as "
+"opposed to mere policies. Without a technical layer providing privacy-by-"
+"default, financial transactions reveal unnecessary levels of personal or "
+"private data. This would be especially true when making micropayments for "
+"online publications. Thus, GNU Taler must protect the privacy of buyers to "
+"avoid facilitating totalitarian control over the population."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:68
+#: template/principles.html.j2:72
 msgid ""
-"In legislations with data protection regulations (such as the recently "
-"introduced GDPR in Europe), merchants benefit from this as well, as no data "
-"breach of customers can happen if this information is, by design, not "
-"collected in the first place. Obviously some private data, such as the "
-"shipping address for a physical delivery, must still be collected according "
-"to business needs."
+"Limited private data, such as the shipping address for a physical delivery, "
+"may need to be collected according to business needs and protected according "
+"to local laws. In this case, GNU Taler must enable deletion of such data as "
+"soon as it is no longer required."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:81
+#: template/principles.html.j2:83
 msgid ""
-"3. Enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal business "
+"3. Auditability - enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal "
+"business activities"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:83
+#: template/principles.html.j2:85
 msgid "Money laundering"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:85
+#: template/principles.html.j2:87
 msgid ""
-"As a payment system must be legal to operate and use, it must comply with "
-"regulatory requirements such as anti money laundering. Furthermore, we "
-"consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair taxation "
-"requires income transparency."
+"As a payment system must comply with local laws in order to operate legally, "
+"GNU Taler must be designed to comply with these requirements. GNU Taler must "
+"provide an audit trail for investigators operating under the law. "
+"Furthermore, we consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair "
+"taxation requires income transparency. Thus, GNU Taler must enable "
+"authorities to track income."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:96
+#: template/principles.html.j2:102
 msgid "4. Prevent payment fraud"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:98
+#: template/principles.html.j2:104
 msgid "Phishing attack"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:100
+#: template/principles.html.j2:106
 msgid ""
-"This imposes requirements on the security of the system, as well as on the "
-"general design, as payment fraud can also happen through misleading user "
-"interface design or the lack of cryptographic evidence for certain processes."
+"GNU Taler must mitigate the most common sources of payment fraud. We must "
+"follow best practices in software design, 3rd party design guidelines that "
+"prevent confusion and misleading user interfaces, and must have others "
+"inspect our publicly available code. Furthermore, GNU Taler must provide "
+"extensive cryptographic evidence for all key processes to enable all parties "
+"to precisely attribute bad behavior."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:110
-msgid "5. Only disclose the minimal amount of information necessary"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:120
+msgid "5. Collect the minimum information necessary"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:111
+#: template/principles.html.j2:121
 msgid ""
 "Privacy by design, privacy by default, General Data Protection Regulation "
 "(GDPR) compliant"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:113
+#: template/principles.html.j2:123
 msgid ""
-"The reason behind this goal is similar to (2). The privacy of buyers is "
-"given priority, but other parties such as merchants still benefit from it, "
-"for example, by keeping details about the merchant’s financials hidden from "
+"The privacy of buyers is given particular priority as part of principle (2). "
+"However, other parties - such as merchants - also must have data protection. "
+"Generally, GNU Taler must collect the minimum information necessary: data "
+"that is not collected or is no longer stored can not be compromised."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:123
+#: template/principles.html.j2:137
 msgid "6. Be usable"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:124
-msgid "Buy with one click"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+msgid "Buy with one click. Easy for children."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:126
+#: template/principles.html.j2:140
 msgid ""
-"Specifically it must be usable for non-expert customers. Usability also "
-"applies to the integration with merchants, and informs choices about the "
-"architecture, such as encapsulating procedures that require cryptographic "
-"operations into an isolated component with a simple API."
+"GNU Taler must be usable for non-expert customers including end-users of a "
+"GNU Taler wallet, merchants who wish to accept payments using GNU Taler, and "
+"3rd party application developers for e-commerce and other platforms. GNU "
+"Taler must follow best-practices usability guidelines and incorporate "
+"feedback from experts and users. Free/Libre software also requires Free/"
+"Libre documentation to allow for informed choices. GNU Taler must provide "
+"well-documented Advanced Programming Interfaces (APIs) to allow frictionless "
+"integrations between GNU Taler and other projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:137
+#: template/principles.html.j2:157
 msgid "7. Be efficient"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+#: template/principles.html.j2:158
 msgid "Energy efficiency"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:140
+#: template/principles.html.j2:160
 msgid ""
-"Approaches such as proof-of-work are ruled out by this requirement. "
-"Efficiency is necessary for GNU Taler to be used for micropayments."
+"GNU Taler must be designed to be efficient. Quite simply, efficiency means "
+"fewer things to break, and it means more transactions per second and lowers "
+"our environmental impact. Efficiency is also critical for GNU Taler to be "
+"used for micropayments. Therefore certain expensive primitives, such as "
+"proof-of-work, must not be used by GNU Taler."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:150
+#: template/principles.html.j2:173
 msgid "8. Fault-tolerant design"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:151
+#: template/principles.html.j2:174
 msgid "Life Safers"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:153
+#: template/principles.html.j2:176
 msgid ""
-"Taler should tolerate failure of individual components and systems, "
-"including malicious operators compromising core secrets. This manifests in "
-"architectural choices such as the isolation of certain components, and "
-"auditing procedures."
+"Malicious operators, fat fingers, computer glitches, gremlins. Things go "
+"wrong. GNU Taler must be designed to tolerate failure of individual "
+"components and systems. Where the system can continue running safely, it "
+"will continue running safely. Where it must halt an operation, other "
+"operations must not be needlessly pulled offline. Where systems fail, they "
+"must fail gracefully. GNU Taler must have a plan to recover from malicious "
+"operators compromising core secrets."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:164
+#: template/principles.html.j2:194
 msgid "9. Foster competition"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:165
+#: template/principles.html.j2:195
 msgid "A competitive market"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:167
+#: template/principles.html.j2:197
 msgid ""
 "It must be relatively easy for competitors to deploy interoperable "
-"alternatives. While the barriers for this in traditional financial systems "
-"are rather high, the technical burden for new competitors to join must be "
-"minimized. A design choice that supports this is to split the whole system "
-"into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved upon "
-"independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
+"alternatives. The barriers for this in traditional financial systems are "
+"rather high and outside of our control. However, GNU Taler must minimize the "
+"technical burden for new competitors to enter the market."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:204
+msgid ""
+"GNU Taler must enable a diverse set of operators, breaking up the current "
+"system where only a few global companies dominate the market."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:209
+msgid ""
+"An example for a design choice that supports this is to split the whole "
+"system into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved "
+"upon independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
 msgstr ""
 #: template/schemafuzz.html.j2:6
diff --git a/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po 
index d645cdf..23ed8c1 100644
--- a/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
+++ b/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: French (Taler Website)\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-29 20:58+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-17 13:04+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-17 07:28+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: pitchum <>\n"
-"Language-Team: French <";
+"Language-Team: French <";
 "Language: fr\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Les contributeurs à GNU Taler avec accès à Git doivent signer une <a href=\"/"
 "pdf/copyright.pdf\">cession de droits d'auteurs</a> afin de garantir que <a "
-">l'accord sur les licences et le développement collaboratif de GNUnet e.V. "
+"\">l'accord sur les licences et le développement collaboratif de GNUnet e.V. "
 "--- Taler Systems SA du projet GNUnet et GNU TAler</a> soit respecté."
 #: template/copyright.html.j2:19
@@ -1613,7 +1613,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "tête :"
 #: template/principles.html.j2:31
-msgid "1. Free Software implementation"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "1. Free Software implementation"
+msgid "1. Free/Libre Software"
 msgstr "1. Implémentation en logiciel libre"
 #: template/principles.html.j2:33
@@ -1624,87 +1626,91 @@ msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:36
+#, python-format
 msgid ""
 "GNU Taler must be <a href=\"";
-"\">Free Software</a>. For merchants, our Free Software reference "
-"implementation prevents vendor lock-in. As the software of the payment "
-"provider itself is free, countries can deploy the payment system without "
-"compromising sovereignty."
