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Re: Sending sms from bash

From: Eugene Grimsdell
Subject: Re: Sending sms from bash
Date: 22 May 2002 14:19:20 +0200

Thanx for the help everybody

In true GPL here is the code I use to pop into cron for every hour,
needs some work still but it will do for the next week. 

# Variables for editing 
MACLIST="Cpt PE Blm" # Entries in host file
DATE=`date|cut -c1-19`

echo "---------------" >> $LOG
echo $DATE >> $LOG
echo "---------------" >> $LOG
for M in $MACLIST ; do
    ping -c1 $M 2> /dev/null >/dev/null
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
            echo $DATE > $FILE
            echo $M "is down" >> $FILE 
            gnokii -sendsms $PHONE --smsc $SMSC < $FILE
            echo -n $M >> $LOG
            echo " is still going" >> $LOG
echo "" >> $LOG

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