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Re: HTML 4.01 Strict + CSS -- Later XHTML if convenient?

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: HTML 4.01 Strict + CSS -- Later XHTML if convenient?
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 18:08:59 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

David Paleino wrote:
> Yes, it's better also IMO to include all the styled into an external
> CSS, without repeating the same styles for all TDs and tables.

> Victor Engmark wrote:
> > Retrofit your Web pages for wireless compatibility
> >

Victor, I am just quoting your article:

"If you're already coding your Web pages using ( _HTML 4.01 Strict_ or XHTML ) 
and styling them with CSS, then you've done more than half of the work of 
making them accessible to wireless devices. ..."

"If you're serious about supporting wireless devices, you need to be using at 
least HTML 4.01 Strict ... Getting to HTML 4.01 Strict forces you to drop any 
presentation in your HTML in favor of CSS, which is the first step to good, 
flexible Web design."

"CSS is also essential if you want to build Web apps that easily support 
wireless devices, because you can apply one CSS set of rules for Web browsers 
and __another__ for mobile devices."

"As an additional bonus, more and more wireless devices are providing support 
for XHTML. While that doesn't necessarily mean that these devices won't 
support HTML 4.01 Strict,"

"Segregate your stylesheets into logical groupings:"
    one for browsers,          gh-screen.css
    one for wireless devices,  gh-handheld.css
    one for printing,          gh-print.css

"Assign stylesheets to different viewers"
  "Adding the media attribute to the link element allows you
   to indicate the viewer type to be assigned to each stylesheet."


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