-msgstr ""
-"GNU Taler doit être un <a href=\"";
-"\">Logiciel libre</a>. Pour les commerçants, notre implémentation de "
-"référence en logiciel libre évite l'emprisonnement commercial. Étant donné "
-"que le logiciel du prestataire de paiement lui-même est un logiciel libre, "
-"les états peuvent déployer le système de paiement sans compromettre leur "
-#: template/principles.html.j2:45
-msgid ""
-"Customers benefit from Free Software as the wallet software can be made to "
-"run on a variety of platforms, and the absence of user-hostile features such "
-"as tracking or telemetry can easily be assured."
+"\">Free/Libre Software</a>. For merchants, Free/Libre Software prevents "
+"vendor lock-in meaning merchants can easily choose another service provider "
+"to process their payments. For countries, Free/Libre software means GNU "
+"Taler can not compromise sovereignty by imposing restrictions or "
+"requirements. And for exchange operators, transparency is crucial to satisfy "
+"<a href=\"";
+"\">Kerckhoff's principle</a> and to establish public confidence."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:49
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Customers benefit from Free Software as the wallet software can be made "
+#| "to run on a variety of platforms, and the absence of user-hostile "
+#| "features such as tracking or telemetry can easily be assured."
+msgid ""
+"Customers benefit from Free/Libre Software because anyone is free to modify "
+"the wallet software support additional platforms. The source code must be "
+"available and make it easy to verify that user-hostile features such as "
+"tracking or telemetry are absent."
 msgstr ""
 "Les acheteurs profitent du logiciel libre car le logiciel de porte-monnaie "
 "peut fonctionner sur différentes plateformes, et l'absence de "
 "fonctionnalités néfastes telles que le traçage ou la télémétrie peut "
 "facilement être garantie."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:56
+#: template/principles.html.j2:60
 msgid "2. Protect the privacy of buyers"
 msgstr "2. Protéger la vie privée des acheteurs"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:58
+#: template/principles.html.j2:62
 msgid "You deserve some privacy"
 msgstr "Vous avez droit à un minimum d'intimité"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:60
+#: template/principles.html.j2:64
 msgid ""
-"Privacy should be guaranteed via technical measures, as opposed to mere "
-"policies. Especially with micropayments for online publications, a "
-"disproportionate amount of rather private data about buyers would be "
-"revealed, if the payment system does not have privacy protections."
+"Privacy is most meaningful when it is guaranteed via technical measures, as "
+"opposed to mere policies. Without a technical layer providing privacy-by-"
+"default, financial transactions reveal unnecessary levels of personal or "
+"private data. This would be especially true when making micropayments for "
+"online publications. Thus, GNU Taler must protect the privacy of buyers to "
+"avoid facilitating totalitarian control over the population."
 msgstr ""
-"Le respect de la vie privée devrait être garanti par des mesures techniques, "
-"plutôt que par de simples politiques. En particulier dans le cas des micro-"
-"paiements pour des publications en ligne, une quantité disproportionnée de "
-"données de nature privée concernant les acheteurs pourraient être "
-"divulguées, si le système de paiement ne prévoie pas de protection de la vie "
-#: template/principles.html.j2:68
+#: template/principles.html.j2:72
 msgid ""
-"In legislations with data protection regulations (such as the recently "
-"introduced GDPR in Europe), merchants benefit from this as well, as no data "
-"breach of customers can happen if this information is, by design, not "
-"collected in the first place. Obviously some private data, such as the "
-"shipping address for a physical delivery, must still be collected according "
-"to business needs."
+"Limited private data, such as the shipping address for a physical delivery, "
+"may need to be collected according to business needs and protected according "
+"to local laws. In this case, GNU Taler must enable deletion of such data as "
+"soon as it is no longer required."
 msgstr ""
-"Dans les législations ayant des lois sur la protection des données (comme le "
-"RGPD récemment introduit en Europe), les commerçants sont également gagnants "
-"car aucune fuite de données de clients ne peut survenir puisque, de par sa "
-"conception, ces données ne sont tout simplement jamais collectées. Bien "
-"évidemment certaines données privées, telles que l'adresse de livraison, "
-"pourront toujours être collectées selon les besoins."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:81
+#: template/principles.html.j2:83
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "3. Enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal business "
+#| "activities"
 msgid ""
-"3. Enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal business "
+"3. Auditability - enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal "
+"business activities"
 msgstr ""
 "3. Permettre à l'état de collecter les impôts et de lutter contre les "
 "activités marchandes illégales"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:83
+#: template/principles.html.j2:85
 msgid "Money laundering"
 msgstr "Blanchiment d'argent"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:85
-msgid ""
-"As a payment system must be legal to operate and use, it must comply with "
-"regulatory requirements such as anti money laundering. Furthermore, we "
-"consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair taxation "
-"requires income transparency."
+#: template/principles.html.j2:87
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "As a payment system must be legal to operate and use, it must comply with "
+#| "regulatory requirements such as anti money laundering. Furthermore, we "
+#| "consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair taxation "
+#| "requires income transparency."
+msgid ""
+"As a payment system must comply with local laws in order to operate legally, "
+"GNU Taler must be designed to comply with these requirements. GNU Taler must "
+"provide an audit trail for investigators operating under the law. "
+"Furthermore, we consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair "
+"taxation requires income transparency. Thus, GNU Taler must enable "
+"authorities to track income."
 msgstr ""
 "Un système de paiement se doit d'être légal pour pouvoir fonctionner et être "
 "utilisé, il doit donc être en conformité avec les exigences réglementaires, "
@@ -1712,30 +1718,31 @@ msgstr ""
 "collecte d'impôts est bénéfique pour la société, et une fiscalité équitable "
 "exige la transparence des revenus."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:96
+#: template/principles.html.j2:102
 msgid "4. Prevent payment fraud"
 msgstr "4. Empêcher la fraude sur les paiements"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:98
+#: template/principles.html.j2:104
 msgid "Phishing attack"
 msgstr "Attaque par hameçonnage"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:100
+#: template/principles.html.j2:106
 msgid ""
-"This imposes requirements on the security of the system, as well as on the "
-"general design, as payment fraud can also happen through misleading user "
-"interface design or the lack of cryptographic evidence for certain processes."
+"GNU Taler must mitigate the most common sources of payment fraud. We must "
+"follow best practices in software design, 3rd party design guidelines that "
+"prevent confusion and misleading user interfaces, and must have others "
+"inspect our publicly available code. Furthermore, GNU Taler must provide "
+"extensive cryptographic evidence for all key processes to enable all parties "
+"to precisely attribute bad behavior."
 msgstr ""
-"Cela impose des exigences sur la sécurité du système ainsi que sur sa forme "
-"générale car la fraude au paiement peut aussi provenir d'une interface "
-"utilisateur trompeuse ou le manque de preuve cryptographique de certains "
-#: template/principles.html.j2:110
-msgid "5. Only disclose the minimal amount of information necessary"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:120
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "5. Only disclose the minimal amount of information necessary"
+msgid "5. Collect the minimum information necessary"
 msgstr "5. Ne divulguer que la quantité strictement nécessaire d'information"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:111
+#: template/principles.html.j2:121
 msgid ""
 "Privacy by design, privacy by default, General Data Protection Regulation "
 "(GDPR) compliant"
@@ -1743,94 +1750,128 @@ msgstr ""
 "Protection des données dès la conception, par défaut, conforme au Règlement "
 "Général de Protection des Données (RGPD)"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:113
+#: template/principles.html.j2:123
 msgid ""
-"The reason behind this goal is similar to (2). The privacy of buyers is "
-"given priority, but other parties such as merchants still benefit from it, "
-"for example, by keeping details about the merchant’s financials hidden from "
+"The privacy of buyers is given particular priority as part of principle (2). "
+"However, other parties - such as merchants - also must have data protection. "
+"Generally, GNU Taler must collect the minimum information necessary: data "
+"that is not collected or is no longer stored can not be compromised."
 msgstr ""
-"La motivation ici est similaire au point (2). La protection des données des "
-"acheteurs est la priorité, mais les autres acteurs comme les commerçants en "
-"profitent également, par exemple en empêchant les concurrents d'accéder à "
-"leurs données financières."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:123
+#: template/principles.html.j2:137
 msgid "6. Be usable"
 msgstr "6. Être convivial"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:124
-msgid "Buy with one click"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Buy with one click"
+msgid "Buy with one click. Easy for children."
 msgstr "Acheter en un clic"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:126
+#: template/principles.html.j2:140
 msgid ""
-"Specifically it must be usable for non-expert customers. Usability also "
-"applies to the integration with merchants, and informs choices about the "
-"architecture, such as encapsulating procedures that require cryptographic "
-"operations into an isolated component with a simple API."
