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Re: problem with interval of inbox checking and speed of sending

From: Jan Derfinak
Subject: Re: problem with interval of inbox checking and speed of sending
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 23:03:34 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.00 (LNX 1167 2008-08-23)

Hello Alonso.

Thank you for your research. This is just message that I didn't forget it
and I have your mail on my to-do list. But currently I'm very busy with
other jobs.


On Fri, 27 Jul 2012, alonso wrote:

> Hi. I believe there is a problem in smsd/lowlevel.c in the RealConnect
> function.  There is a sleep (smsdConfig.refreshInt);  and during this time
> it is not possible to send sms because they are only sent after the sleep is
> over and the program loops back to check for events.   Apparently the
> sending thread sends only one event at a time and then waits for a response.
> So in each of the loops of RealConnect it is possible to send only one sms.
> I found this because I thought that by having a larger interval of inbox
> checking that might leave more time to speed up sending. So I ran smsd -i 6 
> , but then I noticed that it was taking 6 or more seconds to send each sms. 
> Also the real interval of checking is not 6 seconds because the program
> might spend some time sending an sms or doing some other event and then it
> sleeps the same 6 seconds on each loop. So the time between checks of the
> inbox will be several seconds more.
> I changed the code so that it does not check the inbox if the 6 seconds have
> not elapsed, and in the meantime it continues to check for new events, so it
> will send any sms in the outbox.
> I also applied the transaction patch discussed in previous emails. And I
> also made a change in smsd/mysql.c
>           numerror = 0;
>           do {   
>             error = WriteSMS (&sms);
>             sleep (1);
>           } while ((error == GN_ERR_TIMEOUT || error == GN_ERR_FAILED)
>       && numError++ < 3);
>       This has the problem that it will always sleep 1 second. I think
>       this was intended to sleep only when there was an error before
>       the next try?
>       So i changed it to
>         if(numError)  sleep (1);
>         error = WriteSMS (&sms);
>       Now it will not sleep when there is no error.
> My setup is 2 smsd running each with a usb phone , serial and AT. The test
> is send 70 messages from phone 1 to phone 2. At the same time send 70
> messages from phone 2 to itself. So phone 2 also receives 140 sms during
> this test.
> Sending only times (phone 1) where reduced from 8 minutes to 3 minutes with
> the transaction patch. With the sleep fix in mysql.c this was reduced to 2
> minutes. And with the RealConnect fix I am able to send 70 sms in 1 minute.
> After fixing RealConnect one can now use -i 6 but this does not make any
> difference in speed of sending.
> Without the transaction patch phone 2 would always take the exact same time
> as phone 1 even when phone 1 is doing much less work (8 minutes). I suspect
> the database locks don't allow phone 1 to go any faster as it waits for
> phone 2 to send each message. This is not the expected behaviour as I
> understand the MySQL 5.0 manuals.
> With the transaction patch phone 2 takes about 6 minutes. The sleep fix in
> mysql.c made no difference. With the RealConnect fix it takes less than 5
> minutes.
> Using -i 6 makes phone 2 slower, taking 7 minutes.
> This is how the RealConnect function is looking now: (my changes in bold)
> static void RealConnect (void *phone)
> {
>   gn_data *data;
>   gn_sms_status SMSStatus = {0, 0, 0, 0};
>   gn_sms_folder SMSFolder;
>   PhoneEvent *event;
>   gn_error error;
>   int consecutive_errors = 0;
> //alonso
>   int loopStartTime = 0;
>   int now = 0;        
>   int hasEvents = 0;
