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Re: A Modest Proposal for a GNU infrastructure license
From: |
Daniel Carrera |
Subject: |
Re: A Modest Proposal for a GNU infrastructure license |
Date: |
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 10:06:27 -0400 (EDT) |
I don't know how I got into this CC list. Could you please take me off of
it? I already receive more email than I can read.
On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, James Michael DuPont wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am bringing this idea up on gnu.misc.discuss as to
> avoid eating up more bandwidth on the dotgnu, gcc and
> mono lists where we have had many interesting
> discussions about similar topics.
> I have a modest proposition :
> To create a license for software that only takes GPLed
> sourcecode as input and produces GPLed code as output.
> Basically, it is to create a licensed persistent
> memory model where all data and functions in whatever
> form are treated as if they are in the main memory of
> a statically linked executable, even if all types of
> neat tricks are used.
> More to the point, that the inputs and outputs must be
> already be source code (in what ever form)
> and that must already be under the GPL (in whatever
> form). If documentation is produced, then it would be
> under the GPL documentation license.
> It is a bit like a recusive function f(n>1) that does
> not solve the base case, and leave the n=1 and n=0 to
> a specific other function.
> The GPL is used by many projects to maintain thier
> freedom.
> The LGPL is a license that allows for the production
> of non-free software. This could be seen as a
> right-wing GPL, a RGPL that is a restrictive GPL.
> One that only allows for the production of more free
> software.
> Because the GPL is so sucessful, there are many
> applications that use it. It is now possible to work
> only with free software.
> I would like to give those who use free software an
> advantage over those who don't.
> By making services and software that are only legally
> usable by those using free software.
> This special type of license will only applies to
> software that works on other software, thus
> meta-software.
> The inputs and outputs of this meta software of any
> form would be limited to free software only.
> This of course does not affect the input and output of
> the free software once it is compiled, so the used
> software is not changed. Only the usage of the GNU
> Infrastructure License would be affected.
> The GPL is carefully designed to allow users to do
> anything with the input and output of the files not to
> affected by the license.
> Some authors decide to publish a version under GPL for
> non-profit usage. I want to go a step further.
> My question is if I can publish a software that is for
> GNU usage only? That is only licensed for usage in
> conjunction with free software, down to the user.
> This would then be usable to create an entire range of
> services for promoting the usage of the GPL and giving
> them and advantage and a incentive over non-free
> software.
> This would overcome the issues non-free software using
> XML, File Systems, XML-RPC, SOAP, Dynamic Linking, and
> Web Services for interfacing with GNU software and
> going around the GPL.
> This would give an explicit license to a limited set
> of powerful interfaces that are for use for only free
> software. This would give people who want to
> experiment with interfacing to the GCC via dynamic
> linkage a legal basic
> Now the protection of the data files are very tricky,
> because the data file are sourcecode.
> The best would be to treat all data files as if they
> are persistent inside the memory of the GPLed program
> and that any usage of them is a derived work.
> If a data file is produced derived from source code,
> this data file would also be under a special form of
> the GPL that prevents it from being used by any non
> GNU infrastructure licensed tool.
> Of course you wont have the freedom to take away this
> protection offered.
> This would allow the safe storage of internal data
> structures without their usage in non-free software.
> No non-gpled program would not be allowed to use any
> of the internal data structures of this program.
> Not to read or write them or process them
> electronically. If it is offered as a web service,
> only users from free software projects would be
> allowed to use the software in conjunction with free
> software.
> I hope to hear your feedback.
> Best Regards,
> Mike
> =====
> James Michael DuPont
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