+"GNU Taler must be usable for non-expert customers including end-users of a "
+"GNU Taler wallet, merchants who wish to accept payments using GNU Taler, and "
+"3rd party application developers for e-commerce and other platforms. GNU "
+"Taler must follow best-practices usability guidelines and incorporate "
+"feedback from experts and users. Free/Libre software also requires Free/"
+"Libre documentation to allow for informed choices. GNU Taler must provide "
+"well-documented Advanced Programming Interfaces (APIs) to allow frictionless "
+"integrations between GNU Taler and other projects."
 msgstr ""
-"Plus précisément il doit être utilisable par des acheteurs non experts. La "
-"convivialité s'applique également à l'intégration chez les commerçants, et "
-"informe des choix d'architecture tels que le fait d'encapsuler les "
-"procédures nécessitant des opérations cryptographiques dans un composant "
-"isolé avec une API simple."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:137
+#: template/principles.html.j2:157
 msgid "7. Be efficient"
 msgstr "7. Être efficace"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+#: template/principles.html.j2:158
 msgid "Energy efficiency"
 msgstr "Efficacité énergétique"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:140
+#: template/principles.html.j2:160
 msgid ""
-"Approaches such as proof-of-work are ruled out by this requirement. "
-"Efficiency is necessary for GNU Taler to be used for micropayments."
+"GNU Taler must be designed to be efficient. Quite simply, efficiency means "
+"fewer things to break, and it means more transactions per second and lowers "
+"our environmental impact. Efficiency is also critical for GNU Taler to be "
+"used for micropayments. Therefore certain expensive primitives, such as "
+"proof-of-work, must not be used by GNU Taler."
 msgstr ""
-"Les approches telles que le preuve \"de travail\" sont exclues par cette "
-"exigence. L'efficacité est nécessaire pour que GNU Taler soit utilisé pour "
-"les micro-paiements."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:150
+#: template/principles.html.j2:173
 msgid "8. Fault-tolerant design"
 msgstr "8. Une conception tolérante aux pannes"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:151
+#: template/principles.html.j2:174
 msgid "Life Safers"
 msgstr "Bouées de sauvetage"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:153
+#: template/principles.html.j2:176
 msgid ""
-"Taler should tolerate failure of individual components and systems, "
-"including malicious operators compromising core secrets. This manifests in "
-"architectural choices such as the isolation of certain components, and "
-"auditing procedures."
+"Malicious operators, fat fingers, computer glitches, gremlins. Things go "
+"wrong. GNU Taler must be designed to tolerate failure of individual "
+"components and systems. Where the system can continue running safely, it "
+"will continue running safely. Where it must halt an operation, other "
+"operations must not be needlessly pulled offline. Where systems fail, they "
+"must fail gracefully. GNU Taler must have a plan to recover from malicious "
+"operators compromising core secrets."
 msgstr ""
-"Taler devrait pouvoir tolérer la panne de composants individuels et des "
-"systèmes, y compris dans le cas d'agents mal-intentionnés accédant à des "
-"données secrètes. Cela se traduit dans les choix architecturaux tels que "
-"l'isolation de certains composants et des procédures d'audit."
-#: template/principles.html.j2:164
+#: template/principles.html.j2:194
 msgid "9. Foster competition"
 msgstr "9. Stimuler la compétition"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:165
+#: template/principles.html.j2:195
 msgid "A competitive market"
 msgstr "Un marché compétitif"
 # I don't really understand the meaning of " to join the systems".
 # For now I've translated this sentence as if its meaning was "to connect to 
the existing payment systems"
-#: template/principles.html.j2:167
+#: template/principles.html.j2:197
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "It must be relatively easy for competitors to deploy interoperable "
+#| "alternatives. While the barriers for this in traditional financial "
+#| "systems are rather high, the technical burden for new competitors to join "
+#| "must be minimized. A design choice that supports this is to split the "
+#| "whole system into smaller components that can be operated, developed and "
+#| "improved upon independently, instead of having one completely monolithic "
+#| "system."
 msgid ""
 "It must be relatively easy for competitors to deploy interoperable "
-"alternatives. While the barriers for this in traditional financial systems "
-"are rather high, the technical burden for new competitors to join must be "
-"minimized. A design choice that supports this is to split the whole system "
-"into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved upon "
-"independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
+"alternatives. The barriers for this in traditional financial systems are "
+"rather high and outside of our control. However, GNU Taler must minimize the "
+"technical burden for new competitors to enter the market."
+msgstr ""
+"Il faut qu'il soit relativement facile pour des concurrents déployer des "
+"alternatives. Alors que les barrières pour ce genre de systèmes financiers "
+"sont généralement assez élevées, la charge technique doit être minimisée. Un "
+"choix de conception en ce sens consiste à découper l'ensemble du système en "
+"composants plus petits qui peuvent être exploités, développés et améliorés "
+"de façon indépendante, plutôt que d'avoir une système complètement "
+#: template/principles.html.j2:204
+msgid ""
+"GNU Taler must enable a diverse set of operators, breaking up the current "
+"system where only a few global companies dominate the market."
+msgstr ""
+# I don't really understand the meaning of " to join the systems".
+# For now I've translated this sentence as if its meaning was "to connect to 
the existing payment systems"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:209
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "It must be relatively easy for competitors to deploy interoperable "
+#| "alternatives. While the barriers for this in traditional financial "
+#| "systems are rather high, the technical burden for new competitors to join "
+#| "must be minimized. A design choice that supports this is to split the "
+#| "whole system into smaller components that can be operated, developed and "
+#| "improved upon independently, instead of having one completely monolithic "
+#| "system."
+msgid ""
+"An example for a design choice that supports this is to split the whole "
+"system into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved "
+"upon independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
 msgstr ""
 "Il faut qu'il soit relativement facile pour des concurrents déployer des "
 "alternatives. Alors que les barrières pour ce genre de systèmes financiers "
@@ -1917,3 +1958,99 @@ msgstr ""
 #: template/wallet.html.j2:263
 msgid "Wallets for other browsers will be provided in the near future."
