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MBUS protocol and Nokia 5125

From: Cesario Simões Jr
Subject: MBUS protocol and Nokia 5125
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 10:44:33 -0300

I'm implementing communication betwen my uControlle and Nokia Mobile Phone 5125 via serial port (I'm using an MBUS level converter). My problem is start the communication: I'm trying many ways to start it unsuccesfully...
I didn't found this Nokia model in Gnooki's FAQ... It is'nt in the "Supported" list neither in the "Unsupported" list:

Please, someone knows a tip to start it?
I'm using the MBUS commands obtained from
1F = protocol identifier 1F=MBUS , 1E=FBUS, 1C=IrDa
00 = destignation address 00=phone, 10=Sevice Software, 1D=PC
1D = source address 00=phone, 04=Carkit, 10=Sevice Software, 1D=PC, 48=DLR3 cable, F8=unknown target, FF=global target
40 = command
00 05 = data length
00 01 = data field (some fixed header)
47... = more data
SQ = sequence number 2...63
CS = checksum XOR of all bytes

Perhaps the first commands needs some sequence? The source need to be something different? ....?

Where may I find more info about?



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