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Re: [gnugo-devel] Re: Improved XPM's

From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] Re: Improved XPM's
Date: 04 Nov 2004 22:28:36 -0500

<address@hidden> writes:

   For playing, the most useful thing would be a
   keystroke such as "U" that would call undo twice,
   taking back the computer's last move played, then
   our own move. However I think it would be fine for now
   if you just have to type : undo : undo, especially if
   all variables such as move-history, black-captures and
   white-captures get correctly updated before redrawing the

check out just-published 2.2.6.  it now supports `l' for
loadsgf, and `U' for undo.

the former is kind of hokey since i wasn't able to find
a way to coax gtp into revealing the necessary sgf meta
info required to properly sync the gnugo.el internal
game tree.  i added a line in the "known bugs" section
in the Commentary to that effect.  on the other hand, it
uses filename completion, which is more convenient.

the latter is more well-polished -- there are basically
two ways to undo moves, controlled by the prefix arg.
see `gnugo-board-mode' docstring and links therein.

   good if a grid were displayed

ok.  i'll mull this over a bit.  maybe a minor mode,
so that it doesn't have to be in my face all the time.
probably you can get by w/o a grid for gnugo 3.6?  i'm
sensing a drastic drop in priority for gnugo.el hacking
in the next week or two, personally.


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