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[Gnu-arch-users] Re: [MERGE REQUEST] unify various commands around arch_

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: [MERGE REQUEST] unify various commands around arch_fqvsn_from_tree_and_input
Date: 20 May 2004 11:50:33 +0900

Aaron Bentley <address@hidden> writes:
> Yeah, it's ugly.  Valid revision names are always considered to be 
> revisions, but I believe it's possible to express any file path so that 
> it's not a valid revision.  For example, a directory named 
> "address@hidden/cat--branch--1.0--patch-3" could be referred to as 
> "./address@hidden/cat--branch--1.0--patch-3", which isn't valid.

Yeah; I would be perfectly happy if using directory names required a
magic syntax.  E.g., for doing a delta against the directory FOO,
something really magic like `dir:FOO' (which has the advantage that it's
clearly not a normal filename), or `./FOO' (which is somewhat compatible
-- we'd probably want to accept just `.' as a special case for the
latter too).

Of course there's always that annoying backward compatibility thing...

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`All the past could be forgiven.'   [NYT]

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