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Re: IRDA, gnokii and nokia 6021

From: Piotr 'kwiateek' Kwiatkowski
Subject: Re: IRDA, gnokii and nokia 6021
Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 21:34:30 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.8.3


Pawel Kot wrote:
> Upgrade to 0.6.12 or CVS.


address@hidden ~]# gnokii --version | grep Version
GNOKII Version 0.6.12
Built 21:15:24 May  2 2006

But it still doesn't seem to work.

Pavel Khmelinsky wrotre:
> Mine worked with such confo:

I have changed mine a little and now it looks like:

------------  MY CONFIG ----------------
address@hidden ~]# cat /etc/gnokiirc
port = /dev/ircomm0
model = 6510
initlength = default
connection = irda
use_locking = no
serial_baudrate = 115200
smsc_timeout = 10
bindir = /usr/sbin/
TELEPHONE = 12345678
debug = on
rlpdebug = off
xdebug = off

gnokii --monitor looks better than before but still have got some kind of 
errors. I am attaching report.

GNOKI identification raport

address@hidden ~]# gnokii --identify
GNOKII Version 0.6.12
LOG: debug mask is 0x1
phone instance config:
model: 6510
port_device: /dev/ircomm0
connection_type: 4
init_length: 0
serial_baudrate: 115200
serial_write_usleep: -1
hardware_handshake: 0
require_dcd: 0
smsc_timeout: 100
rfcomm_cn: 1
sm_retry: off
Serial device: opening device /dev/ircomm0
Default: Nokia 6021     16b3
connect: Brak trasy do hosta
Couldn't open PHONET device: Brak trasy do hosta
Error in link initialisation: 1
Telephone interface init failed: Command failed.
Serial device: closing device

I have also tried using model: 6020, 6021 in config file but with the same 


Piotr Kwiatkowski

Attachment: gnokii-bug-report-nokia6021.txt
Description: Text document

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