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GNU Taler must be <a href=\"";
+#~ "\">Free Software</a>. For merchants, our Free Software reference "
+#~ "implementation prevents vendor lock-in. As the software of the payment "
+#~ "provider itself is free, countries can deploy the payment system without "
+#~ "compromising sovereignty."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GNU Taler doit être un <a href=\"";
+#~ "html\">Logiciel libre</a>. Pour les commerçants, notre implémentation de "
+#~ "référence en logiciel libre évite l'emprisonnement commercial. Étant "
+#~ "donné que le logiciel du prestataire de paiement lui-même est un logiciel "
+#~ "libre, les états peuvent déployer le système de paiement sans "
+#~ "compromettre leur souveraineté."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Privacy should be guaranteed via technical measures, as opposed to mere "
+#~ "policies. Especially with micropayments for online publications, a "
+#~ "disproportionate amount of rather private data about buyers would be "
+#~ "revealed, if the payment system does not have privacy protections."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Le respect de la vie privée devrait être garanti par des mesures "
+#~ "techniques, plutôt que par de simples politiques. En particulier dans le "
+#~ "cas des micro-paiements pour des publications en ligne, une quantité "
+#~ "disproportionnée de données de nature privée concernant les acheteurs "
+#~ "pourraient être divulguées, si le système de paiement ne prévoie pas de "
+#~ "protection de la vie privée."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In legislations with data protection regulations (such as the recently "
+#~ "introduced GDPR in Europe), merchants benefit from this as well, as no "
+#~ "data breach of customers can happen if this information is, by design, "
+#~ "not collected in the first place. Obviously some private data, such as "
+#~ "the shipping address for a physical delivery, must still be collected "
+#~ "according to business needs."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Dans les législations ayant des lois sur la protection des données (comme "
+#~ "le RGPD récemment introduit en Europe), les commerçants sont également "
+#~ "gagnants car aucune fuite de données de clients ne peut survenir puisque, "
+#~ "de par sa conception, ces données ne sont tout simplement jamais "
+#~ "collectées. Bien évidemment certaines données privées, telles que "
+#~ "l'adresse de livraison, pourront toujours être collectées selon les "
+#~ "besoins."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This imposes requirements on the security of the system, as well as on "
+#~ "the general design, as payment fraud can also happen through misleading "
+#~ "user interface design or the lack of cryptographic evidence for certain "
+#~ "processes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cela impose des exigences sur la sécurité du système ainsi que sur sa "
+#~ "forme générale car la fraude au paiement peut aussi provenir d'une "
+#~ "interface utilisateur trompeuse ou le manque de preuve cryptographique de "
+#~ "certains procédés."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The reason behind this goal is similar to (2). The privacy of buyers is "
+#~ "given priority, but other parties such as merchants still benefit from "
+#~ "it, for example, by keeping details about the merchant’s financials "
+#~ "hidden from competitors."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La motivation ici est similaire au point (2). La protection des données "
+#~ "des acheteurs est la priorité, mais les autres acteurs comme les "
+#~ "commerçants en profitent également, par exemple en empêchant les "
+#~ "concurrents d'accéder à leurs données financières."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Specifically it must be usable for non-expert customers. Usability also "
+#~ "applies to the integration with merchants, and informs choices about the "
+#~ "architecture, such as encapsulating procedures that require cryptographic "
+#~ "operations into an isolated component with a simple API."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Plus précisément il doit être utilisable par des acheteurs non experts. "
+#~ "La convivialité s'applique également à l'intégration chez les "
+#~ "commerçants, et informe des choix d'architecture tels que le fait "
+#~ "d'encapsuler les procédures nécessitant des opérations cryptographiques "
+#~ "dans un composant isolé avec une API simple."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Approaches such as proof-of-work are ruled out by this requirement. "
+#~ "Efficiency is necessary for GNU Taler to be used for micropayments."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Les approches telles que le preuve \"de travail\" sont exclues par cette "
+#~ "exigence. L'efficacité est nécessaire pour que GNU Taler soit utilisé "
+#~ "pour les micro-paiements."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Taler should tolerate failure of individual components and systems, "
+#~ "including malicious operators compromising core secrets. This manifests "
+#~ "in architectural choices such as the isolation of certain components, and "
+#~ "auditing procedures."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Taler devrait pouvoir tolérer la panne de composants individuels et des "
+#~ "systèmes, y compris dans le cas d'agents mal-intentionnés accédant à des "
+#~ "données secrètes. Cela se traduit dans les choix architecturaux tels que "
+#~ "l'isolation de certains composants et des procédures d'audit."
diff --git a/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po 
index 0113afe..658d373 100644
--- a/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
+++ b/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-29 20:58+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-17 13:04+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: it <>\n"
@@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:31
-msgid "1. Free Software implementation"
+msgid "1. Free/Libre Software"
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:33
@@ -1410,160 +1410,191 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:36
+#, python-format
 msgid ""
 "GNU Taler must be <a href=\"";
-"\">Free Software</a>. For merchants, our Free Software reference "
-"implementation prevents vendor lock-in. As the software of the payment "
-"provider itself is free, countries can deploy the payment system without "
-"compromising sovereignty."
+"\">Free/Libre Software</a>. For merchants, Free/Libre Software prevents "
+"vendor lock-in meaning merchants can easily choose another service provider "
+"to process their payments. For countries, Free/Libre software means GNU "
+"Taler can not compromise sovereignty by imposing restrictions or "
+"requirements. And for exchange operators, transparency is crucial to satisfy "
+"<a href=\"";
+"\">Kerckhoff's principle</a> and to establish public confidence."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:45
+#: template/principles.html.j2:49
 msgid ""
-"Customers benefit from Free Software as the wallet software can be made to "
-"run on a variety of platforms, and the absence of user-hostile features such "
-"as tracking or telemetry can easily be assured."
+"Customers benefit from Free/Libre Software because anyone is free to modify "
+"the wallet software support additional platforms. The source code must be "
+"available and make it easy to verify that user-hostile features such as "
+"tracking or telemetry are absent."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:56
+#: template/principles.html.j2:60
 msgid "2. Protect the privacy of buyers"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:58
+#: template/principles.html.j2:62
 msgid "You deserve some privacy"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:60
+#: template/principles.html.j2:64
 msgid ""
-"Privacy should be guaranteed via technical measures, as opposed to mere "
-"policies. Especially with micropayments for online publications, a "
-"disproportionate amount of rather private data about buyers would be "
-"revealed, if the payment system does not have privacy protections."
+"Privacy is most meaningful when it is guaranteed via technical measures, as "
+"opposed to mere policies. Without a technical layer providing privacy-by-"
+"default, financial transactions reveal unnecessary levels of personal or "
+"private data. This would be especially true when making micropayments for "
+"online publications. Thus, GNU Taler must protect the privacy of buyers to "
+"avoid facilitating totalitarian control over the population."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:68
+#: template/principles.html.j2:72
 msgid ""
-"In legislations with data protection regulations (such as the recently "
-"introduced GDPR in Europe), merchants benefit from this as well, as no data "
-"breach of customers can happen if this information is, by design, not "
-"collected in the first place. Obviously some private data, such as the "
-"shipping address for a physical delivery, must still be collected according "
-"to business needs."
+"Limited private data, such as the shipping address for a physical delivery, "
+"may need to be collected according to business needs and protected according "
+"to local laws. In this case, GNU Taler must enable deletion of such data as "
+"soon as it is no longer required."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:81
+#: template/principles.html.j2:83
 msgid ""
-"3. Enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal business "
+"3. Auditability - enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal "
+"business activities"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:83
+#: template/principles.html.j2:85
 msgid "Money laundering"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:85
+#: template/principles.html.j2:87
 msgid ""
-"As a payment system must be legal to operate and use, it must comply with "
-"regulatory requirements such as anti money laundering. Furthermore, we "
-"consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair taxation "
-"requires income transparency."
+"As a payment system must comply with local laws in order to operate legally, "
+"GNU Taler must be designed to comply with these requirements. GNU Taler must "
+"provide an audit trail for investigators operating under the law. "
+"Furthermore, we consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair "
+"taxation requires income transparency. Thus, GNU Taler must enable "
+"authorities to track income."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:96
+#: template/principles.html.j2:102
 msgid "4. Prevent payment fraud"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:98
+#: template/principles.html.j2:104
 msgid "Phishing attack"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:100
+#: template/principles.html.j2:106
 msgid ""
-"This imposes requirements on the security of the system, as well as on the "
-"general design, as payment fraud can also happen through misleading user "
-"interface design or the lack of cryptographic evidence for certain processes."
