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[Gnash] Gnash and YouTube cookies

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: [Gnash] Gnash and YouTube cookies
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 11:20:34 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100430 Fedora/3.0.4-2.fc12 Lightning/1.0b1 Thunderbird/3.0.4

For the last few months Gnash has had a problem, with cookies on
YouTube. The issue was you always get a "an error occurred, try again
later" message instead of the video. This required the user to block all
YouTube cookies as a workaround.

For the curious, the problem turned out to be the cookie YouTube sends
had regional information setts in it that required those same values to
be retransmitted with the HTTP headers, or Google's server's wouldn't
handle the redirect correctly. This used to work correctly in Gnash
using XPCOM, but XPCOM has been depreciated. So the new support uses
NPAPI to do the same thing in a much less complex manner.

I finally fixed this a few days, (revno #12202). New deb & rpm snapshot
packages without this problem are on our site.
This used to work correctly in Gnash using XPCOM, but XPCOM has been
depreciated. So the new support uses NPAPI to do the same thing in a
much less complex manner.

Also Gnash should now work with all YouTube videos, thanks to some help
from the YouTube developers at Google. :-)

        - rob -

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