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Re: Nokia 6020 over IrDA on WinXP - Couldn't open PHONET device: No erro

From: Jari Turkia
Subject: Re: Nokia 6020 over IrDA on WinXP - Couldn't open PHONET device: No error
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 20:25:10 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070221)

Mike wrote:
1. I tried all from com1 to com9.


2. I did the Hyperterminal-trial. On my Notebook using COM3: it says
"OK" as answer to "AT". Other COMs do not respond. The complete list of
possible connections with Hyperterminal is:
- Creatix FaxModem,
- Nokia 6020 IrDa
- COM3
- COM1
- COM5
- TCP/IP(Winsock)
(By the way, using Nokia6020 IrDa I can ring up any phone number from

Actually I did ask you to type in ATI.You can get most interesting results with ATI1 and ATI3 which should return your IMEI and model numbers respectively.

However, as Com3 is the only port responding and assuming you don't have another modem installed, that is your IrDA port. Your effort should be aimed towards that.

Jari Turkia

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