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Gnokii not working on Freebsd with Dku2 cable

From: Bishal
Subject: Gnokii not working on Freebsd with Dku2 cable
Date: 8 Apr 2007 11:13:32 -0000

Hello all,

           I am trying to install gnokii on freebsd 6.1 My phone model is

Nokia 6230 and I am using Dku2 usb cable to connect. However when I try

to identify my phone it gives me following error;

root#gnokii --identify

GNOKII Version 0.6.14

LOG: debug mask is 0x1

phone instance config:

model: 6510

port_device: /dev/ugen0

connection_type: 9

init_length: 0

serial_baudrate: 19200

serial_write_usleep: -1

hardware_handshake: 0

require_dcd: 0

smsc_timeout: 100



rfcomm_cn: 1

sm_retry: off


Serial device: opening device /dev/ugen0

Gnokii serial_open: tcgetattr: Invalid argument

Couldn't open PHONET device: Invalid argument

Error in link initialisation: 1

Telephone interface init failed: Command failed.


Command failed.

Serial device: closing device

dmesg shows hardware deteced as:

ugen0: Nokia Nokia 6230, rev 1.10/5.24, addr 3

 Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you


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