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NYC LOCAL: Thursday 20 January 2011 UNIGROUP: Unix/Linux Command Line Ti
From: |
secretary |
Subject: |
NYC LOCAL: Thursday 20 January 2011 UNIGROUP: Unix/Linux Command Line Tips and Tricks : Part 2 |
Date: |
19 Jan 2011 09:14:15 -0500 |
what="official UNIGROUP announcement"
rsvp="registration requested, see below"
entrance-fee="yes, see http://www.unigroup.org/unigroup-fees.html"
location="The Cooper Union School of Engineering, see below"
edits="some paragraphs removed so notice fits in mailboxen">
Subject: UNIGROUP 20-JAN-2011 (Thu): Part 2 of Unix/Linux Command Line Tips &
Unigroup is this Thursday...
Please RSVP if you will be attending...
When: THURSDAY, January 20th, 2011 (** Regular 3rd Thursday **)
Where: The Cooper Union <http://www.cooper.edu>
School of Engineering (*** New Building ***)
41 Cooper Square (3rd Avenue @ 7th St, between 6th & 7th Streets)
East Village, Manhattan
New York City, 10003
Meeting Room: LL101_CS (LL1=Lower Level, Note: Room Changes
** Please RSVP **
Time: 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM Registration
6:30 PM - 6:45 PM Ask the Wizard, Questions,
Answers and Current Events
6:45 PM - 7:00 PM Unigroup Business and Announcements
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Main Presentation
Cost: See the Meeting+Membership Fee Schedule Below.
Topic: Unix/Linux Command Line Tips & Tricks : Part 2
Speakers: Panel Discussion
Happy New Year!
Unigroup is pleased to announce our January 2011 meeting on
Part 2 of Unix/Linux Command Line Tips & Tricks.
RAID Inc., who was scheduled to present "Open Source Cluster
Parallel File Systems" this month, needed to postpone their
presentation, so we have re-scheduled them for our March 2011
Since there appeared to be good interest in our Tips & Tricks
meeting in November 2010, we will hold a followup meeting this
month on the same topic, picking up where we left off.
Please bring your best Tips & Tricks to our meeting, and share
them via interactive demonstration with other Unigroup members!
Unigroup Elections: Unigroup holds Board of Director Elections
every January. If you are a Unigroup Member and would like to
run for the Unigroup Board, please contact us on or before our
January 2011 meeting. Board members are expected to regularly
attend Unigroup General and Board Meetings, and basically help
the rest of the board run Unigroup. If you would like to help
out Unigroup, but not join the board officially, please let us
know. Unigroup needs your help! Unigroup is a not-for-profit
volunteer organization, and has been serving the Greater NYC
Metro Unix Users Community for around 30 years!
We are also trying to set up a Field Trip to HP in February.
This meeting is still in the planning stage, so stay tuned.
Our tentative next meeting schedule is:
17-FEB-2011: Tentative Field Trip to HP - Still Planning
17-MAR-2011: Open Source Cluster Parallel File Systems
(Speaker: RAID Inc.)
To REGISTER for this event, please RSVP by using the Unigroup
Registration Page:
This will allow us to automate the registration process.
(Registration will also add you to our mailing list.)
Please avoid Emailed RSVPs.
Please continue to check the Unigroup web site and meeting page,
for any last minute updates concerning this meeting. If you
registered for this meeting, please check your Email for any last
minute announcements as the meeting approaches. Also make sure
any anti-spam white-lists are updated to _ALLOW_ Unigroup traffic!
If you block Unigroup Emails, your address will be dropped from
our mailing list.
Also, if you have an interest in Unigroup, be sure to receive
Unigroup information DIRECTLY from Unigroup, via direct receipt
of Emails and by visiting the Unigroup Web Site. NO OTHER SOURCE
provides timely, accurate and complete Unigroup information.
Please RSVP as soon as possible, preferably at least 2-3 days
prior to the meeting date, so we can plan the food order.
RSVP deadline is usually the night before the meeting day.
Note: RSVP is requested for this location to make sure the guard
will let you into the building. RSVP also helps us to
properly plan the meeting (food, drinks, handouts,
seating, etc.) and speed up your sign-in at the meeting.
If you forget to RSVP prior to the meeting day, you may
still be able to show up and attend our meeting, however,
we cannot guarantee what building security will do if
you are "not on the list".
Topic: Unix/Linux Command Line Tips & Tricks
Introduction & Description of Talk:
Panel Discussion with interactive demonstration.
Outline of Talk:
- Panel Discussion on Tips & Tricks, with Audience Participation.
Review of Tips & Tricks from the Audience (let us know at the
start of the meeting that that you brought some tips with you!)
References & Web Resources:
Speaker Biography:
Company Biography:
Addison-Wesley Professional/Prentice Hall PTR, and O'Reilly have
been kind enough to provide us with review copies of some of their
books, which we will continue to raffle off as giveaways at our
meetings. The publishers always ask that the persons receiving
the books provide a review and/or feedback about their books.
