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Re: Help getting started.

From: Abbas Hussain
Subject: Re: Help getting started.
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2006 23:56:30 +0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Daniele Forsi wrote:
Abbas Hussain wrote:

I went through the WIKI - and have found very little to work with.
 The foogle functions is empty

what do you think you should find in a function whose contents are:

/* Fill in what you would like to test here... */
return 0;

There is no API guide or such that I could notice.
Perhaps you need a volunteer for that? ;)

I guess we just found one :-) but it would make more sense if the API guide could be automatically extracted from the sources and it would require a substantial amount of time to document all

what could be done right now is a "recipe book" tutorial

missing a comprehensive API documentation, what would you find useful in the wiki? and what are you trying to do with libgnokii?

Sorry for the delayed response - was out of town. Well, what I am trying to do is create a windows port of xgnokii. Yes I could use the gtk versions etc. but this started out more as a demonstrative exercise. I'd be willing to help, only thing is - I am doing a trial and error on working with the non-deprecated versions. :)
ciao for now,

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