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Re: 2 cellphones on one cpu

From: Daniele Forsi
Subject: Re: 2 cellphones on one cpu
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2006 11:35:06 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird (X11/20060420)

Roberto Verzola wrote:

On the first run, I first copy the ttyS0 copy of the gnokiirc to ~/.gnokiirc, and on the second run, I first copy the ttyS1 copy to ~/.gnokiirc. It works.

Using a similar approach, I don't see why we can't control more cellphones using, say, the USB ports.

Yes, you can do that, or you can use the method described before on this list:

make two dirs, e.g.

md $HOME/gnokii.ttyS0
md $HOME/gnokii.ttyS1
copy and modify .gnokiirc (only once)

first run
HOME=$HOME/gnokii.ttyS0 gnokii --identify

second run
HOME=$HOME/gnokii.ttyS1 gnokii --identify

There is another method: have two distinct users, each one with .gnokiirc in its own $HOME, the first using ttyS0, the second using ttyS1


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