GNOKII Version 0.6.4 LOG: debug mask is 0x1 phone instance config: model: 6510 port_device: 00:0e:ed:00:16:5a connection_type: 5 init_length: 0 serial_baudrate: 19200 serial_write_usleep: -1 hardware_handshake: 0 require_dcd: 0 smsc_timeout: 100 connect_script: disconnect_script: rfcomm_cn: 3 Connecting Serial device: opening device 00:0e:ed:00:16:5a Getting model... Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006 00 01 00 07 01 00 | Message received: 0x1b / 0x002e 01 39 00 08 00 01 58 28 00 22 56 20 33 2e 33 30 | 9 X( "V 3.30 0a 32 37 2d 30 32 2d 30 34 0a 52 4d 2d 32 0a 28 | 27-02-04 RM-2 ( 63 29 20 4e 6f 6b 69 61 2e 0a 43 00 00 00 | c) Nokia. C Received message type 1b model length: 4 Received model RM-2 Getting SMS... GetSMS ME 1 failed! (Invalid type of memory.) See the gnokii manual page for the supported memory types with the phone you use. Getting SMS... GetSMS ME 2 failed! (Invalid type of memory.) See the gnokii manual page for the supported memory types with the phone you use. Serial device: closing device