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[gnuastro-commits] master 33195d6: Book: minor clarifications and correc

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [gnuastro-commits] master 33195d6: Book: minor clarifications and corrections in parts of the tutorials
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 17:08:44 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 33195d615cdfb44fc8c1b2ba57c1df4255542919
Author: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>
Commit: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>

    Book: minor clarifications and corrections in parts of the tutorials
    Until now, there were a few minor typos and things that could be better
    explained in the tutorial. Similar to the last few commits, Sepideh
    Eskandarloo (who recently read through all the tutorials) reported the
    corrections made here.
    With this commit, her suggestions, corrections and edits are applied.
 doc/gnuastro.texi | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/gnuastro.texi b/doc/gnuastro.texi
index 935af48..f9d1950 100644
--- a/doc/gnuastro.texi
+++ b/doc/gnuastro.texi
@@ -3202,7 +3202,18 @@ The clumps are not affected by the hard-to-deblend and 
low signal-to-noise diffu
 From this step onward, we'll continue with clumps.
 Having localized the regions of interest in the dataset, we are ready to do 
measurements on them with @ref{MakeCatalog}.
-Besides the IDs, we want to measure (in this order) the Right Ascension (with 
@option{--ra}), Declination (@option{--dec}), magnitude (@option{--magnitude}), 
and signal-to-noise ratio (@option{--sn}) of the objects and clumps.
+MakeCatalog is specialized and optimized for doing measurements over labeled 
regions of an image.
+In other words, through MakeCatalog, you can ``reduce'' an image to a table 
(catalog of certain properties of objects in the image).
+Each requested measurement (over each label) will be given a column in the 
output table.
+To see the full set of available measurements run it with @option{--help} like 
below (and scroll up), note that measurements are classified by context.
+$ astmkcatalog --help
+@end example
+So let's select the properties we want to measure in this tutorial.
+First of all, we need to know which measurement belongs to which object or 
clump, so we'll start with the @option{--ids} (read as: IDs@footnote{This 
option is plural because we need two ID columns for identifying ``clumps'' in 
the clumps catalog/table: the first column will be the ID of the host 
``object'', and the second one will be the ID of the clump within that object. 
In the ``objects'' catalog/table, only a single column will be returned for 
this option.}).
+We also want to measure (in this order) the Right Ascension (with 
@option{--ra}), Declination (@option{--dec}), magnitude (@option{--magnitude}), 
and signal-to-noise ratio (@option{--sn}) of the objects and clumps.
 Furthermore, as mentioned above, we also want measurements on clumps, so we 
also need to call @option{--clumpscat}.
 The following command will make these measurements on Segment's F160W output 
and write them in a catalog for each object and clump in a FITS table.
@@ -3243,9 +3254,10 @@ However, the measurements of each column are also done 
on different pixels: the
 Please open them and focus on one object to see for your self.
 This can bias the result, if you match catalogs.
-An accurate color calculation can only be done when magnitudes are measured 
from the same pixels on both images.
-Fortunately in these images, the Point spread function (PSF) are very similar, 
allowing us to do this directly@footnote{When the PSFs between two images 
differ largely, you would have to PSF-match the images before using the same 
pixels for measurements.}.
-You can do this with MakeCatalog and is one of the reasons that NoiseChisel or 
Segment don't generate a catalog at all (to give you the freedom of selecting 
the pixels to do catalog measurements on).
+An accurate color calculation can only be done when magnitudes are measured 
from the same pixels on all images and this can be done easily with MakeCatalog.
+Infact this is one of the reasons that NoiseChisel or Segment don't generate a 
catalog like most other detection/segmentation software.
+This gives you the freedom of selecting the pixels for measurement in any way 
you like (from other filters, other software, manually, and etc).
+Fortunately in these images, the Point spread function (PSF) is very similar, 
allowing us to use a single labeled image output for all filters@footnote{When 
the PSFs between two images differ largely, you would have to PSF-match the 
images before using the same pixels for measurements.}.
 The F160W image is deeper, thus providing better detection/segmentation, and 
redder, thus observing smaller/older stars and representing more of the mass in 
the galaxies.
 We will thus use the F160W filter as a reference and use its segment labels to 
identify which pixels to use for which objects/clumps.
@@ -3263,8 +3275,9 @@ $ astmkcatalog seg/xdf-f160w.fits --ids --ra --dec 
--magnitude --sn \
 @end example
 After running the commands above, look into what MakeCatalog printed on the 
-You can see that (as requested) the object and clump labels for both were 
taken from the respective extensions in @file{seg/xdf-f160w.fits}, while the 
values and Sky standard deviation were taken from @file{nc/xdf-f105w.fits} and 
-Since we used the same labeled image on both filters, the number of rows in 
both catalogs are now identical.
+You can see that (as requested) the object and clump pixel labels in both were 
taken from the respective extensions in @file{seg/xdf-f160w.fits}.
+However, the pixel values and pixel Sky standard deviation were respectively 
taken from @file{nc/xdf-f105w.fits} and @file{nc/xdf-f125w.fits}.
+Since we used the same labeled image on all filters, the number of rows in 
both catalogs are now identical.
 Let's have a look:
@@ -3273,11 +3286,12 @@ $ asttable cat/xdf-f125w-on-f160w-lab.fits -hCLUMPS -i
 $ asttable cat/xdf-f160w.fits -hCLUMPS -i
 @end example
-Finally, the comments in MakeCatalog's output (@code{COMMENT} keywords in the 
FITS headers, or lines starting with @code{#} in plain text) contain some 
important information about the input datasets and other useful info (for 
example pixel area or per-pixel surface brightness limit).
-You can see them with this command:
+Finally, MakeCatalog also does basic calculations on the full dataset 
(independent of each labeled region but related to whole data), for example 
pixel area or per-pixel surface brightness limit.
+They are stored as keywords in the FITS headers (or lines starting with 
@code{#} in plain text).
+You can see them with this command (for more, see @ref{Image surface 
brightness limit} in the next tutorial):
-$ astfits cat/xdf-f160w.fits -h1 | grep COMMENT
+$ astfits cat/xdf-f160w.fits -h1
 @end example
@@ -4962,7 +4976,7 @@ To address these questions, you can use @ref{Segment} to 
identify all the ``clum
 $ astsegment r_detected.fits --output=r_segmented.fits
-ds9 -mecube r_segmented.fits -cmap sls -zoom to fit -scale limits 0 2
+$ ds9 -mecube r_segmented.fits -cmap sls -zoom to fit -scale limits 0 2
 @end example
 @cindex DS9

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