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[NonGNU ELPA] Cider version 1.7.0

From: ELPA update
Subject: [NonGNU ELPA] Cider version 1.7.0
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2023 05:04:00 -0400

Version 1.7.0 of package Cider has just been released in NonGNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.

Cider describes itself as:

  Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks

More at

## Summary:

  Provides a Clojure interactive development environment for Emacs, built on

## Recent NEWS:

# Changelog

## master (unreleased)

## 1.7.0 (2023-03-23)

### New features

- [#3314]( Detect 
`nrepl+unix` sockets (say via `lein nrepl :headless :socket nrepl.sock`).
- [#3262]( Add navigation 
functionality to `n/p/f/b` keys inside the data inspector's buffer.
- [#3310]( Add ability to 
use custom coordinates in `cider-jack-in-dependencies`.
- [cider-nrepl#766]( 
Complete local bindings for ClojureScript files.
- [#3179]( Introduce 
`cider-jack-in-universal` to support jacking-in without a project from a set of 
pre-configured Clojure project tools.

### Changes

- Allow using `npx nbb` as `cider-nbb-command`.
- [#3281]( Replace newline 
chars with actual newlines in `*cider-test-report*` buffer, for prettier error 
- Bump the injected `cider-nrepl` to 0.30.
- [#3219]( Disable by 
default forcing the display of output when the REPL prompt is at the first line 
of the of the REPL window. This behavior is desirable, but very slow and rarely 
needed. It can be re-enabled by setting 
`cider-repl-display-output-before-window-boundaries` to `t`.

## 1.6.0 (2022-12-21)

### New features

- [#3278]( Introduce 
integration tests, which also fix a long standing issue with orphaned process 
on MS-Windows by contracting `taskkill`, if available, to properly kill the 
nREPL server process tree.
- [#3061]( Add support for 
- [#3249]( Add support for 
Clojure Spec 2.
- [#3247]( Add the 
`cider-stacktrace-analyze-at-point` and `cider-stacktrace-analyze-in-region` 
commands to view printed exceptions in the stacktrace inspector.

### Changes

- Bump the injected nREPL version to 1.0.
- [#3061]( Allow to use 
`cider-connect-clj` for self-hosted cljs repls (e.g. `nbb`).
- [#3291]( **Remove** the 
`'cljs-pending` `repl-type`. It is replaced by 
- [#3261]( If user is 
connecting to nREPL from a TRAMP buffer, use its connection parameters (port, 
username) for establishing SSH tunnel.

### Bugs fixed

- Remove needless quotes from the choices of 
- [#2561]( Disable undo in 
`*cider-test-report*` buffers.
- [#3251]( Disable undo in 
`*cider-stacktrace*` buffers.
- Consecutive overlays will not be spuriously deleted.
- [#3260]( Scroll REPL buffer 
in other frame.
- [#3293]( Can't jack in to 
more than one `bb` projects.

## 1.5.0 (2022-08-24)

### New features

- [#3226]( Populate 
completions metadata, making it possible to change the style of completion via 
`completion-category-override` or `completion-category-defaults`.
- [#2946]( Add custom var 
`cider-merge-sessions` to allow combining sessions in two different ways: 
Setting `cider-merge-sessions` to `'host` will merge all sessions associated 
with the same host within a project. Setting it to `'project` will combine all 
sessions of a project irrespective of their host.
- Support Gradle jack-in via the Gradle wrapper (`gradlew`), instead of just a 
globally installed `gradle` on the `PATH`.
- Gradle projects can now inject dependencies and middleware as with other 
build tools (dependency injection requires 
[Clojurephant]( 0.7.0 or higher).

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