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NYC LOCAL: Week Starting Monday 14 February 2011: Four Free Software Mee
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secretary |
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NYC LOCAL: Week Starting Monday 14 February 2011: Four Free Software Meetings, and a Meeting on HP Unix |
Date: |
14 Feb 2011 12:12:11 -0500 |
On Tuesday 15 February 2011, NYLUG HackFest will meet and discuss
LaTex. The same evening, at NY Perl Mongers, Nick Patch will
present Operator::Util. And the same evening Puppet NYC will
So there are three different meetings on Tuesday 15 February 2011.
On Wednesday 16 February 2011, NYLUG will meet. Daniel Grippi
and Raphael Sofaer will speak on Diaspora, a weapon in the fight
against Englobulation of the Net.
On Thursday 17 February 2011, at the UNIGROUP meeting, Billy
Garcia, Tariq Khan, and John Kuhr will speak on HP Unix and HP
Below are the five official announcements of these five meetings.
A line of asterisks separates each announcement from the next.
The first four announcements are whole, but the last, the
UNIGROUP announcement, is truncated, so I recommend going to the
UNIGROUP home page:
Note that there is a fee to attend the UNIGROUP meeting.
Some of these meetings ask that you send notification in advance
if you wish to attend. That is, an "rsvp" is requested.
Jay Sulzberger <secretary@lxny.org>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.
From: NYLUG Announcements <info@nylug.org>
To: NYLUG Announcements <nylug-announce@nylug.org>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 09:20:01 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [nylug-announce] NYLUG Workshop / Hacking Society, (Smalltalk, C++,
Python) TOMORROW February 15 6:00PM-8:00PM
Reply-To: Announcements from NYLUG <nylug-announce@nylug.org>
This is a reminder for the event detailed below.
Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Time: 6:00pm
Duration: 2 hours
Location: NY Public Library Hudson Park Branch, 66 Leroy St., NY NY 10014
This week, we're going to take a look at LaTeX, the documentation layout
We will also provide install help for newcomers to Linux.
Bring something to discuss! There's a blackboard, chalk, and Internet
access. Notebook computers are helpful but not required. Bring books!
All levels of experience from totally new to experienced welcome!
* LaTeX project homepage:
* NYLUG-Talk list
Map & Directions:
We meet in the basement. Enter the library and head to the back. If the
door is closed when you arrive you can ask the manager of the library for
the keys to the room if you're comfortable opening up the basement, or
you can wait for some of the others to arrive.
We will continue meeting on a bi-weekly basis at the Hudson Library at
66 Leroy St New York, NY 10014.
It is helpful, but not necessary to have a notebook computer.
There's WiFi in the library for your convenience.
Mailing List:
We have a mailing list! Join it here:
or send mail to: hack-request@nylug.org
with a Subject: subscribe
There is also an RSS feed for the workshop mailing list at:
IRC Channel:
On Freenode, in #nylug-hack . Stop by #nylug also.
The Next Meeting After This Meeting:
The following Workshop will be held on: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 6:00 PM
Hire expert Linux talent by posting jobs here :: http://jobs.nylug.org
nylug-announce mailing list nylug-announce@nylug.org
To: ny@lists.pm.org, perlsemny@yahoogroups.com
From: James E Keenan <jkeen@verizon.net>
Subject: Perl Seminar NY Tuesday Night
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 20:40:39 -0500
The February NY Perl Seminar meeting is less than two days away:
Tuesday February 15 2011, 6:15 pm.
NYPC User Group office
481 8th Ave
Ramada New Yorker, Suite 550
btw. West 34 & 35 Sts, Manhattan
Presentation: Operator::Util
by Nick Patch
"..a new Perl 5 module that provides a selection of functions that
take operators as arguments, based on the functionality of many of
Perl 6's meta-operators. Some of the functions include reducewith,
which reduces a list using the operation of the passed operator;
crosswith, which applies an operator across all groupings of its list
arguments; as well as zipwith, hyperwith, and others."
