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[gnuastro-commits] master 0061a0e: Arithmetic: new interpolation operato

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [gnuastro-commits] master 0061a0e: Arithmetic: new interpolation operators based on region borders
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 21:14:08 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 0061a0e2192dc48b3946526fd200fac2cf4ea19e
Author: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>
Commit: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>

    Arithmetic: new interpolation operators based on region borders
    Until now, to interpolate saturated stars in a dataset, we needed to use
    'interpolate-maxngb'. This operator looks within a given number of
    neighboring pixels and is more useful in small noisy regions. But as the
    blank regions become larger, it can cause a fragmentation in the centers.
    With this commit, two new operators are defined 'interpolate-minofregion'
    and 'interpolate-maxofregion'. With these two, all blank regions will be
    interpolated with a single value that is either the minimum or maximum
    value of the non-blank pixels that are immediately bordering it.
 NEWS                        |   7 ++-
 bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.c | 145 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.h |   2 +
 doc/gnuastro.texi           |  21 +++++++
 4 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 074a7b3..a29ad64 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -38,7 +38,12 @@ See the end of the file for license conditions.
               | asttable -c'arith $1 degree-to-ra $2 degree-to-dec'
-   - New operator:
+   - New operators:
+     - 'interpolate-maxofregion': interpolate connected blank regions with
+       the maximum value that is immediately touching it. This can be used
+       to fill the blank centers of saturated stars for example.
+     - 'interpolate-minofregion': similar to 'interpolate-maxofregion', but
+       for the minimum.
      - 'makenew': new operator to create an empty (zero-valued) new dataset
        with given dimension and size (given as operands).
diff --git a/bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.c b/bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.c
index 4f5c19b..09209e7 100644
--- a/bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.c
+++ b/bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.c
@@ -702,6 +702,133 @@ arithmetic_invert(struct arithmeticparams *p, char *token)
+#define INTERPOLATE_REGION(TYPE,OP,FUNC) {                              \
+    TYPE mm, *a=in->array, *m=minmax->array;                            \
+    FUNC(in->type, &mm);                                                \
+    for(i=0;i<minmax->size;++i) m[i]=mm;                                \
+    for(i=0;i<in->size;++i)                                             \
+      {                                                                 \
+        if( l[i]>0 )                                                    \
+          GAL_DIMENSION_NEIGHBOR_OP(i, in->ndim, in->dsize, in->ndim,   \
+                  dinc, { if( a[nind] OP m[l[i]] ) m[l[i]]=a[nind]; }); \
+      }                                                                 \
+    for(i=0;i<in->size;++i) if( l[i]>0 ) { a[i]=m[l[i]]; }              \
+#define INTERPOLATE_REGION_OP(TYPE) {                                   \
+    switch(operator)                                                    \
+      {                                                                 \
+      case ARITHMETIC_OP_INTERPOLATE_MINOFREGION:                       \
+        INTERPOLATE_REGION(TYPE,<,gal_type_max); break;                 \
+      case ARITHMETIC_OP_INTERPOLATE_MAXOFREGION:                       \
+        INTERPOLATE_REGION(TYPE,>,gal_type_min); break;                 \
+      default:                                                          \
+        error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "%s: a bug! Please contact us at %s to " \
