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Re: Nokia 6610 on IRDA not being identified

From: Robin Sheat
Subject: Re: Nokia 6610 on IRDA not being identified
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 01:33:34 +1300
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 12:45:16PM +0100, BORBELY Zoltan wrote:
> Don't use infrared, use irda instead of it. Infrared is supported only
> by older nokia phones (e.g. 6110). If it still doesn't work, you can
> look into the FAQ how to reduce the max baud rate.
Thanks, that did the trick! I had tried it, but I also had forgotten to 
change the model spec from the default for a while, so I guess I tried 
it before I found my mistake there.

Robin <address@hidden>                 JabberID: <address@hidden>

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