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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: File-tpye plug-in architecture for Arch?

From: Tupshin Harper
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: File-tpye plug-in architecture for Arch?
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 18:27:33 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5a (20031216)

Tom Lord wrote:

> You use 10 different stypes in the text as refernces. But you have only > defined 9 of them. YOou can use ID_REF for such purpose, however this is > often too limited.

Do you know what "turing complete" means?

I'm sorry but this exchange exemplifies some of why I think W3C is
responsible for having crashed the industry.


Certainly they are susceptible to criticism, and not making a turing complete validation mechanism is one of them. But at least recognize that (for better and for worse) they tried to take a "middle ground" approach. XSD got a huge amount of criticism for being too complex (compared to DTDs), and adoption of it has been slow, largely for that reason. They were justly leery of adding even more complexity.

Of course a case can be made that a good language designer could have come up with a better, simpler, turing complete schema mechanism, but such is frequently the problem with design by committee. Look at the long torturous journey that C++ has taken navigating between the shoals of complexity and whirlpools of insufficiency.


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