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[open-cobol-list] Re: open-cobol-0.30 released - with sad news

From: Roger While
Subject: [open-cobol-list] Re: open-cobol-0.30 released - with sad news
Date: Wed Sep 15 04:18:05 2004

Very sorry to hear that.
I am sure we will all miss you.
When I think of the enormous strides that have
taken place in the last 12 months, I can only say
that this project has been amazing. Without
your engagement it would not have been possible
to have custommers running production with
Open Cobol.

Regarding the status, Keisuke, the ROUNDING,
ON ERROR seems incomplete. Have you got the
rest more or less done ?

I think we probably need more than one

I would have to brush up on Bison, however
CVS, configure and the C code would present
no problem for me to (co-)maintain.

Roger While

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