+"GNU Taler must mitigate the most common sources of payment fraud. We must "
+"follow best practices in software design, 3rd party design guidelines that "
+"prevent confusion and misleading user interfaces, and must have others "
+"inspect our publicly available code. Furthermore, GNU Taler must provide "
+"extensive cryptographic evidence for all key processes to enable all parties "
+"to precisely attribute bad behavior."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:110
-msgid "5. Only disclose the minimal amount of information necessary"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:120
+msgid "5. Collect the minimum information necessary"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:111
+#: template/principles.html.j2:121
 msgid ""
 "Privacy by design, privacy by default, General Data Protection Regulation "
 "(GDPR) compliant"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:113
+#: template/principles.html.j2:123
 msgid ""
-"The reason behind this goal is similar to (2). The privacy of buyers is "
-"given priority, but other parties such as merchants still benefit from it, "
-"for example, by keeping details about the merchant’s financials hidden from "
+"The privacy of buyers is given particular priority as part of principle (2). "
+"However, other parties - such as merchants - also must have data protection. "
+"Generally, GNU Taler must collect the minimum information necessary: data "
+"that is not collected or is no longer stored can not be compromised."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:123
+#: template/principles.html.j2:137
 msgid "6. Be usable"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:124
-msgid "Buy with one click"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+msgid "Buy with one click. Easy for children."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:126
+#: template/principles.html.j2:140
 msgid ""
-"Specifically it must be usable for non-expert customers. Usability also "
-"applies to the integration with merchants, and informs choices about the "
-"architecture, such as encapsulating procedures that require cryptographic "
-"operations into an isolated component with a simple API."
+"GNU Taler must be usable for non-expert customers including end-users of a "
+"GNU Taler wallet, merchants who wish to accept payments using GNU Taler, and "
+"3rd party application developers for e-commerce and other platforms. GNU "
+"Taler must follow best-practices usability guidelines and incorporate "
+"feedback from experts and users. Free/Libre software also requires Free/"
+"Libre documentation to allow for informed choices. GNU Taler must provide "
+"well-documented Advanced Programming Interfaces (APIs) to allow frictionless "
+"integrations between GNU Taler and other projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:137
+#: template/principles.html.j2:157
 msgid "7. Be efficient"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+#: template/principles.html.j2:158
 msgid "Energy efficiency"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:140
+#: template/principles.html.j2:160
 msgid ""
-"Approaches such as proof-of-work are ruled out by this requirement. "
-"Efficiency is necessary for GNU Taler to be used for micropayments."
+"GNU Taler must be designed to be efficient. Quite simply, efficiency means "
+"fewer things to break, and it means more transactions per second and lowers "
+"our environmental impact. Efficiency is also critical for GNU Taler to be "
+"used for micropayments. Therefore certain expensive primitives, such as "
+"proof-of-work, must not be used by GNU Taler."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:150
+#: template/principles.html.j2:173
 msgid "8. Fault-tolerant design"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:151
+#: template/principles.html.j2:174
 msgid "Life Safers"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:153
+#: template/principles.html.j2:176
 msgid ""
-"Taler should tolerate failure of individual components and systems, "
-"including malicious operators compromising core secrets. This manifests in "
-"architectural choices such as the isolation of certain components, and "
-"auditing procedures."
+"Malicious operators, fat fingers, computer glitches, gremlins. Things go "
+"wrong. GNU Taler must be designed to tolerate failure of individual "
+"components and systems. Where the system can continue running safely, it "
+"will continue running safely. Where it must halt an operation, other "
+"operations must not be needlessly pulled offline. Where systems fail, they "
+"must fail gracefully. GNU Taler must have a plan to recover from malicious "
+"operators compromising core secrets."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:164
+#: template/principles.html.j2:194
 msgid "9. Foster competition"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:165
+#: template/principles.html.j2:195
 msgid "A competitive market"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:167
+#: template/principles.html.j2:197
 msgid ""
 "It must be relatively easy for competitors to deploy interoperable "
-"alternatives. While the barriers for this in traditional financial systems "
-"are rather high, the technical burden for new competitors to join must be "
-"minimized. A design choice that supports this is to split the whole system "
-"into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved upon "
-"independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
+"alternatives. The barriers for this in traditional financial systems are "
+"rather high and outside of our control. However, GNU Taler must minimize the "
+"technical burden for new competitors to enter the market."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:204
+msgid ""
+"GNU Taler must enable a diverse set of operators, breaking up the current "
+"system where only a few global companies dominate the market."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:209
+msgid ""
+"An example for a design choice that supports this is to split the whole "
+"system into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved "
+"upon independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
 msgstr ""
 #: template/schemafuzz.html.j2:6
diff --git a/locale/messages.pot b/locale/messages.pot
index 90adebb..485e39c 100644
--- a/locale/messages.pot
+++ b/locale/messages.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-29 20:58+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-17 13:04+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1422,7 +1422,7 @@ msgid "When designing GNU Taler, we had the following 
design principles in mind:
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:31
-msgid "1. Free Software implementation"
+msgid "1. Free/Libre Software"
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:33
@@ -1430,160 +1430,192 @@ msgid "... in the area of computing, freedom means 
not using proprietary softwar
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:36
+#, python-format
 msgid ""
 "GNU Taler must be <a href=\"";
-"sw.html\">Free Software</a>. For merchants, our Free Software reference "
-"implementation prevents vendor lock-in. As the software of the payment "
-"provider itself is free, countries can deploy the payment system without "
-"compromising sovereignty."
+"sw.html\">Free/Libre Software</a>. For merchants, Free/Libre Software "
+"prevents vendor lock-in meaning merchants can easily choose another "
+"service provider to process their payments. For countries, Free/Libre "
+"software means GNU Taler can not compromise sovereignty by imposing "
+"restrictions or requirements. And for exchange operators, transparency is"
+" crucial to satisfy <a "
+" principle</a> and to establish public confidence."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:45
+#: template/principles.html.j2:49
 msgid ""
-"Customers benefit from Free Software as the wallet software can be made "
-"to run on a variety of platforms, and the absence of user-hostile "
-"features such as tracking or telemetry can easily be assured."
+"Customers benefit from Free/Libre Software because anyone is free to "
+"modify the wallet software support additional platforms. The source code "
+"must be available and make it easy to verify that user-hostile features "
+"such as tracking or telemetry are absent."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:56
+#: template/principles.html.j2:60
 msgid "2. Protect the privacy of buyers"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:58
+#: template/principles.html.j2:62
 msgid "You deserve some privacy"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:60
+#: template/principles.html.j2:64
 msgid ""
-"Privacy should be guaranteed via technical measures, as opposed to mere "
-"policies. Especially with micropayments for online publications, a "
-"disproportionate amount of rather private data about buyers would be "
-"revealed, if the payment system does not have privacy protections."
+"Privacy is most meaningful when it is guaranteed via technical measures, "
+"as opposed to mere policies. Without a technical layer providing privacy-"
+"by-default, financial transactions reveal unnecessary levels of personal "
+"or private data. This would be especially true when making micropayments "
+"for online publications. Thus, GNU Taler must protect the privacy of "
+"buyers to avoid facilitating totalitarian control over the population."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:68
+#: template/principles.html.j2:72
 msgid ""
-"In legislations with data protection regulations (such as the recently "
-"introduced GDPR in Europe), merchants benefit from this as well, as no "
-"data breach of customers can happen if this information is, by design, "
-"not collected in the first place. Obviously some private data, such as "
-"the shipping address for a physical delivery, must still be collected "
-"according to business needs."
