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Siemens SX1 and gnokii 0.6.1

From: Ricardo Loureiro
Subject: Siemens SX1 and gnokii 0.6.1
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 09:07:37 -0000


I've been trying to get a Siemens SX1 to work with gnokii but been
unable so far. Here's what I did:

Downloaded and compiled gnokii 0.6.1 with a patch named
gnokii-0.6.1-nounix98pyt.patch (this came from Gentoo). Gnokii working
fine with an old 7110. 

Got IRDA working by loading all the modules. irdadump was working

Downloaded gnapplet.sis from and installed
it on the SX1 using irobex_palm3 gnapplet.sis. 

Stared gnapplet on sx1. First problem, it would crash and be closed. I
found out the problem. I was starting irda and then running the
program, this crashes it. So now I was starting gnapplet without irda
activated. gnapplet would activate it (at least the icon was
appearing) and did not crash.

Now I tried several gnokii commands, like gnokii --monitor, gnokii
--identify and all of them would return this:

roadrunner root # gnokii --identify
GNOKII Version 0.6.1
Telephone interface init failed: Problem occured internal to model
specific code.

On the phone I get:
gnapplet started
irCOMM connection

But then it dows nothing, neither quits. Trying to shut it down with
the task manager is a no go, so only way is to restart the phone.
The reason why I downloaded the gnapplet.sis from that website was
because the gnapplet.sis that cames on the source.tbz did not run,
allways crashing. I found out later it was because of the irda turned
on. I later tested with this and as expected the same results, since
they should be the same file.

Any help would be apreciated..

Thanks in advance,

Ricardo Loureiro

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