Bonus: News Desk
This meeting we are also scheduling a number of mini news
presentations (1-5mins, with or without slides) for Perl projects
that people are involved in or happen to keep up on the news and
gossip for via mailing lists / blog posts / IRC etc. The goal is to
showcase some of the recent exciting developments in the Perl world
and give people another low-barrier option for doing presentations.
We currently have 4 people lined up, and we're looking for more
volunteers (for this or future meetings). If you're interested in
adopting a project and becoming NY Perl Seminar's foreign
correspondent, please let me know.
Projects Covered
* p5p (Perl 5 development) - David Golden (TBC)
* Padre (The Perl IDE) - Patrick Donelan
* Plat_Forms 2011 contest - Eric Garrido
* Parrot - Jim Keenan
* ...your name here!
**Majordomo list services provided by PANIX <URL:http://www.panix.com>**
**To Unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe ny" to majordomo@lists.pm.org**
From: Brian Gupta <brian.gupta@brandorr.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 7:14 PM
Subject: Tuesday Feb 15th 6:30PM PuppetNYC meeting - Come share your
experience using puppet
To: puppet-nyc@googlegroups.com
Are you an active user of puppet[1] living in NY/NJ/CT and looking
forward to share your experiences? (Or want to be?)
Please join us next Tuesday, February 15th at Gilt Groupe in Midtown
Manhattan for PuppetNYC's first 2011 meeting. =A0RSVP required:
This will be an informal and interactive discussion, where attendees
are invited to talk to the group about how they are using puppet (for
instance: what kind of resources are being managed, challenges that
you have seen while deploying puppet, tricks/tips, rants). We're
envisioning 5-20 minutes per person, but nothing is set in stone.
As we haven't met in a while, and because people's interests change
over time, we'd also like hear what people envision for this group.
If you are interested in giving a presentation on an intermediate to
advanced topic for this or future meetings, please stop by our mailing
list and let us know: http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-nyc
After the meeting (8:30 PM or so), we plan to adjourn to Rattle-N-Hum
(14 East 33rd Street) for some relaxing, socializing and bonding.
As mentioned earlier we do have have an existing mailing list, where
we discuss planning meetings and puppet. Please do subscribe, as it is
relatively low traffic: http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-nyc
Gilt Groupe - 2 Park Ave, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10016 (32nd street &
Park Avenue) http://goo.gl/maps/uCgR
Rattle-N-Hum - 14 East 33rd Street (32nd btwn Madison and 5th)
[1] http://www.puppetlabs.com
From: NYLUG Announcements <info@nylug.org>
To: NYLUG Announcements <nylug-announce@nylug.org>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 09:45:01 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [nylug-announce] NYLUG Presents: 2/16 @ 6:30PM Daniel Grippi and
Raphael Sofaer on Diaspora: Federated social networking
Reply-To: Announcements from NYLUG <nylug-announce@nylug.org>
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
590 Madison Ave, 12th Floor
corner of 57th Street
*** RSVP Closes at 4:30 PM the day of the meeting (sharp!) ***
Please RSVP for EVERY meeting at this time.
Register at http://rsvp.nylug.org/
Check in with photo ID at the lobby for badge.
Daniel Grippi and Raphael Sofaer
- on -
Diaspora: Federated social networking
This presentation will outline the different standards Diaspora is using to
federate data between pods and how the core Diaspora team maintains its pod
at joindiaspora.com. The presentation will end with a section on how to
get involved as a contributor to the Diaspora code-base.
More Information:
* Join Diaspora (core teams installation)
* Google groups diaspora-discuss
* Development google group diaspora-dev
* Pivotal tracker (public)
* Bug tracker
* Github
* IRC channels on freenode: #diaspora and #diaspora-dev
About Daniel Grippi:
Daniel Grippi is a 22-year old entrepreneur from Long Island, New York, and
a recent graduate from New York University (NYU) with a major in computer
science. Since graduating, Daniel has co-founded Diaspora in an effort to
change how individuals do social networking online. Originally from Long
Island, Daniel now works full time on Diaspora at Pivotal Labs' San
Francisco offices as a developer and as the front-end lead.
