> [...] when a woman wrote us to express
> personally and specifically her concerns around RMS we ran her off, and
> ran her down.
If you are talking about the woman who wrote to this list back in Oct
2019, I was one of the people who responded to her, and I was polite
and respectful...
Since Sep 2019 to this day, RMS has received hundreds --hundreds-- of
private messages of support, including from women.
+1 Dora!!
Such is the level of fright that this self-righteousness cult has created. It's
unsustainable and it has to stop. It _will_ stop
I disagree, however, that "It _will_ stop". The corporate-backed campaign against RMS chooses to exploit women to throw their grenades. These women are proxies, front[women] serving greedy corporate interests seeking to control Free/Libre/Open-source software.
We should not give them (the proxies) legitimacy by entertaining them.
Legal action will be necessary to bring an end to the attacks.