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Re: pabbrev.el

From: Toby Cubitt
Subject: Re: pabbrev.el
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2007 12:57:50 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

William Xu wrote:
Toby Cubitt <address@hidden> writes:

completion-UI is a nice idea.

The Emacs Wiki contains code snippets that provide the simple glue
between completion-UI and a number of completion-finding mechanisms (so
far: dabbrevs, etags, and predictive-mode).

I just tried dabbrev wrapper from the wiki, turn on
auto-completion-mode. It could display candicates in the minibuffer, and
after sometime show a popup menu. However, this process takes ten or so
seconds, so barely usable..

Auto-completion-mode is only useful when the function finding the completions can return results within a few tenths of a second (i.e. faster than your typing speed). Dabbrev was never designed to be that fast. You can make things more workable by setting an auto-completion-delay, but really you either need to use a completion function that was designed for that kind of speed, or switch off auto-completion-mode and stick to completion on demand (i.e. hitting a key when you want to bring up completions). There's a good reason why that's the default setting in completion-UI...

(The completion tool-tip pops up after a 3 second delay by default, but you can of course customize this.)

The only completion functions I'm aware of that were designed to be fast enough are those in the predictive-mode and pabbrev packages. Perhaps this is because auto-completion makes most sense when the completion is predictive.

If you want to get a taste of what auto-completion-mode is like when you're a good completion function, you could try installing my predictive package, since the completion-UI "glue" is already in place and it enables auto-completion-mode by default. If you like it, but would prefer to use pabbrev, then you could write the necessary pabbrev wrapper function I mentioned previously. (Pabbrev and predictive-mode work rather differently and serve different audiences - pabbrev is a predictive version of dabbrev, in that it gathers its completions from the buffer. Predictive-mode uses persistent dictionaries of completions, which it "trains" and adds words to as you type. Although predictive-mode can be configured to simulate pabbrev, there's probably little point in doing so. You might as well use pabbrev!)

I looked into my .emacs, i have only set
`hippie-expand-try-functions-list'. Does this affect dabbrev wrapper ?
And i'm using 23.0.50 built on 20071020.

Not unless this affects dabbrev itself.


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