About Raphael Sofaer:
Raphael Sofaer is a programmer and entrepreneur from Palo Alto, CA. He
spent two years studying Math and Computer Science at NYU, then co-founded
Diaspora. Raphael now works full time on Diaspora from Pivotal Labs San
Francisco offices as a developer and as systems lead.
Meeting Location:
Please note that this meeting will be held at IBM, 590 Madison Ave,
12th floor, corner of 57th Street, and not at Google. This is
the building with the IBM logo on the front of the building.
Swag (Give Away):
During/after the meeting... unusually terrific swag may be given
After the meeting ... You may wish to join up with other NYLUGgers
for drinks and pub food. This month we'll be over at TGI Friday's
(677 Lexington and 56th Street, Second floor, Northeast corner),
but we are also evaluating other options for the future and welcome
your suggestions.
Coding Workshops/Hacking Society:
This is a group of people that wants to learn about and work on coding
in Python, Smalltalk, Ruby, C++, LaTeX, and other languages, and hack on
There will also be help given for those who wish to install Linux for the
first time.
Sometimes they go out to eat afterward.
Bring something to show off and discuss!
The workshops meet every other Tuesday, at the NY Public Library,
Hudson Park Branch. 66 Leroy St. NY NY from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Next meetings are February 15, and March 1.
See the calendar at: http://nylug.org/hackcalendar
Please see our home page at http://www.nylug.org for the HTMLized
version of this announcement, our archives, and a lot of other good
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 19:20:17 -0500 (EST)
From: Unigroup_of_NY <unilist@unigroup.org>
To: jays@panix.com
Subject: UNIGROUP 17-FEB-2011 (Thu): HP Unix and Hardware Briefing
Unigroup is next Thursday...
When: THURSDAY, February 17th, 2011 (** Regular 3rd Thursday **)
Where: The Cooper Union <http://www.cooper.edu>
School of Engineering (*** New Building ***)
41 Cooper Square (3rd Avenue @ 7th St, between 6th & 7th Streets)
East Village, Manhattan
New York City, 10003
Meeting Room: LL101_CS (LL1=Lower Level)
** Please RSVP **
Time: 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM Registration
6:30 PM - 6:45 PM Ask the Wizard, Questions,
Answers and Current Events
6:45 PM - 7:00 PM Unigroup Business and Announcements
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Main Presentation
Cost: See the Meeting+Membership Fee Schedule Below.
Topic: HP Unix and Hardware Briefing:
(1) BCS Roadmap (Integrity i2, SD2, DL980)
(2) HP/UX v3 Roadmap/Update
(3) HP/UX Comparison to Oracle/Sun Solaris
Speakers: Members of the HP BCS Competitive Solutions Team:
Billy Garcia,
Tariq Khan,
John Kuhr.
Unigroup is pleased to announce our February 2011 meeting on
HP Unix and Hardware Briefing. Instead of making a Field Trip
over to HP, HP is instead coming to Unigroup @ The Cooper Union.
We will still treat this meeting in the spirit of the Unigroup
Field Trip, meaning that the vendor will be presenting topics
in a vendor-specific and product-specific manner, rather than
giving us a vendor-neutral technology talk.
Our tentative next meeting schedule is:
17-MAR-2011: Open Source Cluster Parallel File Systems
(Speaker: RAID Inc.)
To REGISTER for this event, please RSVP by using the Unigroup
Registration Page:
This will allow us to automate the registration process.
(Registration will also add you to our mailing list.)
Please avoid Emailed RSVPs.
Please continue to check the Unigroup web site and meeting page,
for any last minute updates concerning this meeting. If you
registered for this meeting, please check your Email for any last
minute announcements as the meeting approaches. Also make sure
any anti-spam white-lists are updated to _ALLOW_ Unigroup traffic!
If you block Unigroup Emails, your address will be dropped from
our mailing list.
Also, if you have an interest in Unigroup, be sure to receive
Unigroup information DIRECTLY from Unigroup, via direct receipt
of Emails and by visiting the Unigroup Web Site. NO OTHER SOURCE
provides timely, accurate and complete Unigroup information.
Please RSVP as soon as possible, preferably at least 2-3 days
prior to the meeting date, so we can plan the food order.
RSVP deadline is usually the night before the meeting day.
