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RE: gnokii smsd startup script & MySQL server has gone away error

From: Ari A
Subject: RE: gnokii smsd startup script & MySQL server has gone away error
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 20:05:52 +0300

Hi all,

I am also looking answer to question number 1.

To question number 2:
In my case the problem was that the connection to MySQL was idle (silent, no incoming messages) too long, so MySQL disconnects the connection.

I solved the problem by setting "Interactive timeout" to long enough (one week in seconds). That setting can be found from network settings

From: "Jens Ihnow" <address@hidden>
Reply-To: address@hidden,"Discussion forum for gnokii users." <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Subject: gnokii smsd startup script & MySQL server has gone away error
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 12:15:59 +0200

Hello from germany,

i am new in using gnokii and i have some questions.

1. Is there any startup script for smsd available?
Yes i can startup my smsd with:
/usr/sbin/smsd -u -p -d -c -s smsd -m mysql -l /usr/lib/smsd/ -f
./smsd/smsd.log -i 10 -b IN

But this isn't a real daemon mode.
How did you startup and use smsd?

2. The next problem ist the "MySQL server has gone away"-Error...
How did you fix it?

If the daemon lost the connection every new sms are lost in space. :(
Thats not the way i would use this daemon.

Thanks for your response, J.

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