+"Limited private data, such as the shipping address for a physical "
+"delivery, may need to be collected according to business needs and "
+"protected according to local laws. In this case, GNU Taler must enable "
+"deletion of such data as soon as it is no longer required."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:81
+#: template/principles.html.j2:83
 msgid ""
-"3. Enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal business "
+"3. Auditability - enable the state to tax income and crack down on "
+"illegal business activities"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:83
+#: template/principles.html.j2:85
 msgid "Money laundering"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:85
+#: template/principles.html.j2:87
 msgid ""
-"As a payment system must be legal to operate and use, it must comply with"
-" regulatory requirements such as anti money laundering. Furthermore, we "
-"consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair taxation "
-"requires income transparency."
+"As a payment system must comply with local laws in order to operate "
+"legally, GNU Taler must be designed to comply with these requirements. "
+"GNU Taler must provide an audit trail for investigators operating under "
+"the law. Furthermore, we consider levying of taxes as beneficial to "
+"society, and fair taxation requires income transparency. Thus, GNU Taler "
+"must enable authorities to track income."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:96
+#: template/principles.html.j2:102
 msgid "4. Prevent payment fraud"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:98
+#: template/principles.html.j2:104
 msgid "Phishing attack"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:100
+#: template/principles.html.j2:106
 msgid ""
-"This imposes requirements on the security of the system, as well as on "
-"the general design, as payment fraud can also happen through misleading "
-"user interface design or the lack of cryptographic evidence for certain "
+"GNU Taler must mitigate the most common sources of payment fraud. We must"
+" follow best practices in software design, 3rd party design guidelines "
+"that prevent confusion and misleading user interfaces, and must have "
+"others inspect our publicly available code. Furthermore, GNU Taler must "
+"provide extensive cryptographic evidence for all key processes to enable "
+"all parties to precisely attribute bad behavior."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:110
-msgid "5. Only disclose the minimal amount of information necessary"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:120
+msgid "5. Collect the minimum information necessary"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:111
+#: template/principles.html.j2:121
 msgid ""
 "Privacy by design, privacy by default, General Data Protection Regulation"
 " (GDPR) compliant"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:113
+#: template/principles.html.j2:123
 msgid ""
-"The reason behind this goal is similar to (2). The privacy of buyers is "
-"given priority, but other parties such as merchants still benefit from "
-"it, for example, by keeping details about the merchant’s financials "
-"hidden from competitors."
+"The privacy of buyers is given particular priority as part of principle "
+"(2). However, other parties - such as merchants - also must have data "
+"protection. Generally, GNU Taler must collect the minimum information "
+"necessary: data that is not collected or is no longer stored can not be "
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:123
+#: template/principles.html.j2:137
 msgid "6. Be usable"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:124
-msgid "Buy with one click"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+msgid "Buy with one click. Easy for children."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:126
+#: template/principles.html.j2:140
 msgid ""
-"Specifically it must be usable for non-expert customers. Usability also "
-"applies to the integration with merchants, and informs choices about the "
-"architecture, such as encapsulating procedures that require cryptographic"
-" operations into an isolated component with a simple API."
+"GNU Taler must be usable for non-expert customers including end-users of "
+"a GNU Taler wallet, merchants who wish to accept payments using GNU "
+"Taler, and 3rd party application developers for e-commerce and other "
+"platforms. GNU Taler must follow best-practices usability guidelines and "
+"incorporate feedback from experts and users. Free/Libre software also "
+"requires Free/Libre documentation to allow for informed choices. GNU "
+"Taler must provide well-documented Advanced Programming Interfaces (APIs)"
+" to allow frictionless integrations between GNU Taler and other projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:137
+#: template/principles.html.j2:157
 msgid "7. Be efficient"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+#: template/principles.html.j2:158
 msgid "Energy efficiency"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:140
+#: template/principles.html.j2:160
 msgid ""
-"Approaches such as proof-of-work are ruled out by this requirement. "
-"Efficiency is necessary for GNU Taler to be used for micropayments."
+"GNU Taler must be designed to be efficient. Quite simply, efficiency "
+"means fewer things to break, and it means more transactions per second "
+"and lowers our environmental impact. Efficiency is also critical for GNU "
+"Taler to be used for micropayments. Therefore certain expensive "
+"primitives, such as proof-of-work, must not be used by GNU Taler."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:150
+#: template/principles.html.j2:173
 msgid "8. Fault-tolerant design"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:151
+#: template/principles.html.j2:174
 msgid "Life Safers"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:153
+#: template/principles.html.j2:176
 msgid ""
-"Taler should tolerate failure of individual components and systems, "
-"including malicious operators compromising core secrets. This manifests "
-"in architectural choices such as the isolation of certain components, and"
-" auditing procedures."
+"Malicious operators, fat fingers, computer glitches, gremlins. Things go "
+"wrong. GNU Taler must be designed to tolerate failure of individual "
+"components and systems. Where the system can continue running safely, it "
+"will continue running safely. Where it must halt an operation, other "
+"operations must not be needlessly pulled offline. Where systems fail, "
+"they must fail gracefully. GNU Taler must have a plan to recover from "
+"malicious operators compromising core secrets."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:164
+#: template/principles.html.j2:194
 msgid "9. Foster competition"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:165
+#: template/principles.html.j2:195
 msgid "A competitive market"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:167
+#: template/principles.html.j2:197
 msgid ""
 "It must be relatively easy for competitors to deploy interoperable "
-"alternatives. While the barriers for this in traditional financial "
-"systems are rather high, the technical burden for new competitors to join"
-" must be minimized. A design choice that supports this is to split the "
-"whole system into smaller components that can be operated, developed and "
+"alternatives. The barriers for this in traditional financial systems are "
+"rather high and outside of our control. However, GNU Taler must minimize "
+"the technical burden for new competitors to enter the market."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:204
+msgid ""
+"GNU Taler must enable a diverse set of operators, breaking up the current"
+" system where only a few global companies dominate the market."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:209
+msgid ""
+"An example for a design choice that supports this is to split the whole "
+"system into smaller components that can be operated, developed and "
 "improved upon independently, instead of having one completely monolithic "
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po 
index 551c7f5..7b76013 100644
--- a/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
+++ b/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: GNU taler master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-29 20:58+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-17 13:04+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-28 15:27-0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Rafael Fontenelle <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese\n"
@@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:31
-msgid "1. Free Software implementation"
+msgid "1. Free/Libre Software"
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:33
@@ -1415,160 +1415,191 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:36
+#, python-format
 msgid ""
 "GNU Taler must be <a href=\"";
-"\">Free Software</a>. For merchants, our Free Software reference "
-"implementation prevents vendor lock-in. As the software of the payment "
-"provider itself is free, countries can deploy the payment system without "
-"compromising sovereignty."
+"\">Free/Libre Software</a>. For merchants, Free/Libre Software prevents "
+"vendor lock-in meaning merchants can easily choose another service provider "
+"to process their payments. For countries, Free/Libre software means GNU "
+"Taler can not compromise sovereignty by imposing restrictions or "
+"requirements. And for exchange operators, transparency is crucial to satisfy "
+"<a href=\"";
+"\">Kerckhoff's principle</a> and to establish public confidence."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:45
+#: template/principles.html.j2:49
 msgid ""
-"Customers benefit from Free Software as the wallet software can be made to "
-"run on a variety of platforms, and the absence of user-hostile features such "
-"as tracking or telemetry can easily be assured."
+"Customers benefit from Free/Libre Software because anyone is free to modify "
+"the wallet software support additional platforms. The source code must be "
+"available and make it easy to verify that user-hostile features such as "
+"tracking or telemetry are absent."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:56
+#: template/principles.html.j2:60
 msgid "2. Protect the privacy of buyers"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:58
+#: template/principles.html.j2:62
 msgid "You deserve some privacy"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:60
+#: template/principles.html.j2:64
 msgid ""
-"Privacy should be guaranteed via technical measures, as opposed to mere "
-"policies. Especially with micropayments for online publications, a "
-"disproportionate amount of rather private data about buyers would be "
-"revealed, if the payment system does not have privacy protections."