Note: RSVP is requested for this location to make sure the guard
will let you into the building. RSVP also helps us to
properly plan the meeting (food, drinks, handouts,
seating, etc.) and speed up your sign-in at the meeting.
If you forget to RSVP prior to the meeting day, you may
still be able to show up and attend our meeting, however,
we cannot guarantee what building security will do if
you are "not on the list".
Topic: HP Unix and Hardware Briefing:
(1) BCS Roadmap (Integrity i2, SD2, DL980)
(2) HP/UX v3 Roadmap/Update
(3) HP/UX Comparison to Oracle/Sun Solaris
Introduction & Description of Talk:
Three Technical Presentations.
Outline of Talk:
References & Web Resources:
HP Products and Services:
Speaker Biographies:
Billy Garcia:
Billy Garcia has been employed at Hewlett-Packard since November,
1993 and has served in many job functions during this time. Some
of his previous experience with HP include: Medical CE, BCS
Systems CE, BCS Hardware Support Specialist, and Network &
Systems Administrator for the PTAC (Partner Technology Center)
in Paramus, NJ.
Billy is now serving as Pre-Sales SA and a charter member of the
newly formed BCS competitive sales team, reporting to Gene Ng.
He is also serves as a Blades Ambassador and Network Ambassador
and is active in helping to educate fellow SA's, Sales Reps,
HP Partners and customers on HP technology.
Billy has hands on expertise in HP-UX, Windows & Linux as well
as being an avid Linux enthusiast. Billy also holds a Master's
of Science Degree in Internet & Network Security from the New
York Institute of Technology.
Billy is a US Army Veteran who served in the Mechanized Infantry
Tariq Kahn:
Tariq Kahn has over 20 years of experience in consulting and
pre-sales roles which involved solution and enterprise
architecture, business development and consulting. Tariq joined
the BCS Competitive Solution Architecture team in June 2010 to
support expanding HP's business in new accounts. Tariq is a
member of the Americas Cloud SWAT team and the Americas
Application Transformation team. He is also a member of the HPIT
SWAT team for the past 4 years and has presented the HPIT
Transformation story to over 50 customers.
Prior to joining BCS, Tariq was a Master Architect with HP's
Data Center Transformation practice where he led various projects
addressing solution areas such as data center transformation,
server consolidation, enterprise architecture, application &
systems architecture and IT service management. Tariq has
published numerous technical papers, webcasts, podcasts and case
studies. He has also spoken at various HP and Industry events.
John Kuhr:
John Kuhr is a Solutions Architect with the BCS East Competitive
Team and is based in New York supporting the Integrity and HP-UX
product portfolio. John joined HP in 2010.
Prior to joining HP, John was with Sun Microsystems as a Sr.
Technical Specialist supporting high-end Solaris SPARC hardware
platforms (E25K, M-Series) in both a pre-sales and hands-on
implementation professional services role covering the US east
Prior to joining Sun, John was with Bell Atlantic (Verizon) as
a Sr. Technical Staff Member working in the area of mainframe
and Unix performance and systems management. Prior to Bell
Atlantic, John was with IBM Corp. where he worked in a variety
of positions in systems programming and engineering (MVS and AIX)
at IBM's Poughkeepsie, New York lab.
John attended Baruch College - City University of New York.
Company Biography:
For information about HP, visit:
Addison-Wesley Professional/Prentice Hall PTR, and O'Reilly have
been kind enough to provide us with review copies of some of their
books, which we will continue to raffle off as giveaways at our
meetings. The publishers always ask that the persons receiving
the books provide a review and/or feedback about their books.
Unigroup would like to thank both companies for the support
provided by their User Group programs.
As always, all of the books will be available for review at the
start of the meeting.
We have some Solaris Related CD-ROMs from our friends at the
local NYC Sun Microsystems Office.
(Note: We are running low on books right now.)
< ... />
-Rob Weiner
Unigroup Executive Director
unilist (-a_t-) unigroup.org
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- NYC LOCAL: Week Starting Monday 14 February 2011: Four Free Software Meetings, and a Meeting on HP Unix,
secretary <=