Unigroup would like to thank both companies for the support
provided by their User Group programs.
As always, all of the books will be available for review at the
start of the meeting.
We have some Solaris Related CD-ROMs from our friends at the
local NYC Sun Microsystems Office.
Fee Schedule:
Unigroup is a Professional Technical Organization and User Group,
and its members pay a yearly membership fee. For Unigroup members,
there is usually no additional charges (ie. no meeting fees) during
their membership year. Non-members who wish to attend Unigroup
meetings are usually required to pay a "Single Meeting Fee".
Yearly Membership (includes all meetings): $ 50.00
Student Yearly Membership (with current! ID): $ 25.00
Non-Member Single Meeting Fee: $ 20.00
Non-Member Student Single Meeting (with! ID): $ 5.00
* Payment Methods: Cash, Check, American Express.
! Students: We are looking for proof that you are
currently enrolled in classes (rather than working
full-time), and as such, your Student ID should show
a CURRENT date. We have been presented Student IDs
containing NO dates whatsoever, and in the
current environment, perpetual/non-expiring access
to university facilities just does not feel right.
If your ID contains no date, please bring
additional proof of current enrollment. Thanks,
NOTE: Simply receiving Unigroup Email Announcements does
NOT indicate membership in Unigroup.
Members: Remember to bring your Unigroup membership card with
you to the meeting, to confirm your yearly renewal date!
Complimentary Food and Refreshments will be served. This
includes "wraps" such as turkey, roast beef, chicken, tuna
and grilled vegetables as well as assorted salads (potato,
tossed, pasta, etc), cookies, brownies, bottled water and
assorted SOFT beverages.
Wind River said they would sponsor the food service for this
meeting. Thanks Wind River!
The Cooper Union <http://www.cooper.edu>
School of Engineering (*** New Building ***)
41 Cooper Square (3rd Avenue @ 7th St, between 6th & 7th Streets)
East Village, Manhattan
New York City, 10003
Meeting Room: ** (See Above, Room Changes Month-to-Month)
Located on the East side of Cooper Square. Look for the
new building with the non-traditional appearance.
Entrance is at the corner of 3rd Avenue and 7 Street.
Building lobby sign-in is required at the guard's desk.
Enter the building, check in with the guard at the lobby for
directions to Unigroup (the room varies from month-to-month).
Nearest mass transit stations are:
'6' to Astor Place (stops right at The Cooper Union),
then walk 1 block East and 1 block South.
'R' to 8th Street, then walk about 2 blocks East
then 1 block South.
'4/5/6/R/N/Q' to Union Square, then walk South and East.
'B/D/F/V' to Broadway-Lafayette, then walk North and East.
Free street parking in the area becomes available at 6pm.
There are also parking lots on Broadway, at (or just south of)
Astor Place (8th Street).
Please mark this meeting on your calendar and join us!
Please tell your friends about Unigroup!
< ... />
Unigroup is one of the oldest and largest Unix User's Groups serving
the Greater New York City Regional Area since the early 1980s.
Unigroup is a not-for-profit, vendor-neutral and member funded
volunteer organization. Unigroup holds regular and special event
meetings throughout the year on technical topics relating to Unix
and the Unix/Linux/BSD User Community.
Unigroup holds regular meetings planned for (at a minimum) the Third
THURSDAY of Odd Months. We generally try to hold Field Trip or
Vendor Specific Meetings on the Even Months, although we do have the
ability to hold monthly meetings at our regular meeting location.
Planned regular meeting dates are (usually 3rd Thursdays):
1/20/2011, 2/17/2011 Field Trip?, 3/17/2011, 5/20/2011, 7/21/2011,...
Also watch for Special Event meetings and "Field Trips" to the
facilities of local hardware and software vendors.
= For Unigroup Information, Events and Meeting Announcements be sure to =
= visit our World Wide Web Home Page: =
= http://www.unigroup.org =
For further information or to get on the Unigroup Electronic Mail Mailing
List send an EMail message to:
unilist (-a_t-) unigroup.org
To contact the Board of Directors of Unigroup, send an EMail message to:
uniboard (-a_t-) unigroup.org
If you have recently attended a meeting and you are not receiving
Email announcements, please send us an Email and we will make
corrections to our lists.
Please Email the Board with any suggestions, especially potential
meeting topics and speakers. Unigroup welcomes contributions and
content suggestions for our newsletter. Unigroup is a volunteer
organization and we need your assistance! Please let us know if you
can help!
-Rob Weiner
Unigroup Executive Director
unilist (-a_t-) unigroup.org
Distributed poC TINC:
Jay Sulzberger <secretary@lxny.org>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.
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- NYC LOCAL: Thursday 20 January 2011 UNIGROUP: Unix/Linux Command Line Tips and Tricks : Part 2,
secretary <=