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Re: gnokii 0.6.26 on FreeBSD 7

From: Mika Chu
Subject: Re: gnokii 0.6.26 on FreeBSD 7
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 09:13:16 +0800

Dear Guido,
I installed the patch, make deinstall gnokii, make it again, yes it began to fetch .27 version, but make process happened lots of error and stopped.
I think I can wait for FreeBSD 7.1, just heard I should wait for more 3-4 weeks:)
I still need buy another GSM modem, I want to try USB cable for that.
Thanks your kindy help!
Mika Chu

2008/12/2 Guido Falsi <address@hidden>
Mika Chu wrote:
Dear all,
I am using gnokii 0.6.26 on FreeBSD 7 to send sms message, GSM modem is SIEMENS TC35i. Gnokii was installed by FreeBSD ports. After installation, I modified these lines in the gnokiirc file and copied to /root/.gnokiirc
port = /dev/cuad0
model = AT
serial_baudrate = 9600
after running gnokii --identify, it shows errors,
GNOKII Version 0.6.26
LOG: debug mask is 0x1
41 54 2b 43 4d 45 45 3d 31 0d                   | AT+CMEE=1
write: [AT+CMEE=1<cr>]
Message sent: 0x06 / 0x0007
41 54 2b 47 4d 4d 0d                            | AT+GMM
write: [AT+GMM<cr>]
Initialization failed (11)
Serial device: closing device
Telephone interface init failed: Command timed out.
Cannot unlock device.
Command timed out.
I tried this GSM modem and same cable to another CentOS 5.2 server, everything like above is same, and modem can send SMS.
> Could someone help me on FreeBSD?

This is quite strange.

First of all you should try out applying the patch attached to this PR:

It updates the port to version 0.6.27. It will be committed as soon as FreeBSD version 7.1 will be out, because right now the ports tree is semi-frozen.

Could you report if the problem happens also with version 0.6.27?

Thank you.

Guido Falsi <address@hidden>

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