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[patch] nk6100 wap documenation

From: Bertrik Sikken
Subject: [patch] nk6100 wap documenation
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 15:28:35 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021130

Hi all,

I noticed that there are some differences in the nk6100 protocol
documentation between gammu and gnokii. Among these differences is
a big chunk of documentation about functions to get/set wap info.

Attached it a patch which adds the wap info to the nk6100.txt file.

Bertrik Sikken

diff -Nur gnokii/Docs/protocol/nk6110.txt gnokii.doc/Docs/protocol/nk6110.txt
--- gnokii/Docs/protocol/nk6110.txt     2002-11-21 01:24:55.000000000 +0100
+++ gnokii.doc/Docs/protocol/nk6110.txt 2003-01-12 21:01:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -598,6 +598,76 @@
     s SMS status request    { 0x0036, 0x64 }
     r SMS status            { 0x0037,?,?,?,?,?,?,msgnumber,unread }
     r SMS status error      { 0x0038 }
+0x3f: WAP 
+    s Enable WAP frames     { 0x0000}
+    r Enable WAP frames     { 0x0002, 0x01}
+    s  ??                   { 0x0003}
+    r  ??                   { 0x0004}
+    s Get WAP bookmark      { 0x0006, 0x00, location}
+                              where location: 0 - 14
+    r Get WAP bookmark      { 0x0007, 0x00, name_len, name(unicode),
+                              url_len, url(unicode), 0x01,0x80,0x00[7]}
+    r Get WAP bookmark err  { 0x0008, error }
+                              where error:
+                                0x00(?)invalid position
+                                0x01   user inside "Bookmarks" menu. Must 
leave it
+                                0x02   invalid/too high/empty location
+    s Set WAP bookmark      { 0x0009, 0xff, 0xff, name_len, name(unicode),
+                              url_len, url(unicode), 0x01,0x80,0x00[7] }
+                              Note: bookmark is added to the first free 
+    r Set WAP bookmark OK   {+0x01, 0x36, 0x0a, block }
+                              where block:
+                                0x0a, location_of_just_written_bookmark(?),
+                                0x00, next_free_location(?)
+    r Set WAP bookmark err  {+0x01, 0x36, 0x0b, error }
+                              where error:
+                               0x04 - memory is full
+                               0x01 - we are in the bookmark menu
+                               0x00 - unknown reason for now ;(
+?   s Delete WAP bookmark   { 0x000c, 0x00, location }
+                              where: location = 0-14
+?   r Delete WAR bookmark OK{ 0x000d }
+?   r Delete WAPbookmark err{ 0x000e, 0x02 }
+    s ??                    { 0x000F}
+    r ??                    { 0x0010, 0x00}
+    s Get WAP settings 1    { 0x0015, location}
+                            where location: 0x00 - 0x05
+    r Get WAP settings 1 OK { 0x0016, title length, title (Unicode), URL 
length, URL(Unicode),con_type, ???[6 bytes],location, ???[5 bytes],security,...}
+                            where:
+                              con_type: 0x00 - temporary
+                                        0x01 - continuous
+                              location: when use "Get WAP settings 2 frame", 
must give it
+                              security: 0x00 = no, 0x01 = yes
+    r Get WAP settings 1 err{ 0x0017, error }
+                              where error:
+                                0x01   user inside "Settings" menu. Must leave 
+                                0x02   invalid/too high/empty location
+    s Get WAP settings 2    { 0x001b, location}
+                            where location: 0x00 - 0x1d (you get it in "Get 
WAP settings 1" frame)
+    r Get WAP settings 2 OK { 0x001c, 0x01, type, frame...}
+                            where type : 0x00 - SMS bearer
+                                           frame:
+                                             service_num_len, service_num 
(Unicode), server_num_len, server_num(Unicode)
+                                         0x01 - data bearer
+                                           frame:
+                                             auth, call_type, call_speed, ?, 
IP len, IP (Unicode), dialup len, dialup (Unicode),
+                                             user len, user (Unicode), 
password len, password (Unicode)
+                                             where auth: 0x00 - normal, 0x01 - 
+                                                   call_type: 0x00 - analogue, 
0x01 - ISDN
+                                                   call_speed: 0x00 - 9600, 
0x01 - 14400
+                                        0x02 - USSD bearer
+                                          frame: type, service number len/IP 
len,service num (Unicode)/IP (Unicode),service code len,
+                                                 service code (Unicode)
+                                            where type: 0x01 - service number, 
0x00 - IP
+    r Get WAP settings 2 err{ 0x001d,error}
+                            where: error=0x05    
 0x40: Security commands
     s ???                   {+0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x11, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00}
                             This frame hangs phone (N3310 4.02). Meaning 
unknown !

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