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Gnokii with Nokia 6360 problems

From: Jay MacDonald
Subject: Gnokii with Nokia 6360 problems
Date: 29 Aug 2002 19:30:20 -0700

I just compiled gnokii 0.4.3 and am trying to get it working with my
Nokia 6360 via irda on a Dell Latitude C600. So far I haven't had much
luck. I have read through much of this list and found a lot of good
pointers, but things just don't like me I guess... 8-(

I'm trying this on a stock Red Hat 7.2 kernel (2.4.7-10). lsmod shows
the following modules installed pertaining to this:

    irtty                   6080   2  (autoclean)
    ircomm-tty             21568   0  (unused)
    ircomm                  9052   0  [ircomm-tty]
    irda                   97604   1  [irtty ircomm-tty ircomm]

and when I check for irattach with ps axw I see the following running as

    /usr/sbin/irattach /dev/ttyS3 -s
In my .gnokiirc file I have:

When I run `gnokii --identify` it returns:

    GNOKII Version 0.4.3
    Telephone interface init failed! Quitting.


So I started irdadump and see the following line in it when I turn on IR
on the phone:

    01:56:37.032608 xid:rsp 28da90c0 < 0000d332 S=6 s=0 Nokia 6360 hint=9125 [ 
PnP Modem Telephony IrCOMM IrOBEX ] (27) 

While irdadump is running, `cat /proc/net/irda/discovery` returns:

    IrLMP: Discovery log:
    nickname: Nokia 6360, hint: 0x9125, saddr: 0x28da90c0, daddr: 0x0000d332

So then I try `irdaping 0x0000d332` and get:

    IrDA ping (0x0000d332): 32 bytes
    32 bytes from 0x0000d332: irda_seq=0 time=110.49 ms.
    32 bytes from 0x0000d332: irda_seq=1 time=110.51 ms.
    32 bytes from 0x0000d332: irda_seq=3 time=110.46 ms.

So, near as I can tell it sees the phone. Minicom doesn't talk to it,
though, and I can't find a seyon rpm nor get seyon to compile, so I
haven't tried that. When I run `echo 'AT' > /dev/ircomm0` and watch
irdadump while the phone is in IR mode I see a lot happening:

    02:21:55.981858 snrm:cmd ca=fe pf=1 28da90c0 > 0000882c new-ca=f4 (32) 
    02:21:56.091834 ua:rsp ca=f4 pf=1 28da90c0 < 0000882c (31) 
    02:21:56.111830 rr:cmd > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=0 (2) 
    02:21:56.131826 rr:rsp < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=0 (2) 
    02:21:56.131826 i:cmd  > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=0 ns=0 LM slsap=1d dlsap=00 CONN_CMD 
    02:21:56.151821 i:rsp  < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=1 ns=0 LM slsap=00 dlsap=1d CONN_RSP 
    02:21:56.151821 i:cmd  > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=1 ns=1 LM slsap=1d dlsap=00 
GET_VALUE_BY_CLASS: "IrDA:IrCOMM" "Parameters" (28) 
    02:21:56.171817 i:rsp  < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=2 ns=1 LM slsap=00 dlsap=1d 
GET_VALUE_BY_CLASS: Success N/A (19) 
    02:21:56.171817 i:cmd  > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=2 ns=2 LM slsap=1d dlsap=00 DISC (6) 
    02:21:56.191813 rr:rsp < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=3 (2) 
    02:21:56.191813 i:cmd  > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=2 ns=3 LM slsap=1e dlsap=00 CONN_CMD 
    02:21:56.211808 i:rsp  < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=4 ns=2 LM slsap=00 dlsap=1e CONN_RSP 
    02:21:56.211808 i:cmd  > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=3 ns=4 LM slsap=1e dlsap=00 
    02:21:56.231804 i:rsp  < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=5 ns=3 LM slsap=00 dlsap=1e 
GET_VALUE_BY_CLASS: Success Integer: 04 (15) 
    02:21:56.231804 i:cmd  > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=4 ns=5 LM slsap=1e dlsap=00 DISC (6) 
    02:21:56.251800 rr:rsp < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=6 (2) 
    02:21:56.251800 i:cmd  > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=4 ns=6 LM slsap=1c dlsap=04 CONN_CMD 
TTP credits=0(7) 
    02:21:56.271795 i:rsp  < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=7 ns=4 LM slsap=04 dlsap=1c CONN_RSP 
TTP credits=0(7) 
    02:21:56.271795 rr:cmd > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=5 (2) 
    02:21:56.291791 i:rsp  < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=7 ns=5 LM slsap=04 dlsap=1c TTP 
credits=0 (32) 
    02:21:56.291791 i:cmd  > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=6 ns=7 LM slsap=1c dlsap=04 TTP 
credits=0 (27) 
    02:21:56.311786 i:rsp  < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=0 ns=6 LM slsap=04 dlsap=1c TTP 
credits=0 (9) 
    02:21:56.311786 i:cmd  > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=7 ns=0 LM slsap=1c dlsap=04 TTP 
credits=0 (9) 
    02:21:56.331782 rr:rsp < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=1 (2) 
    02:21:56.331782 i:cmd  > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=7 ns=1 LM slsap=1c dlsap=04 DISC (6) 
    02:21:56.351778 i:rsp  < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=2 ns=7 LM slsap=04 dlsap=1c (9) 
    02:21:56.351778 rr:cmd > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=0 (2) 
    02:21:56.371773 rr:rsp < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=2 (2) 
    02:21:56.421763 rr:cmd > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=0 (2) 
    02:21:56.441758 rr:rsp < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=2 (2) 
    02:21:56.541736 rr:cmd > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=0 (2) 
    02:21:56.561732 rr:rsp < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=2 (2) 
    02:21:56.711699 rr:cmd > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=0 (2) 
    02:21:56.731695 rr:rsp < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=2 (2) 
    02:21:56.931651 rr:cmd > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=0 (2) 
    02:21:56.951647 rr:rsp < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=2 (2) 
    02:21:57.201593 rr:cmd > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=0 (2) 
    02:21:57.221588 rr:rsp < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=2 (2) 
    02:21:57.521523 rr:cmd > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=0 (2) 
    02:21:57.541519 rr:rsp < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=2 (2) 
    02:21:57.891442 rr:cmd > ca=f4 pf=1 nr=0 (2) 
    02:21:57.911438 rr:rsp < ca=f4 pf=1 nr=2 (2) 
    02:21:58.271360 disc:cmd > ca=0xf4 pf=1 (2) 
    02:21:58.311351 ua:rsp ca=f4 pf=1 28da90c0 < 0000882c (10) 

So, can anyone shed any light on this?



Jay MacDonald          address@hidden
Microsoft is like a crack dealer: "The first hit is free, kids!"

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