+              "fix the problem. The operator code %d isn't recognized", \
+              __func__, PACKAGE_BUGREPORT, operator);                   \
+      }                                                                 \
+  }
+static void
+arithmetic_interpolate_region(struct arithmeticparams *p,
+                              int operator, char *token)
+  /* Pop the dataset to interpolate. */
+  int32_t *l;
+  gal_data_t *minmax;
+  gal_data_t *lab=NULL, *flag;
+  size_t i, *con, *dinc, numlabs;
+  /* First pop the number of nearby neighbors.*/
+  gal_data_t *connectivity = operands_pop(p, token);
+  /* Then pop the actual dataset to interpolate. */
+  gal_data_t *in = operands_pop(p, token);
+  /* Do proper sanity checks on 'con'. */
+  if(connectivity->size!=1)
+    error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "the first popped operand to the "
+          "'interpolate-XXXofregion' operators must be a single number. "
+          "However, it has %zu elements", connectivity->size);
+  if( connectivity->type==GAL_TYPE_FLOAT32
+      || connectivity->type==GAL_TYPE_FLOAT64)
+    error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "the first popped operand to "
+          "'interpolate-XXXofregion' operators is the connectivity to "
+          "define connected blank regions (a counter, an integer, with "
+          "a maximum of the number of dimensions of the input). It must "
+          "NOT be a floating point.\n\n"
+          "If its already an integer, but in a floating point container, "
+          "you can use the 'int32' operator to convert it to a 32-bit "
+          "integer for example");
+  /* Convert connectivity to an integer type and make sure its not larger
+     than dimensions of the input. */
+  connectivity=gal_data_copy_to_new_type_free(connectivity,
+                                              GAL_TYPE_SIZE_T);
+  con=connectivity->array;
+  if(con[0]>in->ndim)
+    error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "the first popped operand to "
+          "'interpolate-XXXofregion' operators must not be larger than "
+          "the number of dimensions of the input. The connectivity is "
+          "used to define connected blank regions. For example in a "
+          "2D dataset, a connectivity of 1 corresponds to 4-connected "
+          "neighbors and connectivity 2 corresponds to 8-connected "
+          "neighbors");
+  /* First make sure the input has blank values. If it doesn't, don't waste
+     time, just return it. */
+  if( gal_blank_present(in, 1)==0 )
+    { operands_add(p, NULL, in); return; }
+  /* Build a binary image with the blank regions masked and label them,
+     then free the flagged array. */
+  flag=gal_blank_flag(in);
+  numlabs=gal_binary_connected_components(flag, &lab, con[0]);
+  gal_data_free(flag);
+  /* Allocate array to keep maximum values for each region. Just note that
+     because we count the regions from 1, but the indexs from 0, we'll
+     allocate one extra point. */
+  ++numlabs;
+  minmax=gal_data_alloc(NULL, in->type, 1, &numlabs, NULL, 0, in->minmapsize,
+                        in->quietmmap, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  /* Parse the dataset elements for NaNs. */
+  l=lab->array;
+  dinc=gal_dimension_increment(in->ndim, in->dsize);
+  switch(in->type)
+    {
+    case GAL_TYPE_UINT8:   INTERPOLATE_REGION_OP(uint8_t);  break;
+    case GAL_TYPE_INT8:    INTERPOLATE_REGION_OP(int8_t);   break;
+    case GAL_TYPE_UINT16:  INTERPOLATE_REGION_OP(uint16_t); break;
+    case GAL_TYPE_INT16:   INTERPOLATE_REGION_OP(int16_t);  break;
+    case GAL_TYPE_UINT32:  INTERPOLATE_REGION_OP(uint32_t); break;
+    case GAL_TYPE_INT32:   INTERPOLATE_REGION_OP(int32_t);  break;
+    case GAL_TYPE_FLOAT32: INTERPOLATE_REGION_OP(float);    break;
+    case GAL_TYPE_FLOAT64: INTERPOLATE_REGION_OP(double);   break;
+    default:
+      error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "%s: a bug! Please contact us at %s to "
+            "fix the problem. The code %d is not a recognized data "
+            "type", __func__, PACKAGE_BUGREPORT, in->type);
+    }
+  /* For tests.
