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Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Not free complety software, why other support nonf

From: Diego Saravia
Subject: Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Not free complety software, why other support nonfree os and related? umm extrano e ilogico..
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 22:32:15 -0300

>> why that software compile and run most of them on windows and mac?
> Because it is portable. Nothing related to the license.

interesting point, so this software promotes non-free operating systems

licences? why are you speaking about licences?

>> LibreOffice supports non-free formats!!!, and supports saving on
>> them!!!, and its a great support too better in most cases!!!
> Yeah, isn't it nice?

some kind of beuty as having support to some hardware devices via
non-free blobs.

>> I think that the list and policies that exclude software are
>> extremely inflexible
> Formats are not programs, plugins are.

probably formats are more important than programs.

Diego Saravia
NO FUNCIONA->address@hidden

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