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Re: FSF taking money from outsourcers

From: Kenneth P. Turvey
Subject: Re: FSF taking money from outsourcers
Date: Sun, 2 May 2004 19:30:51 -0500
User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)

On 1 May 2004 14:40:46 -0700, Snuffelluffogus <> wrote:
> Just because we have come to rely on the corporate system
> does not mean that anyone has to, and it doesn't mean their
> system is right or appropriate. Try taking a course in logic,
> when you aren't busy being an apologist for evil.

If you have a competitive system that will do better at providing what
people want and need then you should work within this system to do
so.  People will migrate to your system as they see the wonderful
lives the people in it lead.  Of course if you can't make people's
lives better maybe you should quit putting down the system that seems
to have been doing a pretty good job.

I don't think being a capitalist makes me an appologist for anyone or
anything.  There are "evil" corporations, just as there are "good"
ones.  Don't do business with the former.  

Kenneth P. Turvey <>

  Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Wiki

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