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[gnugo-devel] CGF games

From: bump
Subject: [gnugo-devel] CGF games
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 22:35:16 -0700

Hiroshi Yamashita entered GNU Go into the CGF tournament.

I've posted the games at:

He writes:

Dear Mr. Daniel Bump,

CGF special meeting was held at the University of Electro-Communications,
 Tokyo in August 24-25.
Final participants were 8 teams. But some people wanted GnuGo entry,
So GnuGo entered the tournament.

Tournament was round robin.
And Haruka won without a single defeat.
GnuGo was placed on 2nd again with 6-2 score.

I ran GnuGo under Celeron 850MHz RAM 256MB machine(Red hat 7.1).
And I set --autolevel --clock 2400 options for 50 minutes time limit.

Ando-kun Igo played mirror Go.
GnuGo vs. Ando was very interesting game.

I attached all Gnugo sgf file.
GnuGo entry made this competition exciting.
Thank you.

CGF special meeting 2002 result.
2002-08-24,25. The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo

Rank Program          Wins Author
 1.  Haruka           8-0  Ryuichi Kawa
 2.  GnuGo 3.3.6      6-2  many
 2.  Aya              6-2  Hiroshi Yamashita
 4.  Katsunari        5-3  Shinichi Sei
 5.  Image            3-5  Yukio Tamura
 5.  Caren's Whisper  3-5  Katsumi Kobayashi
 7.  Martha           2-6  Ichiro Ujiie
 7.  Shiko Sakugo     2-6  Morihiko Tajima
 9.  Ando-Kun Igo     1-7  Tomihito Ando

                HAR Gnu Aya Kat Ima Car Mar Shi And       Ranking
HARUKA               1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   8-0   1
GnuGo 3.3.6      0       0   1   1   1   1   1   1   6-2   2
Aya              0   1       0   1   1   1   1   1   6-2   2
Katsunari        0   0   1       1   1   0   1   1   5-3   4
Image            0   0   0   0       1   0   1   1   3-5   5
Caren's Whisper  0   0   0   0   0       1   1   1   3-5   5
Martha           0   0   0   1   1   0       0   0   2-6   7
Shiko-SakuGo     0   0   0   0   0   0   1       1   2-6   7
Ando-Kun-Igo     0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0       1-7   9

Hiroshi Yamashita


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