I am using the Perl scripts from http://www.yty.net/h/gsm/ with some modifications. In gsmqueue.pl:- my $reply = `echo '$message' | $gnokii --sendsms $number`;
print "$reply"; <---------------------------------------- here chomp($reply); if($reply eq "Send succeeded!"){ print "ok $number ($file)"; move...
.....and so on so on
The problem i am having is that i try to print out the result of $reply after i found out that all my files are moved only to the "fail folder" even though the smses were sent successfully. And i found out that the content of $reply was
empty.I was wondering if there is something i can do to fix this, because i need the "Send succeeded!" check so that i can confirm that the sms had been sent out successfully. I tried doing the same to "gnokii --identify" and manage to get the result which contain "IMEI" and the other stuff regarding the phone. So i think it is not that problem with the variable, maybe it is something else?