+"Privacy is most meaningful when it is guaranteed via technical measures, as "
+"opposed to mere policies. Without a technical layer providing privacy-by-"
+"default, financial transactions reveal unnecessary levels of personal or "
+"private data. This would be especially true when making micropayments for "
+"online publications. Thus, GNU Taler must protect the privacy of buyers to "
+"avoid facilitating totalitarian control over the population."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:68
+#: template/principles.html.j2:72
 msgid ""
-"In legislations with data protection regulations (such as the recently "
-"introduced GDPR in Europe), merchants benefit from this as well, as no data "
-"breach of customers can happen if this information is, by design, not "
-"collected in the first place. Obviously some private data, such as the "
-"shipping address for a physical delivery, must still be collected according "
-"to business needs."
+"Limited private data, such as the shipping address for a physical delivery, "
+"may need to be collected according to business needs and protected according "
+"to local laws. In this case, GNU Taler must enable deletion of such data as "
+"soon as it is no longer required."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:81
+#: template/principles.html.j2:83
 msgid ""
-"3. Enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal business "
+"3. Auditability - enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal "
+"business activities"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:83
+#: template/principles.html.j2:85
 msgid "Money laundering"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:85
+#: template/principles.html.j2:87
 msgid ""
-"As a payment system must be legal to operate and use, it must comply with "
-"regulatory requirements such as anti money laundering. Furthermore, we "
-"consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair taxation "
-"requires income transparency."
+"As a payment system must comply with local laws in order to operate legally, "
+"GNU Taler must be designed to comply with these requirements. GNU Taler must "
+"provide an audit trail for investigators operating under the law. "
+"Furthermore, we consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair "
+"taxation requires income transparency. Thus, GNU Taler must enable "
+"authorities to track income."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:96
+#: template/principles.html.j2:102
 msgid "4. Prevent payment fraud"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:98
+#: template/principles.html.j2:104
 msgid "Phishing attack"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:100
+#: template/principles.html.j2:106
 msgid ""
-"This imposes requirements on the security of the system, as well as on the "
-"general design, as payment fraud can also happen through misleading user "
-"interface design or the lack of cryptographic evidence for certain processes."
+"GNU Taler must mitigate the most common sources of payment fraud. We must "
+"follow best practices in software design, 3rd party design guidelines that "
+"prevent confusion and misleading user interfaces, and must have others "
+"inspect our publicly available code. Furthermore, GNU Taler must provide "
+"extensive cryptographic evidence for all key processes to enable all parties "
+"to precisely attribute bad behavior."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:110
-msgid "5. Only disclose the minimal amount of information necessary"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:120
+msgid "5. Collect the minimum information necessary"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:111
+#: template/principles.html.j2:121
 msgid ""
 "Privacy by design, privacy by default, General Data Protection Regulation "
 "(GDPR) compliant"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:113
+#: template/principles.html.j2:123
 msgid ""
-"The reason behind this goal is similar to (2). The privacy of buyers is "
-"given priority, but other parties such as merchants still benefit from it, "
-"for example, by keeping details about the merchant’s financials hidden from "
+"The privacy of buyers is given particular priority as part of principle (2). "
+"However, other parties - such as merchants - also must have data protection. "
+"Generally, GNU Taler must collect the minimum information necessary: data "
+"that is not collected or is no longer stored can not be compromised."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:123
+#: template/principles.html.j2:137
 msgid "6. Be usable"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:124
-msgid "Buy with one click"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+msgid "Buy with one click. Easy for children."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:126
+#: template/principles.html.j2:140
 msgid ""
-"Specifically it must be usable for non-expert customers. Usability also "
-"applies to the integration with merchants, and informs choices about the "
-"architecture, such as encapsulating procedures that require cryptographic "
-"operations into an isolated component with a simple API."
+"GNU Taler must be usable for non-expert customers including end-users of a "
+"GNU Taler wallet, merchants who wish to accept payments using GNU Taler, and "
+"3rd party application developers for e-commerce and other platforms. GNU "
+"Taler must follow best-practices usability guidelines and incorporate "
+"feedback from experts and users. Free/Libre software also requires Free/"
+"Libre documentation to allow for informed choices. GNU Taler must provide "
+"well-documented Advanced Programming Interfaces (APIs) to allow frictionless "
+"integrations between GNU Taler and other projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:137
+#: template/principles.html.j2:157
 msgid "7. Be efficient"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+#: template/principles.html.j2:158
 msgid "Energy efficiency"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:140
+#: template/principles.html.j2:160
 msgid ""
-"Approaches such as proof-of-work are ruled out by this requirement. "
-"Efficiency is necessary for GNU Taler to be used for micropayments."
+"GNU Taler must be designed to be efficient. Quite simply, efficiency means "
+"fewer things to break, and it means more transactions per second and lowers "
+"our environmental impact. Efficiency is also critical for GNU Taler to be "
+"used for micropayments. Therefore certain expensive primitives, such as "
+"proof-of-work, must not be used by GNU Taler."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:150
+#: template/principles.html.j2:173
 msgid "8. Fault-tolerant design"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:151
+#: template/principles.html.j2:174
 msgid "Life Safers"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:153
+#: template/principles.html.j2:176
 msgid ""
-"Taler should tolerate failure of individual components and systems, "
-"including malicious operators compromising core secrets. This manifests in "
-"architectural choices such as the isolation of certain components, and "
-"auditing procedures."
+"Malicious operators, fat fingers, computer glitches, gremlins. Things go "
+"wrong. GNU Taler must be designed to tolerate failure of individual "
+"components and systems. Where the system can continue running safely, it "
+"will continue running safely. Where it must halt an operation, other "
+"operations must not be needlessly pulled offline. Where systems fail, they "
+"must fail gracefully. GNU Taler must have a plan to recover from malicious "
+"operators compromising core secrets."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:164
+#: template/principles.html.j2:194
 msgid "9. Foster competition"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:165
+#: template/principles.html.j2:195
 msgid "A competitive market"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:167
+#: template/principles.html.j2:197
 msgid ""
 "It must be relatively easy for competitors to deploy interoperable "
-"alternatives. While the barriers for this in traditional financial systems "
-"are rather high, the technical burden for new competitors to join must be "
-"minimized. A design choice that supports this is to split the whole system "
-"into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved upon "
-"independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
+"alternatives. The barriers for this in traditional financial systems are "
+"rather high and outside of our control. However, GNU Taler must minimize the "
+"technical burden for new competitors to enter the market."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:204
+msgid ""
+"GNU Taler must enable a diverse set of operators, breaking up the current "
+"system where only a few global companies dominate the market."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:209
+msgid ""
+"An example for a design choice that supports this is to split the whole "
+"system into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved "
+"upon independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
 msgstr ""
 #: template/schemafuzz.html.j2:6
diff --git a/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po 
index 3ad909f..21feede 100644
--- a/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
+++ b/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-29 20:58+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-17 13:04+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-29 11:14+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: ru <>\n"
@@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:31
-msgid "1. Free Software implementation"
+msgid "1. Free/Libre Software"
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:33
@@ -1416,160 +1416,191 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: template/principles.html.j2:36
+#, python-format
 msgid ""
 "GNU Taler must be <a href=\"";
-"\">Free Software</a>. For merchants, our Free Software reference "
-"implementation prevents vendor lock-in. As the software of the payment "
-"provider itself is free, countries can deploy the payment system without "
-"compromising sovereignty."
+"\">Free/Libre Software</a>. For merchants, Free/Libre Software prevents "
+"vendor lock-in meaning merchants can easily choose another service provider "
+"to process their payments. For countries, Free/Libre software means GNU "
+"Taler can not compromise sovereignty by imposing restrictions or "
+"requirements. And for exchange operators, transparency is crucial to satisfy "
+"<a href=\"";
+"\">Kerckhoff's principle</a> and to establish public confidence."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:45
+#: template/principles.html.j2:49
 msgid ""
-"Customers benefit from Free Software as the wallet software can be made to "
-"run on a variety of platforms, and the absence of user-hostile features such "
-"as tracking or telemetry can easily be assured."
