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Gnu-Friends Digest 5/24/04

From: Brian Gough
Subject: Gnu-Friends Digest 5/24/04
Date: 24 May 2004 09:49:26 +0100

This is the Weekly digest for

Nuxeo releases mail management system under the GPL 
  By brian, 2004-05-22 18:29:00 
  Section: News

French-based company Nuxeo has released its enterprise mail management
system CourierCPS under the GPL, as part of its Collaborative Portal
Server 3 (CPS3) product line. The software has been developed under
contract to the French government in partnership with Capgemini.


Talks by Larry Lessig and Brewster Kahle (Oxford) 
  By brian, 2004-05-22 18:28:51 
  Section: News

[From] The Oxford Internet Institute is holding a series of
interesting talks, starting this week with Brewster Kahle on "Universal
Access to Knowledge" (Monday, 24 May) and Professor Larry Lessig on
"Rediscovering Free Culture" (Friday, 28 May).


FSFE on software patents: A bad day for Europe 
  By brian, 2004-05-20 12:04:48 
  Section: News

[From FSFE] FSF Europe has responded to the latest decision of the EU
council on software patents with an official statement, and analysis of
the background to the new directive. According to Georg Greve, President
of FSFE, the council's vote means that "Europe is about to finally give up
on the goal of its heads of states and governments to become the 'most
competitive knowledge-based region'".


New software patent directive passes EU council by thin majority 
  By brian, 2004-05-20 12:04:40 
  Section: News

[From FFII] The EU presidency secured political approval for its new draft
of the software patents directive in a meeting of the Council of Ministers
-- by 7 votes, overturning the earlier amendments of the European
Parliament excluding software from patentability. Belgium , Denmark,
Italy, Spain and Austria refused to support the new text and Estonia voted


APRIL disassociates from FSFE 
  By brian, 2004-05-20 12:04:25 
  Section: News

APRIL, the French Association for Promotion and Research in Libre
Computing, has deaffiliated itself from FSF Europe and is no longer an
FSFE associate organization.


Growing Outrage at EU Presidency Plans 
  By brian, 2004-05-16 10:57:41 
  Section: News

[FFII] FFII reports growing outrage among member states at the renewed
proposals for unlimited patentability brought forward by the Irish
Presidency of the EU, in the face of the previous vote by the European


Call to Polish government to oppose Software Patents 
  By brian, 2004-05-16 10:56:10 
  Section: News

At a major meeting in Poland organized by FFII and the Internet Society
(ISOC) over 300 participants from companies and political parties adopted
a resolution calling on the Polish government to support the European
Parliament's stance and oppose the Irish Presidency proposal, with only 3
votes against and 4 abstentions.


AGNULA Project at "creAzione" event (Milan, 20-22 May) 
  By brian, 2004-05-16 10:55:49 
  Section: News

The AGNULA project will be present at "creAzione", a three-day (20-22 May
2004) event on the "creative use of technology". Andrea Glorioso, Damien
Cirotteau, Davide Fugazza and Free Ekanayaka will talk about the AGNULA
project, the AGNULA/DeMuDi distribution and the AGNULA Libre Music web
portal. The event will take place in Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italy) at
Laboratorio Innovazione Breda.

Brian Gough

Network Theory Ltd,
Publishing Free Software Manuals ---

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