>   data = calloc (1, sizeof (gn_data));
>   gn_log_xdebug ("Initializing connection...\n");
>   if (fbusinit ((gchar *)phone) != GN_ERR_NONE)
>   {
>     free (data);
>     exit (1);
>   }
>   if (smsdConfig.memoryType == GN_MT_XX) {
>     if (phoneMonitor.supported & PM_FOLDERS)
>       smsdConfig.memoryType = GN_MT_IN;
>     else
>       smsdConfig.memoryType = GN_MT_SM;
>   }
>   gn_log_xdebug ("Phone connected. Starting monitoring...\n");
>   while (1) 
>   {
>     loopStartTime = time(NULL);  //alonso
>     while (1) { //alonso
>      hasEvents = 0;  //alonso
>      pthread_mutex_lock (&smsMutex);
>      /* The event queue must be processed before RefreshSMS ()! */
>      while ((event = RemoveEvent ()) != NULL)
>      { 
>       //alonso
>       hasEvents=1;
>       gn_log_xdebug ("Processing Event: %d\n", event->event);
>       if (event->event <= Event_Exit)
>         if ((error = DoAction[event->event] (event->data)) != GN_ERR_NONE)
>           g_print (_("Event %d failed with return code %d!\n"), event->event
> , error);
>       g_free (event);
>      }
> //alonso
>      now = time(NULL);
>      g_print (_("seconds since start of loop %ld!\n"), now - loopStartTime);
>      if( now - loopStartTime < smsdConfig.refreshInt) {
>       //no need to RefreshSMS yet
>       pthread_mutex_unlock (&smsMutex);
>       //if there were events processed then go immediately to check for more, 
> othe
> rwise wait a bit
>       if(!hasEvents) usleep(200000);
>      }
>      else
>       break;
>     }//alonso end new loop
>     if (phoneMonitor.supported & PM_FOLDERS)
>     {
>       data->sms_folder = &SMSFolder;
>       SMSFolder.folder_id = smsdConfig.memoryType;
>       if ((error = gn_sm_functions (GN_OP_GetSMSFolderStatus, data, sm)) == 
>       {
>         gn_log_xdebug ("GN_OP_GetSMSFolderStatus returned (number) %d\n",
>                        SMSFolder.number);
>         gn_log_xdebug ("phoneMonitor.sms.number %d\n",
>                        phoneMonitor.sms.number);
>         if (phoneMonitor.sms.number != SMSFolder.number)
>         {
>           RefreshSMS (SMSFolder.number);
>         }
> //        phoneMonitor.sms.unRead = 0;
>       }
>     }
>     else
>     {
>       gn_memory_status dummy;
>       dummy.memory_type = smsdConfig.memoryType;
>       data->sms_status = &SMSStatus;
>       data->memory_status = &dummy;
>       if ((error = gn_sm_functions (GN_OP_GetSMSStatus, data, sm)) == GN_ERR
> _NONE)
>       {
>         gn_log_xdebug ("GN_OP_GetSMSStatus returned (number, unread) %d, %d\
> n",
>                        SMSStatus.number, SMSStatus.unread);
>         gn_log_xdebug ("phoneMonitor.sms.number %d\n",
>                        phoneMonitor.sms.number);
>         if (/* phoneMonitor.sms.unRead != SMSStatus.unread || */
>             phoneMonitor.sms.number != SMSStatus.number)
>         {
>           RefreshSMS (SMSStatus.number);
>         }
> //        phoneMonitor.sms.unRead = SMSStatus.unread;
>       }
>     }
>     pthread_mutex_unlock (&smsMutex);
>     if (error != GN_ERR_NONE)
>     {
>       if (error == GN_ERR_TIMEOUT)
>       {
>         g_print (_("Timeout in file %s, line %d, restarting connection.\n"),
>                  __FILE__, __LINE__);
>         break;
>       }
>       else
>       {
>         g_print ("%s:%d error: %d, %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, error, gn_erro
> r_print(error));
>       consecutive_errors++;
>       if (consecutive_errors > MAX_CONSECUTIVE_ERRORS)
>       {
>         g_print (_("Too many consecutive errors, restarting connection.\n"));
>         break;
>       }
>       }
>     }
>     else
>     {
>       consecutive_errors = 0;
>     }
>     //alonso  sleep here not needed
>       //sleep (smsdConfig.refreshInt);
>   }
>   free (data);
> }
> Thanks
> Alonso Acuña


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