+"Customers benefit from Free/Libre Software because anyone is free to modify "
+"the wallet software support additional platforms. The source code must be "
+"available and make it easy to verify that user-hostile features such as "
+"tracking or telemetry are absent."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:56
+#: template/principles.html.j2:60
 msgid "2. Protect the privacy of buyers"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:58
+#: template/principles.html.j2:62
 msgid "You deserve some privacy"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:60
+#: template/principles.html.j2:64
 msgid ""
-"Privacy should be guaranteed via technical measures, as opposed to mere "
-"policies. Especially with micropayments for online publications, a "
-"disproportionate amount of rather private data about buyers would be "
-"revealed, if the payment system does not have privacy protections."
+"Privacy is most meaningful when it is guaranteed via technical measures, as "
+"opposed to mere policies. Without a technical layer providing privacy-by-"
+"default, financial transactions reveal unnecessary levels of personal or "
+"private data. This would be especially true when making micropayments for "
+"online publications. Thus, GNU Taler must protect the privacy of buyers to "
+"avoid facilitating totalitarian control over the population."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:68
+#: template/principles.html.j2:72
 msgid ""
-"In legislations with data protection regulations (such as the recently "
-"introduced GDPR in Europe), merchants benefit from this as well, as no data "
-"breach of customers can happen if this information is, by design, not "
-"collected in the first place. Obviously some private data, such as the "
-"shipping address for a physical delivery, must still be collected according "
-"to business needs."
+"Limited private data, such as the shipping address for a physical delivery, "
+"may need to be collected according to business needs and protected according "
+"to local laws. In this case, GNU Taler must enable deletion of such data as "
+"soon as it is no longer required."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:81
+#: template/principles.html.j2:83
 msgid ""
-"3. Enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal business "
+"3. Auditability - enable the state to tax income and crack down on illegal "
+"business activities"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:83
+#: template/principles.html.j2:85
 msgid "Money laundering"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:85
+#: template/principles.html.j2:87
 msgid ""
-"As a payment system must be legal to operate and use, it must comply with "
-"regulatory requirements such as anti money laundering. Furthermore, we "
-"consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair taxation "
-"requires income transparency."
+"As a payment system must comply with local laws in order to operate legally, "
+"GNU Taler must be designed to comply with these requirements. GNU Taler must "
+"provide an audit trail for investigators operating under the law. "
+"Furthermore, we consider levying of taxes as beneficial to society, and fair "
+"taxation requires income transparency. Thus, GNU Taler must enable "
+"authorities to track income."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:96
+#: template/principles.html.j2:102
 msgid "4. Prevent payment fraud"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:98
+#: template/principles.html.j2:104
 msgid "Phishing attack"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:100
+#: template/principles.html.j2:106
 msgid ""
-"This imposes requirements on the security of the system, as well as on the "
-"general design, as payment fraud can also happen through misleading user "
-"interface design or the lack of cryptographic evidence for certain processes."
+"GNU Taler must mitigate the most common sources of payment fraud. We must "
+"follow best practices in software design, 3rd party design guidelines that "
+"prevent confusion and misleading user interfaces, and must have others "
+"inspect our publicly available code. Furthermore, GNU Taler must provide "
+"extensive cryptographic evidence for all key processes to enable all parties "
+"to precisely attribute bad behavior."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:110
-msgid "5. Only disclose the minimal amount of information necessary"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:120
+msgid "5. Collect the minimum information necessary"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:111
+#: template/principles.html.j2:121
 msgid ""
 "Privacy by design, privacy by default, General Data Protection Regulation "
 "(GDPR) compliant"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:113
+#: template/principles.html.j2:123
 msgid ""
-"The reason behind this goal is similar to (2). The privacy of buyers is "
-"given priority, but other parties such as merchants still benefit from it, "
-"for example, by keeping details about the merchant’s financials hidden from "
+"The privacy of buyers is given particular priority as part of principle (2). "
+"However, other parties - such as merchants - also must have data protection. "
+"Generally, GNU Taler must collect the minimum information necessary: data "
+"that is not collected or is no longer stored can not be compromised."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:123
+#: template/principles.html.j2:137
 msgid "6. Be usable"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:124
-msgid "Buy with one click"
+#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+msgid "Buy with one click. Easy for children."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:126
+#: template/principles.html.j2:140
 msgid ""
-"Specifically it must be usable for non-expert customers. Usability also "
-"applies to the integration with merchants, and informs choices about the "
-"architecture, such as encapsulating procedures that require cryptographic "
-"operations into an isolated component with a simple API."
+"GNU Taler must be usable for non-expert customers including end-users of a "
+"GNU Taler wallet, merchants who wish to accept payments using GNU Taler, and "
+"3rd party application developers for e-commerce and other platforms. GNU "
+"Taler must follow best-practices usability guidelines and incorporate "
+"feedback from experts and users. Free/Libre software also requires Free/"
+"Libre documentation to allow for informed choices. GNU Taler must provide "
+"well-documented Advanced Programming Interfaces (APIs) to allow frictionless "
+"integrations between GNU Taler and other projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:137
+#: template/principles.html.j2:157
 msgid "7. Be efficient"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:138
+#: template/principles.html.j2:158
 msgid "Energy efficiency"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:140
+#: template/principles.html.j2:160
 msgid ""
-"Approaches such as proof-of-work are ruled out by this requirement. "
-"Efficiency is necessary for GNU Taler to be used for micropayments."
+"GNU Taler must be designed to be efficient. Quite simply, efficiency means "
+"fewer things to break, and it means more transactions per second and lowers "
+"our environmental impact. Efficiency is also critical for GNU Taler to be "
+"used for micropayments. Therefore certain expensive primitives, such as "
+"proof-of-work, must not be used by GNU Taler."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:150
+#: template/principles.html.j2:173
 msgid "8. Fault-tolerant design"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:151
+#: template/principles.html.j2:174
 msgid "Life Safers"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:153
+#: template/principles.html.j2:176
 msgid ""
-"Taler should tolerate failure of individual components and systems, "
-"including malicious operators compromising core secrets. This manifests in "
-"architectural choices such as the isolation of certain components, and "
-"auditing procedures."
+"Malicious operators, fat fingers, computer glitches, gremlins. Things go "
+"wrong. GNU Taler must be designed to tolerate failure of individual "
+"components and systems. Where the system can continue running safely, it "
+"will continue running safely. Where it must halt an operation, other "
+"operations must not be needlessly pulled offline. Where systems fail, they "
+"must fail gracefully. GNU Taler must have a plan to recover from malicious "
+"operators compromising core secrets."
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:164
+#: template/principles.html.j2:194
 msgid "9. Foster competition"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:165
+#: template/principles.html.j2:195
 msgid "A competitive market"
 msgstr ""
-#: template/principles.html.j2:167
+#: template/principles.html.j2:197
 msgid ""
 "It must be relatively easy for competitors to deploy interoperable "
-"alternatives. While the barriers for this in traditional financial systems "
-"are rather high, the technical burden for new competitors to join must be "
-"minimized. A design choice that supports this is to split the whole system "
-"into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved upon "
-"independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
+"alternatives. The barriers for this in traditional financial systems are "
+"rather high and outside of our control. However, GNU Taler must minimize the "
+"technical burden for new competitors to enter the market."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:204
+msgid ""
+"GNU Taler must enable a diverse set of operators, breaking up the current "
+"system where only a few global companies dominate the market."
+msgstr ""
+#: template/principles.html.j2:209
+msgid ""
+"An example for a design choice that supports this is to split the whole "
+"system into smaller components that can be operated, developed and improved "
+"upon independently, instead of having one completely monolithic system."
 msgstr ""
 #: template/schemafuzz.html.j2:6

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