+  gal_fits_img_write(lab, "test-out.fits", NULL, NULL);
+  gal_fits_img_write(in, "test-out.fits", NULL, NULL);
+  printf("\n...%s...\n", __func__); exit(0);
+  */
+  /* Clean up. */
+  gal_data_free(lab);
+  gal_data_free(minmax);
+  gal_data_free(connectivity);
+  /* Push the interpolated dataset onto the stack. */
+  operands_add(p, NULL, in);
 static void
 arithmetic_interpolate(struct arithmeticparams *p, int operator, char *token)
@@ -717,12 +844,13 @@ arithmetic_interpolate(struct arithmeticparams *p, int 
operator, char *token)
   /* Do proper sanity checks on 'num'. */
     error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "the first popped operand to "
-          "'interpolate-medianngb' must be a single number. However, "
-          "it has %zu elements", num->size);
+          "'interpolate-XXXXXngb' operators must be a single number. "
+          "However, it has %zu elements", num->size);
   if(num->type==GAL_TYPE_FLOAT32 || num->type==GAL_TYPE_FLOAT64)
     error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "the first popped operand to "
-          "'interpolate-medianngb' is the number of nearby neighbors (a "
-          "counter, an integer). It must NOT be a floating point.\n\n"
+          "'interpolate-XXXXXngb' operators is the number of nearby "
+          "neighbors (a counter, an integer). It must NOT be a floating "
+          "point.\n\n"
           "If its already an integer, but in a floating point container, "
           "you can use the 'int32' operator to convert it to a 32-bit "
           "integer for example");
@@ -1043,6 +1171,10 @@ arithmetic_set_operator(char *string, size_t 
         { op=ARITHMETIC_OP_INTERPOLATE_MAXNGB;    *num_operands=0; }
       else if (!strcmp(string, "interpolate-medianngb"))
         { op=ARITHMETIC_OP_INTERPOLATE_MEDIANNGB; *num_operands=0; }
+      else if (!strcmp(string, "interpolate-minofregion"))
+        { op=ARITHMETIC_OP_INTERPOLATE_MINOFREGION; *num_operands=0; }
+      else if (!strcmp(string, "interpolate-maxofregion"))
+        { op=ARITHMETIC_OP_INTERPOLATE_MAXOFREGION; *num_operands=0; }
       else if (!strcmp(string, "collapse-sum"))
         { op=ARITHMETIC_OP_COLLAPSE_SUM;          *num_operands=0; }
       else if (!strcmp(string, "collapse-min"))
@@ -1170,6 +1302,11 @@ arithmetic_operator_run(struct arithmeticparams *p, int 
           arithmetic_interpolate(p, operator, operator_string);
+          arithmetic_interpolate_region(p, operator, operator_string);
+          break;
diff --git a/bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.h b/bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.h
index a18f70e..effcddc 100644
--- a/bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.h
+++ b/bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.h
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ enum arithmetic_prog_operators
diff --git a/doc/gnuastro.texi b/doc/gnuastro.texi
index 89b43e3..5d21df9 100644
--- a/doc/gnuastro.texi
+++ b/doc/gnuastro.texi
@@ -11178,6 +11178,27 @@ Similar to @code{interpolate-medianngb}, but will fill 
the blank values of the d
 Similar to @code{interpolate-medianngb}, but will fill the blank values of the 
dataset with the maximum value of the nearest neighbors.
 One useful implementation of this operator is to fill the saturated pixels of 
stars in images.
+@item interpolate-minofregion
+Interpolate all blank regions (consisting of many blank pixels that are 
touching) in the second popped operand with the minimum value of the pixels 
that are immediately bordering that region (a single value).
+The first popped operand is the connectivity (see description in 
+For example with the command below all the connected blank regions of 
@file{image.fits} will be filled.
+Its an image (2D dataset), so a 2 connectivity means that the independent 
blank regions are defined by 8-connected neighbors.
+If connectivity was 1, the regions would be defined by 4-connectivity: blank 
regions that may only be touching on the corner of one pixel would be 
identified as separate regions.
+$ astarithmetic image.fits 2 interpolate-minofregion
+@end example
+@item interpolate-maxofregion
+@cindex Saturated pixels
+Similar to @code{interpolate-minofregion}, but the maximum is used to fill the 
blank regions.
+This operator can be useful in filling saturated pixels in stars for example.
+Recall that the @option{interpolate-maxngb} operator looks for the maximum 
value with a given number of neighboring pixels and is more useful in small 
noisy regions.
+Therefore as the blank regions become larger, @option{interpolate-maxngb} can 
cause a fragmentation in the connected blank region because the nearest 
neighbor to one part of the blank region, may not fall within the pixels 
searched for the other regions.
+With this option, the size of the blank region is irrelevant: all the pixels 
bordering the blank region are parsed and their maximum value is used for the 
whole region.
 @item collapse-sum
 Collapse the given dataset (second popped operand), by summing all elements 
along the first popped operand (a dimension in FITS standard: counting from 
one, from fastest dimension).
 The returned dataset has one dimension less compared to the input.

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