The latest version i am able to find from site is 0.6.27. under binaries/win32/
Is there any one single source for downloading the latest version?
Don't hesitate to contact for further assistance.
Ashif Zubair.
Mob : 0092-333-6519819
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www.visititech.comOffice No. 3-4, 1st Floor Al-Kuwait Plaza
Susan Road. Faisalabad - Pakistan.
On 16 August 2010 13:36, Daniele Forsi
<address@hidden> wrote:
2010/8/16 iTech:
> Gnokii Version 0.6.27
please don't report problems with older versions, that's almost 2 years old
> Problem :
> The message is sent, but in the end windows 7 reports a dialog that
> gnokii.exe has stopped working, click to check online solution or close the
> program.
> Note: this only occurs for message length greater than 160 Characters. Upto
> 160 Characters, there is no dialog/error on windows 7.
I think this has been fixed as noted in the ChangeLog:
* libgnokii changes
o fix segfault on sending long sms (Paweł Kot)
can you retry with gnokii 0.6.29 or the git version?
If you have troubles compiling the newer versions it will be easy to
backport this fix, git commit is